This article is a specific talk about verbs that start with R. Below you’ll find a super list of words to search through for your perfect ‘R’ verb with variations of each word.
Verbs that Start with R
What Are Verbs Starting with R?
First, let’s talk about what a verb is. Verbs and nouns are the most commonly understood ‘word terms’ in the English language, specifically nouns. We all know nouns are a person, place, or thing, but here’s a refresher on what a verb is, just to make sure you’re covered. A verb is an action word. In other words, it’s anything you or an object can physically do.
You might not have thought of words like fall, break, or burn as action words, but just think about it for a second. A vase can fall and break. It’s doing something, which means fall and break are action words. If a pile of wood is burning, that’s what it’s doing. It’s an action word, which would be a verb.
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Verbs that Start with R 1
Action Verbs that Start with R with Examples
Verbs | Examples |
Run | “I need to run to catch the bus.” |
Reach | “I reached the top of the mountain.” |
Read | “I read an interesting book yesterday.” |
Relax | “I’m going to relax on the beach this weekend.” |
Rip | “He accidentally ripped his shirt.” |
Roast | “I’m going to roast a chicken for dinner.” |
Rotate | “The earth rotates on its axis.” |
Raise | “He raised his hand to ask a question.” |
Rebuild | “They are going to rebuild the old house.” |
Repair | “I need to repair my bike before I can ride it again.” |
Respond | “I will respond to your email as soon as possible.” |
Retrieve | “I retrieved the documents from the file cabinet.” |
Remove | “She removed the stains from the shirt.” |
Release | “The company will release a new product next month.” |
Report | “He will report the incident to the police.” |
Request | “I would like to request a refund for this product.” |
Receive | “I received a gift from my friend on my birthday.” |
Remember | “I can’t remember where I put my keys.” |
Renew | “I need to renew my passport before I travel.” |
Resist | “I will resist the temptation to eat junk food.” |
Resolve | “We need to resolve this issue as soon as possible.” |
Rest | “After a long day of hiking, I like to rest my tired feet by sitting down and taking off my shoes.” |
Result | “The heavy rain resulted in flooding on the streets.” |
Return | “I will return the book to the library when I’m done reading it.” |
Reveal | “The detective revealed the identity of the killer.” |
Revise | “I need to revise my essay before submitting it.” |
Review | “The teacher will review the material before the test.” |
Ride | “I love to ride my bike in the park.” |
Rinse | “I need to rinse the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher.” |
Roll | “The ball started to roll down the hill.” |
Rotate | “She rotates her work schedule every week.” |
Rub | “I’m going to rub some lotion on my dry skin.” |
Ruin | “The rain ruined our outdoor picnic.” |
Rush | “I need to rush to catch my flight.” |
Rust | “The old bike rusted from sitting outside for so long.” |
Rally | “The team rallied to win the game in the final minutes.” |
React | “He didn’t react well to the news.” |
Reconsider | “I will reconsider my decision before making a final choice.” |
Record | “I’m going to record the TV show so I can watch it later.” |
Recruit | “The company is looking to recruit new employees.” |
Redesign | “The company will redesign the website to improve user experience.” |
Reduce | “I need to reduce my sugar intake.” |
Refer | “I will refer to the manual for instructions.” |
Refresh | “I need to refresh my memory on this topic.” |
Refuse | “He will refuse to work on Sundays.” |
Regret | “She regretted not taking the job offer.” |
Relate | “I can relate to what you’re going through.” |
Release | “The movie will be released next month.” |
Remind | “Can you remind me to buy milk on the way home?” |
Positive Verbs that Start with R with Examples
Verbs | Examples |
Radiate | Her smile radiated warmth and joy. |
Rally | The team rallied to win the game. |
Reassure | The doctor reassured me that everything would be fine. |
Rebuild | The community came together to rebuild after the tornado. |
Recommend | I recommend this book to anyone who loves a good mystery. |
Reconnect | I reconnected with an old friend from high school. |
Redefine | The company is trying to redefine what it means to be eco-friendly. |
Refine | She spent hours refining her presentation before the big meeting. |
Refresh | A glass of cold water will refresh you on a hot day. |
Regain | He was able to regain his strength after being sick for a month. |
Regenerate | The body has the ability to regenerate damaged tissues. |
Rejoice | We all rejoiced when we heard the good news. |
Relax | I like to relax by reading a good book. |
Release | She was finally able to release the anger she had been holding onto for years. |
Renew | He decided to renew his gym membership and start working out again. |
Repair | The mechanic was able to repair my car quickly. |
Respect | We should always respect other people’s opinions. |
Restore | The organization is working to restore the historic building. |
Revitalize | The new CEO was able to revitalize the struggling company. |
Reward | The teacher rewarded the students who did well on the test. |
List of Verbs that Start with R
Below is the complete list of verbs that start with the letter R.
