Today, We will be going over verbs that start with c because you are going to need them if you want to master the English language.
Everybody likes action. Action of all kinds is what makes life interesting and keeps it exciting. But how do you communicate the concept of action in all its forms? Easy, you use verbs. Verbs are the literary embodiment of movement and action. If someone or something is doing anything, then you need the power of verbs to put it into words.
Verbs that Start with C
What Are Verbs that Start with C?
Verbs that start with c aren’t exactly a group that you think about often but they are used several times a day, every single day. When you go to the store and buy your goods, you carry them home. Carry is one of the verbs that start with c. If you want to talk to someone that lives in another house, you call them. You care about your friends and family. All of these wonderful words are verbs that start with c.
People change throughout their life and that is a good thing, most of the time. When you eat food it is best to chew it or else you will choke on your food. Choking is definitely one of the verbs that starts with c that no one wants to experience in their life. If you choke then you will cease to be alive. The verb cease means to stop and instead of ceasing to live you should want to cling to life with all your might.
Discover more verbs that start with…
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N
O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Action Verbs that Start with C with Examples
Verbs | Examples |
Calculate | She needs to calculate the total cost of the project. |
Call | Please call me when you get home. |
Camp | They decided to camp in the woods for the night. |
Cancel | He had to cancel his plans because of the bad weather. |
Capture | The photographer managed to capture the perfect shot. |
Care | She cares deeply about her family. |
Carry | Can you help me carry these boxes to the car? |
Carve | He used a knife to carve the turkey. |
Catch | The boy tried to catch the ball, but it went over his head. |
Celebrate | We’re going to celebrate our anniversary with a fancy dinner. |
Challenge | The difficult math problem challenged the students. |
Change | She decided to change her hair color. |
Chart | The graph charts the company’s growth over time. |
Chase | The dog chased after the squirrel. |
Check | Can you check if the door is locked? |
Cheer | The fans cheered when their team scored a goal. |
Choose | He had to choose between two job offers. |
Circle | The airplane circled the airport before landing. |
Clean | She cleaned the kitchen after dinner. |
Clear | He cleared the table after the meal. |
Climb | They decided to climb the mountain. |
Close | Can you please close the window? |
Coach | She coached the basketball team to victory. |
Collect | She likes to collect seashells on the beach. |
Color | They colored in the picture with crayons. |
Combine | She combined the ingredients to make a cake. |
Come | Can you come to my party next weekend? |
Comfort | She tried to comfort her friend after her breakup. |
Command | The general commanded his troops to attack. |
Communicate | They use sign language to communicate with each other. |
Compete | The athletes competed in the track and field events. |
Complain | He always complains about his job. |
Complete | She completed the puzzle in record time. |
Compose | He composed a beautiful piece of music. |
Compute | The computer can compute complex calculations. |
Concentrate | She needs to concentrate on her studies. |
Conceptualize | He is able to conceptualize complex ideas. |
Conclude | The scientists concluded that the experiment was successful. |
Conduct | She conducted a survey to gather information. |
Confess | He finally confessed to stealing the money. |
Connect | The wires connect the television to the cable box. |
