Do you want to broaden your vocabulary a little by learning some new words? Maybe you have a family game night coming up this weekend and you need to sharpen your skills to make sure you come out in the lead. Whichever the case may be, this article will benefit you no matter who you are. Keep reading to find out more about verbs, specifically the ones that start with f.
Verbs that Start with F
What Are Verbs that Start with F?
Let us start by refreshing our memories of what exactly is a verb. A verb is an action word, words that show the state of something. At least one verb has to be in almost every complete sentence.
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Action Verbs that Start with F with Examples
Verbs | Examples |
Fail | He failed his driving test three times. |
Fall | The leaves fell from the trees in autumn. |
Fasten | She fastened her seatbelt before takeoff. |
Feed | She feeds her cat twice a day. |
Fetch | The dog fetched the ball and brought it back. |
Fight | She decided to fight for her rights and not let anyone take advantage of her. |
File | She filed the papers in the correct folder. |
Fill | He filled the glass with water. |
Find | I need to find my keys before I can leave the house. |
Finish | He finished his homework before dinner. |
Fix | He fixed the broken door handle. |
Flee | During the war, many families had to flee their homes in search of safety. |
Flex | He flexed his muscles in the mirror. |
Float | The boat floated on the calm lake. |
Flood | The river flooded after heavy rainfall. |
Flow | The river flows through the mountains. |
Fly | I will fly to New York tomorrow for a business meeting. |
Follow | I will follow you to the store. |
Form | I need to form a committee to plan the company’s annual picnic. |
Frame | She framed the picture and hung it on the wall. |
Fry | I’m going to fry some chicken for dinner tonight. |
Fuel | I need to fuel my car before we can start our road trip. |
Fulfill | He fulfilled his promise to help her move. |
Positive Verbs that Start with F with Examples
Verbs | Examples |
Foster | The organization aims to foster a sense of community among its members. |
Facilitate | The new software will facilitate the process of data entry. |
Fortify | Eating a healthy breakfast can fortify your body with essential nutrients. |
Flourish | The business has continued to flourish since expanding to a new location. |
Fulfill | Volunteering at the shelter helps fulfill my desire to help animals in need. |
Fascinate | I’m always fascinated by the history of ancient civilizations. |
Fuel | A good night’s sleep can fuel your productivity the next day. |
Fixate | The artist was fixated on capturing the perfect sunset in his painting. |
Forge | The two countries worked together to forge a new trade agreement. |
List of Verbs that Start with F
- Fabricate
- Face
- Facilitate
- Fade
- Fail
- Faint
- Fake
- Fall
- Falsify
- Falter
- Familiarize
- Fan
- Fancy
- Fantasize
- Farm
- Fart
- Fascinate
- Fashion
- Fast
- Fasten
- Fathom
- Fatten
- Favor
- Favour
- Fawn
- Faze
- Fear
- Feast
- Feather
- Feature
- Federate
- Feed
- Feel
- Feign
- Feint
- Feminize
- Fence
- Fend
- Ferment
- Ferret
- Fertilize
- Fester
- Festoon
- Fetch
- Fetter
- Fiddle
- Fidget
- Fight
- Figure
- Filch
- File
- Fill
- Film
- Filtch
- Filter
- Finance
- Find
- Fine
- Finesse
- Finger
- Finish
- Fire
- Firm
- Fish
- Fissure
- Fit
- Fix
- Fizzle
- Flag
- Flake
- Flame
- Flank
- Flare
- Flash
- Flatten
- Flatter
- Flaunt
- Flavour
- Flay
- Fleck
- Flee
- Fleece
- Flesh
- Flex
- Flick
- Flicker
- Flinch
- Fling
- Flip
- Flirt
- Flitch
- Float
- Flog
- Flood
- Floor
- Flounce
- Flounder
- Flour
- Flourish
- Flout
- Flow
- Flower
- Fluctuate
- Fluidify
- Flute
- Flutter
- Fly
- Foal
- Foam
- Fob
- Focalize
- Focillate
- Focus
- Foe
- Fog
- Foil
- Foin
- Foist
- Fold
- Foliage
- Foliate
- Folio
- Follow
- Folwe
- Foment
- Fond
- Fonde
- Fondle
- Fonge
- Food
- Fool
- Foolify
- Foot
- Forage
- Foray
- Forbathe
- Forbear
- Forbid
- Forbruise
- Forcarve
- Force
- Forcut
- Ford
- Fordo
- Fordrive
- Fordwine
- Fore
- Forebode
- Forecast
- Foreordain
- Foresee
- Foreshadow
- Forestall
- Forfeit
- Forfend
- Forge
- Forget
- Forgive
- Forgo
- Fork
- Form
- Formalize
- Formulate
- Forsake
- Fortify
- Forward
- Fossilize
- Foster
- Foul
- Found
- Frab
- Fracas
- Fract
- Fraction
- Fractionate
- Fracture
- Fragment
- Fraise
- Frame
- Franchise
- Frank