- Race
- Rack
- Radiate
- Radicalize
- Raffle
- Rage
- Raid
- Rail
- Rain
- Raise
- Rake
- Rally
- Ramble
- Ramify
- Ramp
- Ransack
- Rant
- Rap
- Rape
- Rappel
- Rapture
- Rarefy
- Rash
- Rasp
- Rat
- Ratchet
- Rate
- Ratify
- Ration
- Rationalize
- Rattle
- Ravage
- Rave
- Ravel
- Ravish
- Raze
- Reabsorb
- Reacclimate
- Reach
- React
- Reactivate
- Read
- Readjust
- Readmit
- Reaffirm
- Realign
- Realize
- Ream
- Reanimate
- Reap
- Reappear
- Reapply
- Reappraise
- Rear
- Rearm
- Rearrange
- Reascend
- Reason
- Reassemble
- Reassess
- Reassign
- Reassume
- Reassure
- Reattach
- Reawaken
- Rebaptize
- Rebate
- Rebel
- Rebind
- Reboot
- Rebound
- Rebrand
- Rebuff
- Rebuild
- Rebuke
- Recalibrate
- Recall
- Recap
- Recapitulate
- Recapture
- Recast
- Recede
- Receive
- Recharge
- Recheck
- Rechristen
- Reciprocate
- Recite
- Reck
- Reckon
- Reclaim
- Recline
- Recluse
- Recognize
- Recoil
- Recollect
- Recommence
- Recommend
- Recompose
- Reconcile
- Reconfigure
- Reconfirm
- Reconnect
- Reconnoiter
- Reconquer
- Reconsider
- Reconsolidate
- Reconstruct
- Reconvert
- Record
- Recount
- Recoup
- Recover
- Recreate
- Recriminate
- Recross
- Recruit
- Rectify
- Recuperate
- Recur
- Recut
- Recycle
- Redact
- Redden
- Redeem
- Redefine
- Redeploy
- Redesign
- Redial
- Redirect
- Rediscover
- Redistribute
- Redo
- Redouble
- Redound
- Redraft
- Redraw
- Reduce
- Reeducate
- Reek
- Reel
- Reembark
- Reemerge
- Reenact
- Reengage
- Reengineer
- Reenlist
- Reenter
- Reerect
- Reestablish
- Reevaluate
- Reexamine
- Refashion
- Refer
- Refill
- Refine
- Refit
- Reflect
- Refocus
- Reform
- Refract
- Refrain
- Refresh
- Refrigerate
- Refuel
- Refund
- Refurbish
- Refurnish
- Refuse
- Refute
- Regain
- Regale
- Regard
- Regenerate
- Regild
- Register
- Regraft
- Regress
- Regret
- Regrind
- Regularize
- Regulate
- Regurgitate
- Rehabilitate
- Rehearse
- Reheat
- Rehouse
- Reify
- Reign
- Reignite
- Reimburse
- Reimpose
- Rein
- Reincorporate
- Reinforce
- Reinsert
- Reinstall
- Reinstate
- Reinsure
- Reintegrate
- Reinterpret
- Reintroduce
- Reinvest
- Reinvigorate
- Reissue
- Reiterate
- Reject
- Rejoice
- Rejoin
- Rejuvenate
- Rekindle
- Relapse
- Relate
- Relax
- Relay
- Relearn
- Release
- Relegate
- Relent
- Relieve
- Relinquish
- Relish
- Reload
- Relocate
- Rely
- Remain
- Remake
- Remand
- Remark
- Remarry
- Remedy
- Remelt
- Remember
- Remind
- Reminisce
- Remit
- Remodel
- Remount
- Remove
- Remunerate
- Rename
- Render
- Renegotiate
- Renew
- Renounce
- Renovate
- Rent
- Reoccupy
- Reopen
- Reorganize
- Repack
- Repaint
- Repair
- Repatriate
- Repay
- Repeal
- Repeat
- Repel
- Repent
- Rephrase
- Replace
- Replant
- Replay
- Replenish
- Replicate
- Reply
- Repolish
- Report
- Repossess
- Represent
