Situations may arise from time to time where people need to know various verbs that start with P. For instance, students might have to find words for homework or research assignments. Meanwhile, writers could need to locate terms to complete their books and make them perfect. Regardless of who you are or why you’re here, be sure to stick around and read on to learn more. A list with some P verbs will be provided shortly.
Verbs that Start with P
What Are Verbs that Start with P?
Not all verbs are the same. Most people believe they show action, as that is often what they’re taught in school. However, there is much more to these words than that. Some verbs describe mental states or feelings like love or doubt. In addition, there are others that represent existence, such as exist or become. And what about relationships? When terms like depend or determine come along, that’s what they portray. All of those things can be what verbs that start with P are, and now that we have that out of the way, let’s look at some examples.
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Action Verbs that Start with P with Examples
Verbs | Examples |
Pace | She paced the room nervously. |
Pack | I need to pack for my trip tomorrow. |
Paint | She painted the room a bright shade of blue. |
Palpitate | My heart started to palpitate with fear. |
Panic | He panicked when he saw the spider. |
Pant | The dog was panting after his run. |
Paralyze | Fear paralyzed him from taking action. |
Park | He parked his car in the garage. |
Parrot | She parroted her boss’s instructions. |
Part | The Red Sea parted before Moses. |
Participate | She participated in the charity walk. |
Partner | He partnered with his brother on the project. |
Party | We’re going to party all night long. |
Pass | She passed the ball to her teammate. |
Paste | She pasted the pictures into the scrapbook. |
Pat | He patted his dog on the head. |
Pause | Let’s pause for a moment of silence. |
Pay | He needs to pay his rent by the first. |
Peek | She peeked through the keyhole. |
Pelt | The hailstones pelted the roof. |
Perceive | He perceived the situation as dangerous. |
Perform | She performed a beautiful dance. |
Permit | The sign permitted parking on weekends. |
Persuade | She persuaded him to change his mind. |
Pet | She petted her cat while watching TV. |
Phase | The construction project is being phased in three stages.. |
Phone | He phoned his friend to cancel plans. |
Photograph | She photographed the beautiful sunset. |
Pick | She picked the ripest apple from the tree. |
Pierce | The arrow pierced the target. |
Pinch | She pinched her cheek to stay awake. |
Pioneer | He pioneered a new approach to marketing. |
Place | She placed the vase on the table. |
Plan | They planned their trip months in advance. |
Plant | She planted flowers in the garden. |
Play | They played a game of cards. |
Plead | She pleaded with him to forgive her. |
Please | Can you please pass the salt? |
Plod | He plodded through the mud. |
Plot | She plotted her revenge against her ex. |
Pluck | She plucked the guitar strings expertly. |
Plug | He plugged in the lamp and it lit up. |
Point | She pointed out the mistake. |
Polish | She polished the silverware to a shine. |
Pop | She popped a piece of gum in her mouth. |
Portray | The artist portrayed his subject in oils. |
Pose | The model posed for the painting. |
Post | She posted the letter in the mailbox. |
Pour | She poured the wine into the glasses. |
Positive Verbs that Start with P with Examples
Verbs | Examples |
Persist | She persisted in pursuing her dream of becoming a doctor. |
Praise | He praised her for her excellent work. |
Perform | The band performed a new song at the concert. |
Progress | The project is progressing well. |
Promote | The company is promoting its new product. |
Protect | The police officer protected the citizens from harm. |
Provide | The school provides students with a range of resources. |
Prepare | She prepared a delicious meal for her family. |
Participate | He chose to participate in the charity run. |
Play | The children played together in the park. |
List of Verbs that Start with P
- Pause
- Preserve
- Punish
- Push
- Pour
- Paint
- Park
- Part
- Pass
- Paste
- Peel
- Perform
- Permit
- Pick
- Pinch
- Play
- Plug
- Point
- Practise
- Pray
- Prepare
- Press
- Pretend
- Prevent
- Produce
- Promise
- Protect
- Provide
- Pull
- Punch
- Promote
- Publish
- Put
- Precut
- Prepay
- Participate
- Pay
- Penetrate
- Perceive
- Persist
- Persuade
- Place
- Plan
- Pledge
- Pop
- Pose
- Possess
- Post
- Praise
- Prefer
- Present
- Proceed
- Prohibit
- Prompt
- Propose
- Prove
- Purchase
- Pursue
- Pace
- Pacify
- Pack
- Pact
- Pad
- Paddle
- Padlock
- Pain
- Paint
- Pair
- Palaver
- Palliate
- Palm
- Pamper
- Pan
- Panel
- Pant
- Parade
- Paralyse
- Paralyze
- Paraphrase
- Pardon
- Pare
- Park
- Parley
- Parody
- Part
- Participate
- Particularize
- Partition
- Pass
- Paste
- Pasteurize
- Pasture
- Pat
- Patch
- Patent
- Patrol
- Patronize
- Patter
- Pause
- Pave
- Paw
- Pay
- Pearl
- Peck
- Pedal
- Peddle
- Peek
- Peel
- Peep
- Peg
- Penalize
- Penetrate
- Pension
- Pepper
- Perceive
- Perch
