There are so many great verbs that start with M, but which is the best? This article will look at some of the best M verbs and why they’re so great. These verbs will help you get the most out of your day, from making things more manageable to managing your time more efficiently. So read on and learn about some of the best M verbs!
Verbs that Start with M
What Are Verbs that Start with M?
Verbs that start with M include moaning, maintaining, making, malting, memorizing, magnifying, and monitoring. Other verbs begin with M have: manipulating, manufacturing, and mitigating. There are a few verbs that start with the letter M. One example is “marry,” commonly used to describe when two people marry. Another verb that starts with M is “murder,” which describes when someone kills another person. Some verbs start with M and have other meanings. For example, the word “mean” can mean both nice and angry, and “manage” can mean both to control and manage something successfully.
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Verbs that Start with M 1
Action Verbs that Start with M with Examples
Verb | Example |
Manage | She manages a team of ten employees. |
Make | He makes breakfast every morning. |
Maintain | The technician maintains the machinery regularly. |
Market | The company markets their products online. |
Marry | They will marry next year. |
Master | He is determined to master the piano. |
Maximize | The goal is to maximize profits this quarter. |
Measure | We need to measure the room before buying furniture. |
Mediate | The lawyer will mediate the dispute between the two parties. |
Memorize | She needs to memorize her lines for the play. |
Mend | He will mend the hole in the fence. |
Merge | The two companies will merge next year. |
Message | She messaged her friend on social media. |
Mind | Please mind your manners at the dinner party. |
Minimize | We need to minimize our expenses to save money. |
Miss | She missed her flight this morning. |
Mix | He mixed the ingredients for the cake. |
Mobilize | The army mobilized its troops for the mission. |
Model | She modeled the latest fashion trends on the runway. |
Modify | He modified the design to improve its functionality. |
Monitor | The nurse monitored the patient’s vital signs. |
Motivate | She motivated her team to work harder. |
Mount | He mounted the painting on the wall. |
Move | She moved the furniture to the other room. |
Multiply | He will multiply the numbers to find the answer. |
Positive Verbs that Start with M with Examples
Verbs | Examples |
Motivate | My coach always motivates me to do my best. |
Move | The film was so emotional that it moved me to tears. |
Make | I want to make a difference in the world. |
Manage | I have to manage my time better to get everything done. |
Maintain | It’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. |
Magnify | The microscope magnified the tiny cells. |
Master | He worked hard to master the art of cooking. |
Meditate | She likes to meditate to calm her mind. |
Meet | I hope to meet my goals this year. |
Mend | Can you mend my shirt that has a hole in it? |
Marvel | I always marvel at the beauty of the sunset. |
Multiply | I need to multiply these numbers to get the correct answer. |
List of Verbs that Start with M
Some verbs that start with M include manage, maneuver, march, mark, mask, maximize, measure, meet and melt. These words can describe various aspects of life, such as managing a budget or maneuvering through a crowded space. Other verbs that start with M include mention and migrate. Mention can be used to refer to things mentioned in passing or to emphasize the importance of something. Migration refers to the movement of people or things from one place to another.
Here is the list of verbs starting with the letter M.
- Magnify
- Maintain
- Make
- Manage
- Maneuver
- Manifest
- Manipulate
- Manufacture
- Mar
- March
- Mark
- Marry
- Mash
- Mask
- Match
- Maximize
- May
- Mean
- Measure
- Mediate
- Meditate
- Meet
- Melt
- Memorize
- Mend
- Mention
- Merge
- Might
- Migrate
- Mimic
- Mince
- Mingle
- Minimize
- Mislead
- Miss
- Misunderstand
- Mitigate
- Mix
- Moan
- Mobilize
- Mock
- Modify
- Modulate
- Monitor
- Motivate
- Mount
- Mourn
- Move
- Multiply
- Muster
- Magnetize
- Malt
- Mangle
- Mantle
- Maraud
- Marinate
- Martyr
- Massacre
- Mast
- Master
- Masticate
- Mate
- Materialize
- Matter
- Mature
- Mechanize
- Meddle
- Mediatize
- Medicate
- Mellow
- Menstruate
- Mess
- Metal
- Mete
- Mew
- Militarize
- Militate
- Mill
- Mime
- Mineralize
- Mint
- Miscarry
- Misdirect
- Misinterpret
- Misjudge
- Mislay
- Misplace
- Misrepresent
- Mistake
- Mistreat
- Mistrust
- Misuse
- Mob
- Moderate
- Modernize
- Moisten
- Molest
- Mollify
- Monopolize
- Moo
- Moor
- Mop
- Mope
- Moralize
- Mortgage
- Mortify
- Mortise
- Motorize
- Marvel
- Massage
- Mastermind
- Medal
- Medicine
- Meed
- Mentor
- Merit
- Mind