- Repress
- Reprieve
- Reprimand
- Reprint
- Reproach
- Reprobate
- Reproduce
- Reproof
- Reprove
- Reptile
- Republicanize
- Republish
- Repudiate
- Repute
- Request
- Require
- Requisition
- Reread
- Reschedule
- Rescue
- Research
- Reseat
- Resell
- Resemble
- Reserve
- Reset
- Resettle
- Reshape
- Reside
- Resign
- Resile
- Resist
- Resole
- Resolve
- Resort
- Resound
- Resow
- Respect
- Respire
- Respond
- Rest
- Restart
- Restate
- Restore
- Restrain
- Restrict
- Result
- Resume
- Resupply
- Resurface
- Resurrect
- Resuscitate
- Retail
- Retain
- Retake
- Retaliate
- Retire
- Retort
- Retouch
- Retrace
- Retract
- Retranslate
- Retrieve
- Retrofit
- Retrograde
- Retry
- Return
- Reunite
- Reuse
- Reveal
- Revel
- Reverberate
- Revere
- Reverence
- Reverse
- Revert
- Review
- Revile
- Revise
- Revisit
- Revitalize
- Revive
- Revoke
- Revolt
- Revolutionize
- Reward
- Rewire
- Rework
- Rezone
- Rhapsodize
- Rhyme
- Rib
- Ribbon
- Richen
- Rid
- Ride
- Ridge
- Ridicule
- Ridiculize
- Riffle
- Rifle
- Rig
- Ring
- Rinse
- Riot
- Rip
- Ripen
- Ripple
- Rise
- Risk
- Rival
- Rivet
- Roam
- Roar
- Roast
- Rob
- Rock
- Rocket
- Roll
- Rollick
- Romance
- Romanize
- Romp
- Roost
- Root
- Rope
- Rot
- Rotate
- Rouge
- Rough
- Roughcast
- Roughen
- Roughhew
- Round
- Rouse
- Rout
- Row
- Rub
- Rubberstamp
- Ruck
- Ruffle
- Ruin
- Rule
- Rumble
- Ruminate
- Rummage
- Rumor
- Run
- Runaway
- Rush
- Rust
- Rusticate
- Rustle
Hopefully, you enjoyed this massive list of verbs that start with R and you found what you’re looking for. Verbs are happening all around you if you keep an eye out for them. You hear them virtually every time you have a conversation, listen to music, or watch TV. All you have to do is pay attention and remember that verbs are words that describe ANY sort of action happening around you, even if it’s something as simple as your couch ‘sitting’ there.
Verbs that Start with R | Pictures
Verbs that Start with R 2
Resources Related to Verbs that Start with R
Learn more A-Z Verbs
- Verbs that Start with A
- Verbs that Start with B
- Verbs that Start with C
- Verbs that Start with D
- Verbs that Start with E
- Verbs that Start with F
- Verbs that Start with G
- Verbs that Start with H
- Verbs that Start with I
- Verbs that Start with J
- Verbs that Start with K
- Verbs that Start with L
- Verbs that Start with M
- Verbs that Start with N
- Verbs that Start with O
- Verbs that Start with P
- Verbs that Start with Q
- Verbs that Start with R
- Verbs that Start with S
- Verbs that Start with T
- Verbs that Start with U
- Verbs that Start with V
- Verbs that Start with W
- Verbs that Start with X
- Verbs that Start with Y
- Verbs that Start with Z
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