Consider | We need to consider all of our options before making a decision. |
Consist | The recipe consists of several different ingredients. |
Construct | They are going to construct a new building. |
Consult | She consulted with her lawyer before signing the contract. |
Consume | He consumed the entire pizza by himself. |
Contain | The jar contains jellybeans. |
Continue | He will continue working on the project tomorrow. |
Contribute | She wants to contribute to charity. |
Control | He needs to learn how to control his temper. |
Positive Verbs that Start with C with Examples
Verbs | Examples |
Celebrate | We should celebrate our achievements. |
Cheer | The crowd cheered loudly for the team. |
Clean | She cleaned the entire house. |
Collaborate | The two companies collaborated on the project. |
Comfort | He tried to comfort his friend after the loss. |
Complete | I need to complete this task by the end of the day. |
Congratulate | Let’s congratulate them on their wedding. |
Connect | We need to connect the two devices. |
Consider | We should consider all the options before making a decision. |
Create | The artist created a beautiful painting. |
List of Verbs that Start with C
- Cabal
- Cabalize
- Cable
- Cabob
- Cache
- Cack
- Cackle
- Cacuminate
- Caddy
- Cade
- Cadence
- Cadge
- Cadger
- Caftan
- Cage
- Cajole
- Cake
- Calamistrate
- Calcify
- Calcimine
- Calcinate
- Calcine
- Calcitrate
- Calculate
- Calculated
- Calcule
- Calefy
- Calendar
- Calenture
- Calibrate
- Calk
- Call
- Callet
- Calm
- Calque
- Calumniate
- Calve
- Calver
- Camp
- Campaigned
- Can
- Cancel
- Candy
- Canoodle
- Capitalized
- Captivate
- Captured
- Care
- Caress
- Carol
- Carry
- Carve
- Cast
- Cataloged
- Catch
- Cater
- Cause
- Cease
- Cede
- Ceil
- Ceiling
- Celebrate
- Celestialize
- Celestify
- Cell
- Celticize
- Cement
- Cense
- Censor
- Censure
- Center
- Centralize
- Centralized
- Centre
- Centuple
- Centuriate
- Cere
- Cerebrate
- Certificate
- Certify
- Cess
- Cesser
- Cessor
- Chace
- Chafe
- Chaff
- Chaffer
- Chaffern
- Chafing
- Chagrin
- Chain
- Chain-smoke
- Chair
- Chaired
- Chak
- Chalk
- Challenge
- Cham
- Chamber
- Chameleonize
- Chamfer
- Champ
- Champion
- Championed
- Chance
- Chancel
- Change
- Channel
- Chant
- Chap
- Chapel
- Chaperon
- Chaperone
- Chaplet
- Chapter
- Char
- Character
- Characterize
- Charcoal
- Chare
- Charge
- Chariot
- Chark
- Charm
- Charted
- Chase
- Chastise
- Chat
- Cheat
- Check
- Checked
- Cheer
- Cherish
- Chew
- Chide
- Chill
- Chime
- Chirp
- Chit
- Choke
- Choose
- Chop
- Chortle
- Chorus
- Chuckle
- Chug-a-lug
- Chum
- Cicatrize
- Cicurate
- Cinch
- Cinchonize
- Cipher
- Circinate
- Circle
- Circuit
- Circulate
- Circumagitate
- Circumambulate
- Circumcise
- Circumduce
- Circumduct
- Circumfer
- Circumference
- Circumflect
- Circumflex
- Circumfuse
- Circumgyrate
- Circumgyre
- Circummure
- Circumnavigate
- Circumnutate
- Circumrotate
- Circumscribe
- Circumstance
- Circumstantiate
- Circumundulate
- Circumvallate
- Circumvent
- Circumvest
- Circumvolve
- Cite
- Civet
- Civilise
- Civilize
- Cizar
- Clabber
- Clack
- Claim
- Clam
- Clamber
- Clamor
- Clamp
- Clang
- Clangor
- Clank
- Clap
- Clapboard
- Clapperclaw
- Claps
- Clarified
- Clarify
- Clarigate
- Clart
- Clary
- Clash
- Clasp
- Class
- Classified
- Classify
- Clatter
- Claw
- Clawback
- Clay
- Clean
- Cleanse
- Clear
- Clearstarch
- Cleat
- Cleave
- Cleftgraft
- Clem
- Clench
- Clepe
- Clerk
- Click
- Climate
- Climatize
- Climb
- Cling
- Clip
- Close
- Closed
- Clothe
- Cluster
- Coacervate
- Coach
- Coached
- Coact
- Coadjust
- Coadventure
- Coafforest
- Coagment
- Coagulate
- Coak
- Coal
- Coalesce
- Coalite
- Coannex
- Coarsen
- Coast
- Coat
- Co-authored
- Coax
- Cob
- Cobble
- Cock
- Cockbill
- Cocker
- Cockle
- Cockneyfy
- Cocoon
- Coddle
- Code
- Codify
- Codle
- Coerce
- Coexist
- Coextend
- Coffer
- Coffin
- Cog
- Cogitate
- Cognition
- Cognize
- Cohabit
- Cohere
- Coiffure