- Percolate
- Peregrinate
- Perfect
- Perforate
- Perform
- Perfume
- Perish
- Perk
- Permeate
- Permit
- Perpetrate
- Perpetuate
- Persecute
- Persevere
- Persist
- Personalize
- Personify
- Perspire
- Persuade
- Pertain
- Perturb
- Peruse
- Pervade
- Pervert
- Pester
- Pet
- Peter
- Petition
- Petrify
- Philosophize
- Phone
- Phosphorate
- Photograph
- Phrase
- Pick
- Picket
- Picture
- Pierce
- Pack
- Paddle
- Pat
- Peck
- Pedal
- Peep
- Phone
- Pine
- Plant
- Please
- Poke
- Polish
- Preach
- Precede
- Prick
- Program
- Pump
- Puncture
- Penalized
- Precluded
- Permitted
- Pervading
- Purled
- Perforated
- Posted
- Personified
- Presaged
- Pleased
- Patrolled
- Paralyze
- Polling
- Pleasure
- Pinpointed
- Propelled
- Purchased
- Polished
- Predicted
- Positioned
- Publicized
- Proposed
- Partnered
- Published
- Piloted
- Prioritized
- Printed
- Produced
- Palliate
- Pamphlet
- Palate
- Palisade
- Palpate
- Palter
- Padlock
- Pact
- Palaver
- Pamphleteer
- Paladiumize
- Pace
- Pamper
- Palisado
- Palatinate
- Paganize
- Palatalize
- Palmer
- Palsy
- Pacify
- Pageant
- Pairing
- Pal
- Palp
- Pall
- Pale
- Palpitate
- Pad
- Pent
- Pedestrianize
- Pearl
- Pell
- Peenge
- Pectize
- Peninsulate
- Peal
- Penalize
- Pendulate
- Peak
- Pedagogue
- Peculiarize
- Peer
- Peculate
- Pend
- Peise
- Peen
- Pedantize
- Pelt
- Penance
- Peek
- Peptonize
- Phlogisticate
- Philosophize
- Pheese
- Phrensy
- Phosphorize
- Philippize
- Philander
- Physiognomize
- Phosphorate
- Phosphoresce
- Phonetize
- Physiologize
- Philologize
- Phlebotomize
- Ping
- Pillorize
- Pinnacle
- Pip
- Pike
- Pipeclay
- Pin
- Pierce
- Pickle
- Pimp
- Pilgrim
- Pliant
- Plait
- Planch
- Plane
- Plate
- Platonize
- Plague
- Platinize
- Plaster
- Pliable
- Plein
- Plateau
- Plain
- Plat
- Plead
- Plebeianize
- Plenish
- Plagiary
- Plank
- Plash
- Planish
- Platitudinize
- Plancher
- Pleat
- Plagiarize
- Pontificate
- Poetize
- Polytheize
- Polygamize
- Ponderate
- Pole
- Ponder
- Poach
- Pollenize
- Pollinate
- Poise
- Pomp
- Pollute
- Poniard
- Pollard
- Polarize
- Pommel
- Polymerize
- Prank
- Prebendate
- Preachify
- Preact
- Pragmatize
- Preclude
- Preacquaint
- Precompose
- Precalculate
- Precept
- Practice
- Praetermit
- Preamble
- Prattle
- Precaution
- Precipitate
- Preambulate
- Practicalize
- Preconceive
- Prate
- Prearm
- Precogitate
- Preadvertise
- Psalm
- Pshaw
- Psalmodize
- Pulse
- Pug
- Pulsate
- Pummel
- Puke
- Pule
- Punctuate
- Pup
- Puree
- Pur
- Punt
- Pudder
- Pugging
- Pupate
- Pumicate
- Punter
- Pucker
- Pulp
- Pugger
- Publicize
- Pulverize
- Pulley
- Pungent
- Pue
- Pulverate
- Pyritize
- Pythagorize
- Pyx
- Pyne
Verbs that Start with P with Meanings
Pause is a verb that begins with the letter P. It means to stop for a brief period. John hit pause on the remote to stop the movie so that he could get up and get something to eat without missing any of the show’s action. That’s an example of how to pause can be used in a sentence.
Preserve lands in the category of verbs that start with P. It is defined as maintaining something in its original or current state. A way that a person might use this term is, the architect obtained the funding from a museum to preserve the city before further deterioration occurred.
Punish can be described as imposing a penalty on someone for wrongdoing. It is a verb beginning with P and can be used in numerous ways. One might use it term in the form of a question asking, “Are you going to punish her for fighting at school?”.
In this instance, push, a P verb, is going to mean to press. However, it is notable to mention that the word is also often defined as to force or encourage a person or something to move. The girl had to push the button to call the elevator is how to use push in a sentence when its meaning is to press.
The last of the verbs that start with P to be included on this list is pour. It can be defined as to cause to flow or dispense from a container. One way to use the word in a sentence is, the man had to pour antifreeze in the car when it overheated.
Hopefully, these verbs that start with P are of use to you, but you can also do some research on your own. Just perform a Google search to get the words you need. Don’t fret if your old-school, though. Instead, head to your local library to look for terms in a dictionary.
- Adjectives that Start with P
- Nouns that Start with P
- Words that Start with P
- Positive Words that Start with P
Learn more A-Z verbs:
- Verbs that Start with A
- Verbs that Start with B
- Verbs that Start with C
- Verbs that Start with D
- Verbs that Start with E
- Verbs that Start with F
- Verbs that Start with G
- Verbs that Start with H
- Verbs that Start with I
- Verbs that Start with J
- Verbs that Start with K
- Verbs that Start with L
- Verbs that Start with M
- Verbs that Start with N
- Verbs that Start with O
- Verbs that Start with P
- Verbs that Start with Q
- Verbs that Start with R
- Verbs that Start with S
- Verbs that Start with T
- Verbs that Start with U
- Verbs that Start with V
- Verbs that Start with W
- Verbs that Start with X
- Verbs that Start with Y
- Verbs that Start with Z
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