What are verbs that start with B? Verbs are imperative in understanding how a word is used in English. Because verbs are a part of speech, they most often make up the most significant part of any sentence. Verbs are also essential to speech because they change the meaning of syntax and bring an action to a penalty.
Verbs that Start with B
What Are Verbs that Start with B?
Verbs that start with b are very different from most other verbs as they flow from a single consonant sound. It is important to remember that the b in verbs that start with b makes them only verbal and not adjectives, making them what we call one-word verbs.
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Verbs that Start with B | Image 1
Action Verbs that Start with B with Examples
Verbs | Examples |
Babble | The baby babbled happily. |
Back | She backed away from the spider. |
Bake | I am going to bake a cake for the party. |
Balance | He balanced the books on his head. |
Ban | The school banned cell phones in the classroom. |
Bang | The door banged shut behind her. |
Bark | The dog barked at the mailman. |
Bathe | I’m going to bathe the baby. |
Battle | The two armies battled fiercely. |
Beam | The sun beamed down on the beach. |
Beg | She begged him to forgive her. |
Behave | You need to behave in public. |
Believe | I believe you are telling the truth. |
Bend | He bent down to pick up the pencil. |
Bet | I bet he’ll be here any minute now. |
Bite | The dog bit the mailman on the ankle. |
Blink | She blinked back tears. |
Block | The police blocked the road. |
Blush | She blushed when he complimented her. |
Boast | He boasted about his accomplishments. |
Boil | The water began to boil. |
Bomb | The city was bombed during the war. |
Book | I’m going to book a flight to Paris. |
Boost | The new product boosted sales. |
Borrow | Can I borrow your pen for a moment? |
Bounce | The ball bounced back and forth. |
Box | He boxed up his belongings and moved out. |
Brace | She braced herself for impact. |
Brake | I had to brake suddenly to avoid hitting the car in front of me. |
Branch | The road branches off to the left just ahead. |
Brand | The company branded its products with a new logo. |
Break | He broke the vase by accident. |
Breathe | I breathe deeply to calm my nerves. |
Bribe | The politician was accused of taking a bribe. |
Brush | I need to brush my teeth before bed. |
Bubble | The water bubbled and boiled on the stove. |
Build | They are going to build a new library. |
Bump | She bumped into an old friend at the grocery store. |
Burn | The fire burned brightly in the fireplace. |
Burst | The balloon burst with a loud noise. |
Bus | I usually bus to work instead of driving. |
Buy | I need to buy some groceries for dinner. |
Buzz | The bees buzzed around the flowers. |
Positive Verbs that Start with B with Examples
Verbs | Examples |
Believe | I believe in myself. |
Boost | The advertisement will boost sales. |
Build | We are building a new house. |
Bless | May God bless you. |
Benefit | Exercise benefits your health. |
Brighten | A smile can brighten someone’s day. |
Brainstorm | Let’s brainstorm ideas for the project. |
Bloom | The flowers are starting to bloom. |
Beautify | The flowers will beautify the garden. |
Brave | She had to brave the storm to get to her destination. |
List of Verbs that Start with B
- Babble
- Back
- Backfire
- Backslide
- Bail
- Bait
- Bake
- Balance
- Ballarag
- Ballast
- Ballotade
- Balter
- Bamboozle
- Ban
- Band
- Bandage
- Bang
- Banish
- Bank
- Banter
- Baptize
- Bar
- Bard
- Bargain
- Bargainee
- Bark
- Barrack
- Barricade
- Barrow
- Barter
- Base
- Bash
- Bask
- Baste
- Bat
- Batful
- Bathe
- Batter
- Battle
- Bawl
- Be
- Beach
- Bead
- Beal
- Beam
- Bear
- Beat
- Beath
- Beatify
- Bebleed
- Beblood
- Beblot
- Beblubber
- Beclap
- Beclip
- Become
- Becripple
- Becurl
- Bed
- Bedabble
- Bedaff
- Bedaggle
- Bedash
- Bedeck
- Bedevil
- Bedote
- Bedrabble
- Bedrench
- Bedribble
- Bedrizzle
- Bedrop
- Bedrug
- Beduck
- Bedung
- Bedust
- Been
- Beflatter
- Beflower
- Befortune
- Befrill
- Befringe
- Beg
- Begem
- Beget
- Begin
- Beginning
- Begird
- Begirdle
- Begnaw
- Begod
- Begrave
- Begrease
- Behave
- Behead
- Behold
- Behoof
- Behowl
- Being
- Bejade
- Bejape
- Bejewel
- Bejumble
- Beknave
- Beknow
- Belace
- Belam
- Belate
- Belaud
- Belch
- Belecture
- Belee
- Beleper
- Belibel
- Believe
- Belight
- Belime
- Belittle
- Belk
- Bell
- Bellow
- Belock
- Belong
- Belord
- Belove
- Belt
- Belute
- Bemad
- Bemangle
- Bemask
- Bemaster
- Bemaul
- Bemean
- Bemeet
- Bemete
- Bemingle
- Bemist
- Bemoil
- Bemonster
- Bemourn
- Bemuddle
- Bemuffle
- Bemuse
- Bename
- Bench
- Bend
- Benefit
- Beneme
- Benim
- Benumb
- Bepaint
- Bepelt
- Bepinch
- Bepommel
- Bepowder
- Bepraise
- Beprose
- Bepurple
- Bequeath
- Bequote
- Berain
- Berattle
- Beray
- Bereave
- Berhyme
- Berime
- Berob
- Berth
- Besaint
- Bescatter
- Bescorn
- Bescratch
- Bescrawl
- Bescreen
- Beseech
- Beseek
- Beshine
- Beshroud
- Besiege
- Besit
- Beslabber
- Beslave
- Beslaver
- Beslime
- Beslobber
- Beslubber
- Besmoke
- Besmut
- Besnow
- Besnuff
- Besort
- Bespangle
- Bespawl