- Coil
- Collaborated
- Collect
- Collected
- Color
- Colour
- Comb
- Combine
- Come
- Comfort
- Command
- Commanded
- Commend
- Commit
- Communicate
- Communicated
- Companion
- Compare
- Compared
- Compel
- Compelled
- Compete
- Compiled
- Complain
- Complement
- Complete
- Completed
- Compliment
- Composed
- Computed
- Conceived
- Concentrate
- Conceptualized
- Concern
- Concert
- Concluded
- Concrete
- Condensed
- Conduce
- Conducted
- Confection
- Confess
- Confide
- Confirm
- Confuse
- Congratulate
- Connect
- Conquer
- Conserved
- Consider
- Consist
- Consolidated
- Construct
- Constructed
- Consulted
- Contain
- Content
- Continue
- Continued
- Contracted
- Contribute
- Contributed
- Control
- Controlled
- Convert
- Converted
- Conveyed
- Convince
- Convinced
- Cook
- Cool
- Cooperate
- Coordinated
- Cope
- Copy
- Correct
- Corrected
- Corresponded
- Coruscate
- Cost
- Cosy
- Cough
- Could
- Counsel
- Counseled
- Count
- Cover
- Cozy
- Crab
- Crabsidle
- Crache
- Crack
- Crackle
- Cracknel
- Cradle
- Craft
- Crafted
- Crake
- Cram
- Cramp
- Cranch
- Crane
- Crank
- Crankle
- Cranny
- Crap
- Crase
- Crash
- Crate
- Craunch
- Crave
- Craven
- Crawl
- Crayon
- Craze
- Creaght
- Creak
- Cream
- Creance
- Crease
- Create
- Created
- Creaturize
- Credence
- Credit
- Creed
- Creep
- Cremate
- Crenelate
- Creosote
- Crew
- Critiqued
- Cross
- Crow
- Crush
- Cry
- Cub
- Cube
- Cuckold
- Cuckoldize
- Cuddle
- Cudgel
- Cue
- Cuff
- Cull
- Cullet
- Culls
- Culminate
- Cultivate
- Cultivated
- Culture
- Cumber
- Cumshaw
- Cumulate
- Cun
- Cund
- Cup
- Cupboard
- Cupel
- Curable
- Curarize
- Curative
- Curb
- Curd
- Curdle
- Cure
- Curl
- Curr
- Currie
- Curry
- Currycomb
- Curse
- Curtail
- Curtain
- Curtsy
- Curve
- Curvet
- Customized
- Cut
- Cycle
- Cypher
Learn morer with list of words that start with C.
Common Verbs that Start with C with their Meanings
There are so many verbs that start with c and they are all equally amazing. It is surprising just how many of the things we do whether at work or during our free time is a verb that starts with c. You don’t notice tiny details such as these because you are not aware that they exist. Since you are unaware of their existence then you don’t know how to look for them.
Here is a list of verbs that start with c that you should be on the lookout for:
- Climb, To climb something is to scale its vertical axis and move up towards its peak.
- Collect, To collect is to gather as many of one item as you possibly can. A collection has no set number because new items to collect will always sprout up like weeds.
- Coach, You coach someone when you provide them with guidance for completing a specific task.
- Color, Colors are different shades of the light spectrum.
- Compete, When going up against someone in order to obtain something you are competing.
With the list provided above and with an explanation for each of the verbs that start with c, you should feel comfortable communicating action in new ways. As you go about your daily routine, be sure to point out whenever you are doing an action that would fall under the category of verbs that start with c.
Verbs that Start with C | Image
Learn more A-Z Verbs
- Verbs that Start with A
- Verbs that Start with B
- Verbs that Start with C
- Verbs that Start with D
- Verbs that Start with E
- Verbs that Start with F
- Verbs that Start with G
- Verbs that Start with H
- Verbs that Start with I
- Verbs that Start with J
- Verbs that Start with K
- Verbs that Start with L
- Verbs that Start with M
- Verbs that Start with N
- Verbs that Start with O
- Verbs that Start with P
- Verbs that Start with Q
- Verbs that Start with R
- Verbs that Start with S
- Verbs that Start with T
- Verbs that Start with U
- Verbs that Start with V
- Verbs that Start with W
- Verbs that Start with X
- Verbs that Start with Y
- Verbs that Start with Z
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