- Frap
- Fraternate
- Fraternize
- Fray
- Freak
- Freck
- Freckle
- Free
- Freeborn
- Freeze
- Freight
- Frenchify
- Frenzy
- Frequent
- Fresco
- Fresh
- Freshen
- Fret
- Fribble
- Friend
- Frieze
- Frighten
- Frill
- Fringe
- Frisk
- Frist
- Frit
- Fritter
- Friz
- Frizz
- Frolic
- Front
- Frost
- Froth
- Frown
- Fructify
- Frustrate
- Fry
- Fub
- Fuddle
- Fudge
- Fuel
- Fuff
- Fugle
- Fulfil
- Fulfill
- Fulgurate
- Full
- Fuller
- Fulminate
- Fulmine
- Fum
- Fumade
- Fumado
- Fumble
- Fume
- Fumify
- Fumigate
- Funambulate
- Function
- Functionalize
- Functionate
- Fund
- Funerate
- Funk
- Funnel
- Fur
- Furbish
- Furdle
- Furhelow
- Furl
- Furlough
- Furnish
- Furniture
- Furring
- Furrow
- Further
- Fuse
Learn more with words that start with F in English.
Verbs that Start with F with their Meanings
- Find: To come across or to discover something
- Function: The act of serving someone or something or operating
- Face: To confront someone or something about a certain situation
- Fail: To not accomplish a goal, to be unsuccessful
- Feed: To provide nutrients to another
- Feel: One of our six senses, to touch, perceive, or notice
- Fetch: To fetch means to retrieve an item or to go and get something from another place and bring it back.
- Fight: To challenge or resist something using a lot of effort
- Finish: To complete or come to the end of something
- Fix: To repair or stabilize something
- Fear: To have anxiety about the unknown
- Freeze: To change from a liquid form to a solid form, to consolidate.
- Fry: To roast or sizzle, cooking food in extremely hot oil at a high temperature
- Figure: To solve something or to discover something
- File: To officially document something, usually something legally
- Fit: To suit something correctly
- Flow: To circulate or continue along
- Fly: To soar, usually meaning through the air or pertaining to something with wings
- Focus: To concentrate all of your attention on one certain thing
- Force: Compelling, to push someone into doing something.
- Feature: To promote something or someone important
- Faint: To pass out suddenly
- Fall: One of the seasons in a year, to collapse or to land
- Forbid: To cancel or forbid something
- Fold: To compact something, to bend something into a smaller shape.
- Fool: To deceive someone
- Forget: To not be able to recall or remember something
- Form: To shape something into order
- Formulating: To prepare or construct a plan to do something
- Foul: To cause something to be dirty or to polluted
- Forfeit: To abandon something or surrender
- Foster: to assist with something for a limited time
- Formalize: To characterize something or to make it official
- Forge: To falsify something or make a fake duplicate of it
- Forsake: To disown or leave someone
- Fade: To deteriorate or disappear, to lose color
- Familiarize: To get to know something or someone very well’
- Frame: To set someone up for a crime that they did not commit
- Filter: Only allowing a certain amount of something
- Fracture: To crack something
- Fabricate: To make something up, usually to deceive someone.
- Falter: To hesitate or waver, to lose purpose or to stop
Use any of the above-mentioned verbs in your sentences to provide action to whatever subject is being discussed. And now that we have refreshed our memory on what a verb is and listed some verbs that start with an f, along with their meanings, you can rest assured that you will be ready to impress everyone on family game night or the next person you have a conversation with.
- Adjectives that Start with F
- Nouns that Start with F
- Words that Start with F
- Positive Words that Start with F
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- Verbs that Start with A
- Verbs that Start with B
- Verbs that Start with C
- Verbs that Start with D
- Verbs that Start with E
- Verbs that Start with F
- Verbs that Start with G
- Verbs that Start with H
- Verbs that Start with I
- Verbs that Start with J
- Verbs that Start with K
- Verbs that Start with L
- Verbs that Start with M
- Verbs that Start with N
- Verbs that Start with O
- Verbs that Start with P
- Verbs that Start with Q
- Verbs that Start with R
- Verbs that Start with S
- Verbs that Start with T
- Verbs that Start with U
- Verbs that Start with V
- Verbs that Start with W
- Verbs that Start with X
- Verbs that Start with Y
- Verbs that Start with Z
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