- Bespew
- Bespice
- Bespurt
- Best
- Bestain
- Bestar
- Bestick
- Bestill
- Bestow
- Bestreak
- Bestud
- Bet
- Betake
- Bete
- Bethrall
- Bethumb
- Bethump
- Betitle
- Betongue
- Betoss
- Betrap
- Betray
- Betrim
- Betroth
- Betrust
- Better
- Betutor
- Bevel
- Beware
- Bewash
- Beweep
- Bewhore
- Bewig
- Bewilder
- Bewinter
- Bewitch
- Bewonder
- Bewrap
- Bewreck
- Bezzle
- Bicker
- Bicycle
- Bid
- Bigging
- Bike
- Bill
- Bind
- Birth
- Bisect
- Bisie
- Bit
- Bitake
- Bite
- Bivouac
- Blab
- Black
- Blacken
- Blackmail
- Blame
- Blanch
- Blank
- Blare
- Blaspheme
- Blast
- Blatter
- Blaze
- Blazon
- Bleach
- Bleat
- Bleck
- Bleed
- Blemish
- Blend
- Blenk
- Bless
- Blight
- Blind
- Blink
- Blissom
- Block
- Blockade
- Bloom
- Blossom
- Blote
- Blow
- Blubber
- Bludgeon
- Blue
- Bluff
- Blunder
- Blunge
- Blunt
- Blur
- Blurt
- Blush
- Board
- Boast
- Boat
- Body
- Bog
- Bogue
- Boil
- Bolden
- Bolling
- Bolster
- Bolt
- Bomb
- Bombard
- Bone
- Bonify
- Boo
- Book
- Boost
- Boot
- Booze
- Border
- Bore
- Born
- Borrow
- Boss
- Botanize
- Botch
- Bother
- Bottle
- Bottom
- Bouge
- Bounce
- Bound
- Bouy
- Bow
- Bowge
- Bowl
- Bowne
- Bowssen
- Box
- Boxhaul
- Boycott
- Brace
- Brag
- Braid
- Brain
- Brainwash
- Brake
- Branch
- Brandish
- Brave
- Bray
- Break
- Breakfast
- Breathe
- Breed
- Breeze
- Brew
- Bribe
- Brick
- Bridge
- Bridle
- Brief
- Brighten
- Brim
- Bring
- Bristle
- Brite
- Broadcast
- Brocade
- Broid
- Bromize
- Bronze
- Brood
- Browbeat
- Brown
- Browse
- Bruise
- Brush
- Brustle
- Brutalize
- Brutify
- Bubble
- Bucaneer
- Buck
- Buckle
- Bud
- Buddy
- Budge
- Budget
- Buff
- Bug
- Build
- Bulk
- Bully
- Bump
- Bunch
- Bundle
- Bungle
- Bunk
- Buoy
- Burden
- Burgle
- Burn
- Burnish
- Burow
- Burst
- Bury
- Bus
- Busk
- Bust
- Butt
- Butter
- Button
- Buttress
- Buy
- Buzz
- Bypass
Learn more with the list of words that start with B.
Verbs that Start with B with their Meanings
The following are some verbs that start with b:
1. Boost
Boost is a verb that tells us to make something better. It means uplift. If a company decides to boost its brand’s status, it will use marketing strategies to make it happen. This verb can be used as a noun or an action verb. Boost is the thing that you need to get your computer to work faster after you upgrade your operating system. It is also used in the stock market to introduce new products that will positively impact the company’s performance.
2. Borrow
Borrow is used when one person needs something from another. If someone asks you to borrow your car, you will most likely lend it to them. However, if you ask your friend to borrow some money, they will probably not give it to you. This verb is always active, meaning it will be a great point to study how this word can change the meaning of a sentence.
3. Bust
The bust is a verb describing the act of destroying or ending something. This verb means to destroy a car, but it can also represent the action of getting arrested for doing something wrong or for breaking the law, for example. This verb can be used in both active and passive voice and with different tenses to describe the event’s past, present, and future tense.
4. Bury
Bury describes the action of putting something in the ground so that it will not be found again. This verb can be used in both active and passive voice, with different tenses, with an object because it is a transitive verb, and it needs to have a direct thing to make sense. It can have a past, present, or future tense.
5. Bow.
A bow is an act of showing respect to someone or something. This verb is used in both active and passive voice and with different tenses. You can say that you will bow to an invitation or that you have been bowing to pressure from your boss. This verb can be used as a noun or as a transitive one.
6. Buzz
Buzz is a verb that describes the act of moving or making something happen with a sound that can be felt, heard, or seen. Buzz can refer to tools like drills, computers, machines, and animals. This verb is also used with different tenses and uses other objects to make sense.
There are many ways that b can change the meaning of a sentence. It is important to remember that verbs are imperative in sentences, especially when you study English.
Verbs that Start with B | Image
Verbs that Start with B | Image 2
Verbs that Start with B | Image 3
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- Verbs that Start with A
- Verbs that Start with B
- Verbs that Start with C
- Verbs that Start with D
- Verbs that Start with E
- Verbs that Start with F
- Verbs that Start with G
- Verbs that Start with H
- Verbs that Start with I
- Verbs that Start with J
- Verbs that Start with K
- Verbs that Start with L
- Verbs that Start with M
- Verbs that Start with N
- Verbs that Start with O
- Verbs that Start with P
- Verbs that Start with Q
- Verbs that Start with R
- Verbs that Start with S
- Verbs that Start with T
- Verbs that Start with U
- Verbs that Start with V
- Verbs that Start with W
- Verbs that Start with X
- Verbs that Start with Y
- Verbs that Start with Z
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