This reference will guide you through a variety of verbs that start with I. You’ll learn about action verbs and positive verbs, complete with examples. Additionally, there will be a list of verbs that start with I, along with their meanings. This reference is perfect for enhancing your English vocabulary.
Verbs that Start with I
What Are Verbs that Start with I?
A verb comes after the subject of a sentence but before the object. For example, “Zack installs the new software.” In this sentence, “Zack” is the subject, “installs” is the verb showing action, and “the new software” is the object receiving the action of the verb.
I is one of the most common letters in the English language. But have you ever thought about verbs that start with i? Idealize or identity might come to mind, or maybe include or intrude. But are there others?
Discover more verbs that start with…
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N
O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Action Verbs that Start with I with Examples
Verbs | Examples |
Identify | Can you identify the suspect in this lineup? |
Ignore | Please ignore the background noise and focus on my voice. |
Illuminate | The sun’s rays illuminated the room, creating a warm and cozy atmosphere. |
Illustrate | Can you illustrate your point with an example? |
Imagine | Imagine a world without poverty. |
Imbibe | She likes to imbibe a glass of red wine with her dinner. |
Immerse | He likes to immerse himself in a good book on a rainy day. |
Impact | The new tax law will impact small businesses. |
Implement | We need to implement a new strategy to improve sales. |
Implore | I implore you to reconsider your decision. |
Impress | Her intelligence and wit impressed everyone in the room. |
Improve | He’s been working hard to improve his golf game. |
Include | The price of the tour includes all meals and accommodations. |
Incorporate | The new design incorporates feedback from customers. |
Increase | The company hopes to increase profits next year. |
Indicate | The sign indicates that the store is closed. |
Induce | The spicy food induced tears in my eyes. |
Infiltrate | The spy was able to infiltrate the enemy’s headquarters. |
Influence | Her opinions often influence her colleagues. |
Inform | Can you please inform me of any changes to the schedule? |
Initiate | She was the one who initiated the project. |
Innovate | The company is known for its ability to innovate. |
Inspect | The inspector will inspect the building for any code violations. |
Install | The IT department will install new software on all computers. |
Inspire | Her story of overcoming adversity inspired many people. |
Instruct | The teacher will instruct the students on how to solve the problem. |
Integrate | The new system will integrate with our current software. |
Intend | I intend to finish this project by the end of the week. |
Interact | The children were encouraged to interact with each other during the game. |
Intercept | The police were able to intercept the stolen goods before they were sold. |
Interfere | Please do not interfere with the experiment. |
Introduce | The host will introduce the guest speaker. |
Invent | He’s always inventing new gadgets and gizmos. |
Invest | She decided to invest in stocks instead of real estate. |
Invite | She was invited to the party last night. |
Invoke | The lawyer invoked the right to remain silent. |
Involve | The project will involve a lot of research and analysis. |
Irritate | The mosquito bite is starting to irritate me. |
Isolate | The patient with the contagious disease was isolated in a separate room. |
Iterate | The team will iterate the design until it meets all requirements. |
Issue | The bank issued a new credit card to the customer. |
Itch | The sweater made me itch. |
Itemize | The bill was itemized to show all charges. |
Positive Verbs that Start with I with Examples
Verbs | Examples |
Improve | She wants to improve her writing skills. |
Inspire | The speech inspired the audience to take action. |
Innovate | The company’s goal is to innovate and bring new products to the market. |
Influence | Her words influenced him to change his mind. |
Invest | He decided to invest his money in the stock market. |
Invigorate | The exercise routine invigorated her body and mind. |
Include | The package includes a free gift. |
Imagine | She could imagine herself living in a cozy cottage. |
