This reference offers a detailed look into verbs that start with A, covering different types of verbs such as action verbs, positive verbs, and common verbs with their meanings. For a thorough learning experience, you’ll find examples and a helpful list of verbs that start with A.
Verbs that Start with A
What Are Verbs that Start with A?
In the English language, there are many verbs that start with the letter A. Some commonly used examples include: assess, analyze, assemble, act, assist, achieve, adapt, appeal, argue, and allocate. These verbs cover a wide range of actions, from physical movements to mental processes and emotional states.
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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N
O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Action Verbs that Start with A with Examples
Verbs | Examples |
Abandon | He abandoned his car and walked home. |
Absorb | The sponge absorbed all the water in the bowl. |
Accelerate | The car accelerated rapidly down the road. |
Accept | She accepted the gift with gratitude. |
Accomplish | He accomplished his goal of running a marathon. |
Accuse | The police accused him of stealing the car. |
Achieve | She achieved a perfect score on the test. |
Acquire | He acquired a new skill through practice. |
Act | The girl acted on stage in front of a crowd. |
Adapt | The company adapted to the changing market. |
Add | She added sugar to the recipe to make it sweeter. |
Address | The president addressed the nation on TV. |
Adjust | She adjusted her glasses before reading the book. |
Administer | The nurse administered the medication to the patient. |
Admire | He admired her dedication to her work. |
Adopt | They adopted a stray dog from the shelter. |
Adore | She adored her newborn baby. |
Advise | The counselor advised her on career choices. |
Advocate | The group advocated for better education funding. |
Affect | The weather affected their travel plans. |
Aim | He aimed the bow and arrow at the target. |
Align | The team aligned their strategies for success. |
Allocate | The company allocated funds for research and development. |
Allow | The teacher allowed the students to use calculators. |
Alter | She altered the dress to fit better. |
Amaze | His performance on the piano amazed the audience. |
Analyze | The scientist analyzed the data for patterns. |
Anchor | The ship anchored in the harbor for the night. |
Answer | She answered the phone on the first ring. |
Anticipate | They anticipated a difficult road ahead. |
Appear | The sun appeared from behind the clouds. |
Applaud | The audience applauded the performer’s efforts. |
Apply | She applied her knowledge of math to solve the problem. |
Approve | The city council approved the new construction project. |
Argue | The lawyers argued their case in front of the jury. |
Arrange | She arranged the flowers in a vase on the table. |
Arrest | The police arrested the suspect for robbery. |
Ascend | He ascended the stairs to the top of the building. |
Assemble | They assembled the puzzle pieces into a complete picture. |
Assess | The teacher assessed the students’ understanding of the material. |
Assign | The boss assigned the task to a team member. |
Assist | The volunteer assisted the elderly woman with her groceries. |
Assume | She assumed the role of leader for the group project. |
Attack | The enemy attacked the army’s fortification. |
Attempt | He attempted to climb the mountain but gave up halfway. |
Attend | They attended the concert at the outdoor amphitheater. |
Attract | The colorful flowers attracted the hummingbirds to the garden. |
Audit | The team audited the company’s financial statements. |
Avoid | He avoided eating sweets to maintain a healthy diet. |
Await | The passengers awaited the arrival of the delayed flight. |
Award | The academy awarded her the prize for best actress. |
Awaken | The loud alarm clock awakened her from her sleep. |
Positive Verbs that Start with A with Examples
Verb | Example |
Accomplish | She was able to accomplish her dream of becoming a doctor. |
Achieve | He was able to achieve his goal of running a marathon. |
Acquire | She was able to acquire a new skill after attending a training session. |
Activate | He activated the alarm before leaving the house. |
Admire | She admired her grandmother for her strength and courage. |
Adopt | The company decided to adopt a new marketing strategy. |