- More
- Motor
- Muscle
- Muse
- Musk
- Must
- Message
- Map
- Made
- Middle
- Machine
- Modified
- Motion
- Mass
- Missing
- Moved
- Matching
- Married
- Maintained
- Mesh
- Merchandise
- Mapping
- Meant
- Marked
- Measured
- Marshall
- Microwave
- Mixing
- Mild
- Marble
- Mold
- Motivated
- Maid
- Mosaic
- Mediated
- Moody
- Mum
- Mist
- Madden
- Manning
- Merged
- Minors
- Mapped
- Monogram
- Molded
- Matte
- Mates
- Murdered
- Maroon
- Marrow
- Melting
- Manifold
- Misconduct
- Mastering
- Mistaken
- Maze
- Marching
- Mute
- Modeled
- Maximizing
- Mound
- Merging
- Merchandising
- Moist
- Mule
- Motive
- Marcel
- Mortar
- Motley
- Manifesto
- Marshal
- Melted
- Multiplied
- Motorized
- Menace
- Manure
- Masked
- Mould
- Mirrored
- Monotone
- Morals
- Mountaineering
- Matted
- Misunderstood
- Muck
- Mace
- Microfilm
- Mastered
- Mismatch
- Minimized
- Masquerade
- Measles
- Motivating
- Manned
- Malice
- Mined
- Montage
- Moot
- Masthead
- Manicure
- Misguided
- Molten
- Multiplex
- Midwives
- Midwife
- Mascara
- Misplaced
- Mulch
- Mousse
- Modulated
- Morph
- Mildew
- Metastasis
- Misled
- Mitre
- Mull
- Matured
- Munch
- Muted
- Metalworking
- Muzzle
- Muff
- Mocking
- Mutiny
- Marinade
- Multilevel
- Moat
- Moderating
- Multicolor
- Matting
- Milled
- Misused
- Mush
- Mitigated
- Magnified
- Motorcycling
- Mow
- Mumps
- Mingling
- Monologue
- Milt
- Misrepresented
- Mated
- Murmur
- Minstrel
- Maul
- Marred
- Mishap
- Musing
- Muss
- Mangled
- Mote
- Meandering
- Mosh
- Mutter
- Modernized
- Moonshine
- Misfit
- Marbled
- Mechanized
- Mutilated
- Muffled
- Mottled
- Metalwork
- Meddling
- Meander
- Mesmerizing
- Multicolored
- Meld
- Manoeuvre
- Mire
- Mimicking
- Mismatched
- Mortgaged
- Malfunctioning
- Marl
- Mired
- Muttering
- Menage
- Muddled
- Misread
- Mistreated
- Maimed
- Mesmerized
- Mutate
- Mumbling
- Muddle
- Megaphone
- Madrigal
- Mystified
- Mousetrap
- Maddening
- Mumble
- Mopping
- Misspelling
- Meshing
- Mandamus
- Merited
- Molt
- Monger
- Malign
- Methylated
- Mung
- Magnetized
- Mistook
- Meshed
- Morsel
- Murmuring
- Mortified
- Misreading
- Mugged
- Moisturize
- Menses
- Maim
- Miffed
- Madder
- Munition
- Micrograph
- Mugging
- Mimicked
- Mesmerize
- Marooned
- Motorcade
- Marauding
- Moulder
- Monetize
- Macrame
- Misbehave
- Mystifying
- Moonwalk
- Mainprise
- Magazine
- Major
- Male
- Magnificate
- Magic
- Mad
- Malinger
- Macadamize
- Malaxate
- Maculate
- Malignify
- Mabble
- Malleableize
- Main
- Malax
- Machinate
- Mackle
- Mainswear
- Maiden
- Maffle
- Mall
- Macule
- Macarize
- Macerate
- Meliorate
- Member
- Meek
- Mell
- Meager
- Memorialize
- Meech
- Mechanicalize
- Melodize
- Meine
- Meeken
- Meeten
- Meach
- Memorate
- Mining
- Miff
- Minorate
- Minge
- Miche
- Minify
- Mineral
- Miaul
- Mineralogize
- Mingledly
- Miniardize
- Miniature
- Minute
- Minor
- Mich
- Mignon
- Migo
- Miniate
- Milden
- Molder
- Mongrelize
- Moider
- Mole
- Monish
- Monarchize
- Moe
- Moil
- Mohammedanize
- Moate
- Mohammedanism
- Moble
- Moither
- Muddy
- Muffle
- Mutilate
- Mulct
- Mucker
- Muscularize
- Mummify
- Mumm
- Mullion
- Munnerate
- Mump
- Murder
- Mug
- Mysterize
- Mythologize
- Mystify
- Mottle
- Mouth
- Magnifies
- Mashing
- Metered
- Making
- Mans
- Managed
- Minified
- Marketed
- Mentored
- Metricized
- Mightily
- Misteach
- Misspeak
- Misspend
- Mishear
- Misset
- Miswrite
- Misthink
- Misgive
Verbs that Start with M with Meanings
The word “might” has several meanings, but in this context, it means that something is possible. For example, you might say that the weather might be wet to mean that it’s possible to rain.
Merging two things can create a new, larger entity. For example, if you merge two pieces of paper, you create a document. If two companies merge, they make a new company with more power and resources.
When you measure something, you take its size into account and calculate how much of it there is. For example, if someone asks how many cups are in the container, you would measure it and give them an answer like, “There are three cups in this container.
To govern, control, direct, oversee
To move or adjust something with skill and precision
To walk or move forward slowly.
To make a physical indication of something, such as a letter or number
To cover or conceal part of the face
To increase the effect of (something)
To determine the size, amount, or quality of (something)
To come into contact with suddenly or unexpectedly.
To reduce the solidity, volume, or thickness of (something)
To mention briefly; refer to
In conclusion, if you’re looking for verbs that start with the letter M, we have you covered! These verbs will help you get the job done, from mining to messaging. So what are you waiting for? Start using these powerful words today!
Verbs that Start with M | Pictures
Verbs that Start with M 2
Verbs that Start with M 3
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