Interact | The students interacted with each other during the group activity. |
Indulge | She decided to indulge in a bubble bath after a long day. |
List of Verbs that Start with I
- Ice
- Ice-skate
- Iconize
- Id
- Idealize
- Ideate
- Identify
- Idiotize
- Idle
- Idolatrize
- Idolize
- Ignify
- Ignite
- Ignoble
- Ignore
- Illapse
- Illaqueate
- Illegalize
- Illegitimate
- Illegitimatize
- Illiberalize
- Illighten
- Illtreat
- Ill-treat
- Illude
- Illume
- Illuminate
- Illuminati
- Illumination
- Illuminator
- Illumine
- Illuminize
- Illure
- Illustrate
- Image
- Imagine
- Imbalm
- Imban
- Imband
- Imbank
- Imbar
- Imbark
- Imbarn
- Imbase
- Imbathe
- Imbay
- Imbecile
- Imbecilitate
- Imbed
- Imbezzle
- Imbibe
- Imbitter
- Imblaze
- Imblazon
- Imbody
- Imboil
- Imbolden
- Imborder
- Imbosk
- Imbosom
- Imboss
- Imbound
- Imbow
- Imbowel
- Imbower
- Imbox
- Imbraid
- Imbrangle
- Imbreed
- Imbricate
- Imbrown
- Imbrue
- Imbrute
- Imbue
- Imitate
- Immaterialize
- Immerge
- Immerse
- Immigrate
- Immingle
- Immix
- Immobilize
- Immolate
- Immortalize
- Immunize
- Immure
- Impact
- Impair
- Impale
- Impanel
- Impark
- Impart
- Impeach
- Impede
- Impel
- Impend
- Imperil
- Impersonate
- Impinge
- Implant
- Implement
- Implicate
- Implode
- Implore
- Imply
- Import
- Importune
- Impose
- Impound
- Impoverish
- Imprecate
- Impregnate
- Impress
- Imprint
- Imprison
- Improve
- Improvise
- Impugn
- Impute
- In
- Inable
- Inactivate
- Inactuate
- Inanimate
- Inanitiate
- Inarch
- Inaugur
- Inaugurate
- Inaurate
- Inbarge
- Inbind
- Inbreathe
- Inbreed
- Incage
- Incandesce
- Incanton
- Incapacitate
- Incapsulate
- Incarcerate
- Incarn
- Incarnadine
- Incarnate
- Incase
- Incask
- Incend
- Incense
- Inch
- Inchamber
- Inchant
- Inchase
- Inchest
- Inchoate
- Incide
- Incinerate
- Incircle
- Incise
- Incite
- Inclasp
- Incline
- Inclip
- Incloister
- Inclose
- Include
- Incommode
- Inconvenience
- Incorporate
- Increase
- Incriminate
- Incrust
- Incubate
- Inculcate
- Inculpate
- Incur
- Incurvate
- Indemnify
- Indent
- Indenture
- Index
- Indicate
- Indict
- Indispose
- Indite
- Individualize
- Individuate
- Indoctrinate
- Indorse
- Induce
- Induct
- Indue
- Indulge
- Indurate
- Industrialize
- Indwell
- Inebriate
- Infatuate
- Infect
- Infer
- Infest
- Infiltrate
- Infix
- Inflame
- Inflate
- Inflect
- Inflict
- Influence
- Inform
- Infract
- Infringe
- Infuriate
- Infuscate
- Infuse
- Ingest
- Ingraft
- Ingrain
- Ingratiate
- Ingurgitate
- Inhabit
- Inhale
- Inhere
- Inherit
- Inhibit
- Inhume
- Initial
- Initialize
- Initiate
- Inject
- Injure
- Ink
- Inlay
- Innervate
- Innovate
- Inoculate
- Inosculate
- Input
- Inquire
- Inscribe
- Inseminate
- Insert
- Inset
- Insinuate
- Insist
- Insolate
- Inspan
- Inspect
- Inspire
- Inspirit
- Inspissate
- Instal
- Install
- Instance
- Instantiate
- Instigate
- Instil
- Instill
- Institute
- Institutionalize
- Instruct
- Instrument
- Insufflate
- Insulate
- Insult
- Insure
- Integrate
- Intellectualize
- Intend
- Intensify
- Inter
- Interact
- Interbreed
- Intercalate
- Intercede
- Intercept
- Interchange
- Intercommunicate
- Interconnect
- Interdepend
- Interdict
- Interest
- Interface
- Interfere
- Interiorize
- Interject
- Interlace
- Interlard
- Interleave
- Interlink
- Interlock
- Interlope
- Interlude
- Intermarry
- Intermediate
- Intermingle
- Intermit
- Intermix
- Intern
- Internalize
- Internationalize
- Interpellate
- Interpenetrate
- Interpolate
- Interpose
- Interpret
- Interrelate
- Interrogate
- Interrupt
- Intersect
- Intersperse
- Interstratify
- Intertwine
- Intervene
- Interview
- Interweave
- Intimate
- Intimidate
- Intonate
- Intone
- Intoxicate
- Intrench
- Intrigue
- Introduce
- Introject
- Intromit
- Introspect
- Introvert
- Intrude
- Intrust
- Intubate
- Intuit
- Intumesce
- Inundate
- Inure
- Invade
- Invaginate
- Invalid
- Invalidate
- Inveigh
- Inveigle
- Invent
- Inventory
- Invert
- Invest
- Investigate
- Invigilate
- Invigorate
- Invite
- Invoice
- Invoke
- Involve
- Inweave
- Iodinate
- Iodize
- Ionize
- Iridize
- Irk
- Iron
- Irradiate
- Irradicate
- Irreconcile
- Irregulate
- Irrigate
- Irritate
- Irrorate
- Irrugate
- Irrupt
- Is
- Islamize
- Island
- Isle
- Isolate
- Isomerize
- Issue
- Italianate
- Italianize
- Italicize
- Itch
- Item
- Itemise
- Itemize
- Iterate
- Itinerate
Learn more with the list of words that start with I in English.