Advance | The technology has advanced significantly over the years. |
Advocate | She advocates for equal rights and opportunities for all. |
Affirm | He affirmed his commitment to the project. |
Aim | She aimed to improve her grades in school. |
Alleviate | The medication helped alleviate his symptoms. |
Amaze | The performance by the acrobat amazed the audience. |
Amplify | The speakers were able to amplify the music in the room. |
Appreciate | She appreciated the support of her family during a difficult time. |
Approve | The manager approved the proposal for the new project. |
Arise | A new opportunity arose for her to pursue her passion. |
Ascend | The hikers ascended the mountain to reach the summit. |
Aspire | She aspired to become a successful entrepreneur. |
Assist | He offered to assist his colleague with the project. |
Attain | She was able to attain her dream of owning her own business. |
Attract | The new product design was able to attract more customers. |
List of Verbs that Start with A
- Abacinate
- Abalienate
- Aband
- Abandon
- Abase
- Abash
- Abate
- Abbreviate
- Abdicate
- Abduce
- Abduct
- Abear
- Aberr
- Aberrate
- Aberuncate
- Abet
- Abhor
- Abide
- Abirritate
- Abjudge
- Abjudicate
- Abjugate
- Abjure
- Ablactate
- Ablaqueate
- Ablegate
- Abligate
- Ablude
- Abnegate
- Abnodate
- Abode
- Abolish
- Abolitionize
- Abominate
- Abord
- Abort
- Abortifacient
- Abortive
- Abound
- Abrade
- Accede
- Accelerate
- Accend
- Accent
- Accentuate
- Accept
- Access
- Accite
- Acclaim
- Acclimate
- Acclimatize
- Accloy
- Accoast
- Accoil
- Accommodate
- Accompany
- Accomplish
- Accord
- Accordment
- Accorporate
- Accost
- Account
- Accouple
- Accourage
- Accourt
- Accouter
- Accoutre
- Accoy
- Accredit
- Accresce
- Accrete
- Accriminate
- Accroach
- Accrue
- Accumb
- Accumber
- Accumulate
- Accurse
- Accuse
- Accustom
- Adact
- Adapt
- Adaunt
- Adaw
- Add
- Addeem
- Addict
- Addle
- Addoom
- Address
- Adduce
- Adduct
- Addulce
- Adeem
- Adfected
- Adhere
- Adhibit
- Adhort
- Adight
- Adipocerate
- Adject
- Adjective
- Adjoin
- Adjourn
- Adjudge
- Adjudicate
- Adjugate
- Adjure
- Adjust
- Adjute
- Admarginate
- Admeasure
- Administer
- Administrate
- Admire
- Admit
- Admix
- Admonish
- Admove
- Adonize
- Aerate
- Aerify
- Aestivate
- Affamish
- Affatuate
- Affear
- Affect
- Affeer
- Affiance
- Affile
- Affiliate
- Affine
- Affirm
- Affix
- Afflict
- Afforce
- Afford
- Afforest
- Affranchise
- Affrap
- Affray
- Affreight
- Affright
- Affrighten
- Affront
- Affuse
- Affy
- Africanize
- Aftereye
- Againbuy
- Againsay
- Againstand
- Agast
- Agatize
- Age
- Aggerate
- Aggest
- Agglomerate
- Agglutinate
- Aggrace
- Aggrandize
- Aggravate
- Aggregate
- Aggrege
- Aggress
- Aggrieve
- Aggroup
- Aghast
- Agist
- Agitate
- Agnize
- Agnominate
- Agonize
- Agrace
- Agrarianize
- Agree
- Agrise
- Ague
- Aguilt
- Aguise
- Aid
- Ail
- Aim
- Air
- Alacrify
- Alarm
- Albumenize
- Alchemize
- Alcoholize
- Alegge
- Alert
- Algebraize
- Alien
- Alienate
- Aliene
- Alight
- Align
- Aliment
- Aline
- Alkalify
- Alkalize
- Allatrate
- Allay
- Allect
- Alledge
- Allege
- Allegge
- Allegorize
- Alleviate
- Allfours
- Alliance
- Alligate
- Allineate
- Alliterate
- Allocate
- Allonge
- Allot
- Allotropize
- Allow
- Alloy
- Allude
- Allure
- Ally
- Amain
- Amalgamate
- Amass
- Amate
- Amaze
- Amber
- Ambition
- Amble
- Ambulate
- Ambuscade
- Ambush
- Ambushment
- Amel
- Ameliorate
- Amen
- Amenage
- Amend
- Amenuse
- Amerce
- Americanize
- Amit
- Ammunition
- Amnesty
- Amoneste
- Amortize
- Amount
- Amove
- Ampliate
- Amplificate
- Amplify
- Amputate
- Amuse
- Anabaptize
- Anachronize
- Anaesthetize
- Anagram
- Anagrammatize
- Analogize
- Analyse
- Analyze
- Anarchize
- Anastomose
- Anathematize
- Anatomize
- Anchor
- Anchylose
- Anear
- Anele
- Anesthetize
- Angelify
- Angelize
- Anger
- Angle
- Anglicify
- Anglicize
- Anglify
- Anguish
- Angulate
- Angurize
- Anhang
- Anhele
- Anient
- Anientise
- Animadvert
- Animalize
- Animate
- Animosity
- Ankylose
- Annalize
- Anneal
- Annex
- Annexation
- Apair
- Ape
- Aphetize
- Aphorize
- Apocopate
- Apologize
- Apology
- Apostate
- Apostatize
- Apostemate
- Apostrophize
- Apothegmatize
- Apotheosize
- Appair
- Appall
- Apparaillyng
- Apparel
- Appay
- Appeach
- Appeal
- Appear
- Appease
- Append
- Appendant
- Appendicate
- Apperceive
- Appertain
- Appete
- Appetize
- Applaud
- Apple
- Applicate
- Applot
- Apply
- Appoint
- Appointee
- Apportion
- Appose
- Appraise
- Appreciate
- Arace
- Araise
- Arbiter