Verbs that Start with I with their Meanings
Here’s a list of verbs that start with the letter i with their meanings.
- Idealize: to perceive as representative of perfection; to see as ideal
- Identify: to determine who to what something is
- Idolize: to admire, revere, or love greatly or excessively.
- Ignite: to catch fire or cause to catch fire
- Ill-treat: to act cruelly towards (a person or animal)
- Imitate: to take or follow closely as a model
- Immure: to close or confine (someone) against their will
- Impart: to make (information) known
- Implement: to put (a decision, plan, agreement, etc.) into effect.
- Impose: to force (an unwelcoming decision or ruling) on someone
- Imprint: to impress or stamp (a mark or outline) on a surface
- Improvise: to create and perform (music, drama, or verse, spontaneously or without preparation.
- Impute: to represent (something, especially something undesirable) as being done or possessed by someone; attribute.
- Incense: to perfume with incense or a similar fragrance
- Incise: to mark or decorate (an object or surface) with a cut or cuts.
- Incur: to become subject to (something unwelcome or unpleasant) as a result of one’s own behavior or actions.
- Indemnify: to compensate (someone) for harm or loss.
- Induce: to succeed in persuading or leading (someone) to do something.
- Infer: to deduce or conclude (something) from evidence and reasoning rather than from explicit statements.
- Inflect: to change the form of (a word) to express a particular grammatical function or attribute, typically tense, mood, person, number, and gender.
- Infringe: to actively break the terms of (a law, agreement, etc.)
- Infuse: to fill; pervade
- Ingratiate: to bring oneself into favor with someone by flattering or trying to please them
- Inhabit: to (of a person, animal, or group) live in or occupy (a place or environment).
- Inhibit: to hinder, restrain, or prevent (an action or process).
- Innovate: to make changes in something established, especially by introducing new methods, ideas, or products.
- Inoculate: to treat with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease, vaccinate.
- Inquire: to ask for information from someone.
- Instigate: to bring about or initiate (an action or event).
- Instill: to gradually but firmly establish (an idea or attitude) in a person’s mind.
- Institute: to introduce or establish (a scheme, undertaking, or policy).
- Instruct: to tell or order someone to do something, especially in a formal or official way.
- Insure: to arrange for compensation in the event of damage to or loss of (property), or injury to or the death of (someone), in exchange for regular payments to a company or to the state.
- Integrate: to combine (one thing) with another to form a whole.
- Intend: to have (a course of action) as one’s purpose or intention; plan.
- Inter: to place (a corpse) in a grave or tomb, typically with funeral rites.
- Intercede: intervene on behalf of another.
- Interlace: to cross or be crossed intricately together; interweave.
- Interpolate: to insert (something of a different nature) into something else.
- Interpose: to place or insert between one thing and another.
- Intervene: to take part in something so as to prevent or alter a result or course of events.
- Intone: to say or recite with little rise and fall of the pitch of the voice.
- Intrigue: to arouse the curiosity or interest of; fascinate.
- Inundate: to overwhelm (someone) with things or people to be dealt with.
- Invigorate: to give strength or energy to.
- Invoke: to call on (a deity or spirit) in prayer, as a witness, or for inspiration.
- Irrigate: to supply water to (land or crops) to help growth, typically by means of channels.
- Irritate: to make (someone) annoyed or a little angry.
- Isolate: to cause (a person or place) to be or remain alone or apart from others.
- Iterate: to perform or utter repeatedly.
With this varying list of “i” verbs, your vocabulary can impart a sense of intellect and insure confidence in your written and spoken communication.
- Adjectives that Start with I
- Nouns that Start with I
- Words that Start with I
- Positive Words that Start with I
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- Verbs that Start with I
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- Verbs that Start with K
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- Verbs that Start with M
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- Verbs that Start with O
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- Verbs that Start with U
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- Verbs that Start with X
- Verbs that Start with Y
- Verbs that Start with Z
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