- Arbitrable
- Arbitrate
- Arch
- Archaize
- Archive
- Aread
- Arear
- Areed
- Arefy
- Arere
- Aret
- Argue
- Argufy
- Argument
- Argumentize
- Arianize
- Arietate
- Arise
- Arm
- Armada
- Aroint
- Aromatize
- Arouse
- Arraign
- Arraiment
- Arrange
- Arras
- Array
- Arrayment
- Arrect
- Arrest
- Arrestee
- Arret
- Arride
- Arrive
- Arrogate
- Arrose
- Ascend
- Ascertain
- Ascribe
- Ash
- Ashame
- Ask
- Askance
- Aslake
- Asperate
- Asperne
- Asperse
- Asphalt
- Asphyxiate
- Aspirate
- Aspire
- Assail
- Assart
- Assassin
- Assassinate
- Assault
- Assay
- Assecure
- Assemble
- Assent
- Assert
- Assess
- Assessor
- Assever
- Asseverate
- Assibilate
- Assiege
- Assign
- Assignee
- Assimilate
- Assimulate
- Assist
- Assize
- Assober
- Associate
- Assoil
- Atake
- Atheize
- Athink
- Atmolyze
- Atom
- Atomize
- Atone
- Atrede
- Atrenne
- Atrophy
- Attach
- Attache
- Attack
- Attain
- Attaint
- Attame
- Attaminate
- Attask
- Attaste
- Attemper
- Attemperate
- Attempt
- Attend
- Attendance
- Attendant
- Attent
- Attenuate
- Atterrate
- Attest
- Atticize
- Attinge
- Attire
- Attitudinize
- Attorn
- Attorney
- Attract
- Attrahent
- Attrap
- Attribute
- Attune
- Auction
- Auctioneer
- Audit
- Audition
- Augment
- Augur
- Augurate
- Aumail
- Aunter
- Auntre
- Auscult
- Auscultate
- Auspicate
- Australize
- Authenticate
- Author
- Authorize
- Autograph
- Avail
- Avale
- Avaunce
- Avaunt
- Avel
- Avenge
- Aventre
- Aver
- Average
- Averment
- Averruncate
- Averse
- Avert
- Avile
- Avise
- Avoid
- Avoke
- Avolate
- Avouch
- Avow
- Avowtry
- Avulse
- Await
- Awake
- Awaken
- Award
- Awarn
- Awe
- Awhape
- Awreak
- Awreke
- Ax
- Axe
- Azotize
- Azure
Common Verbs that Start with A with their Meanings
- Analyze: look carefully at something and see what it is, what it does, how or why it works or believed to work.
- Anchor: anchor (to) a structure or ship for holding the ship in place.
- Anesthetized: Someone who has received anesthesia may be unconscious, unable to feel anything at all.
- Angling: in fishing, a hook is placed so that it points directly at the direction of the fish.
- Annihilate: destroy or wipe out completely by destroying everything that makes up any nation or society.
- Announce: to make known the arrival of anything, especially news, events or any other occasion that is important to you
- Annoy: trouble, cause annoyance or annoyance!
- Answer: an answer to any question or a response to any request.
- Antagonize: To set or place a direct or indirect opposing force to prevent the union or cooperation of two or more parties.
- Appreciate: Enjoy or recognize the quality or worth of something (as an artist’s work).
- Apprehend: we apprehend that he is a spy; we apprehend that you are lying;
- Appeal: to ask for money and goods.
- Appoint: to choose someone for a post and to arrange that they start work at a particular time and place.
- Approach: the act of coming or going near or nearer; moving toward someone or something.
- Apportion: distribute among several different parts or shares; divide into parts, especially proportionately
- Appreciate: to recognize and value the worth, advantage or beauty of something
- Apprehend: to arrest, detain or seize by legal authority
- Arise: the event of waking up or coming out of sleep; (v.) arise the act or process of arising; arise and go to work.
- Arraigned: charged with an offense in a court of law
- Arraigning: Charging with an offense in a court of law .
- Arrive: to come to a particular place or in a particular time
- Arrange: organize the arrangement of something
- Arranged: Organized the arrangement of something .
- Arrayed: array (to) dress or prepare for action.
- Arrest: an official act that prevents someone from leaving a country and returning home.
- Arrived: come to a particular place, typically after traveling using transport and reaching one’s destination
Most normal verbs that start with the letter ‘A’ are listed above. What is more, there are very many other English verbs that also begin with this letter. If you want to learn about them, visit our website for more information. You can also check out our blogs for many useful tips that will help you improve your vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation in English. You’ll definitely enjoy the process of learning!
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- Words that Start with A
- Positive Words that Start with A
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