What are verbs that start with s? While some words are inherently more interesting than others, there is no accounting for taste. Many people prefer to read about tragic romances and endings than light-hearted plots, and the same goes for words. Certain letter combinations of the English language appear more attractive than others. The same can be said for certain syllables that begin with a particular letter. This applies to adjectives as well as verbs. This article provides a list of commonly used verbs that start with s.
Verbs that Start with S
What are Verbs that Start with S?
Verbs are words that describe an action or state of being. The words in the list below are some of the most commonly used verbs starting with s. Some of these verbs are more common than others but they all have specific functions to fulfill.
Common meanings associated with the verbs start with s include: to save, search, and separate.
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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N
O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Action Verbs that Start with S with Examples
Verb | Example |
Say | She said, “Hello” to me. |
See | I can see the Eiffel Tower from my hotel room. |
Sing | She sang a beautiful song at the concert. |
Smile | He smiled at the little girl and she smiled back. |
Study | I need to study for my exams. |
Start | Let’s start working on the project tomorrow. |
Stop | The traffic stopped abruptly at the red light. |
Serve | The waiter served us our food at the restaurant. |
Speak | Can you speak louder, please? |
Spend | I like to spend my weekends with my family. |
Search | She searched for her lost phone in the house. |
Support | We should support our local farmers by buying fresh produce from them. |
Show | He showed us how to fix the broken bike. |
Save | We need to save money for our future. |
Sleep | I need to sleep early tonight to wake up early for work. |
Sell | The store sells a variety of products. |
Send | She sent me an email with the details of the meeting. |
Shop | I need to shop for new clothes for the summer. |
Scream | She screamed when she saw the spider on the wall. |
Solve | We need to solve this math problem before the class ends. |
Sit | Please sit down and relax. |
Stand | He stood up to give his presentation to the class. |
Swim | We can swim in the pool to cool off in this hot weather. |
Shout | The coach shouted instructions to his team during the game. |
Stretch | I always stretch before and after my workouts. |
Surf | He likes to surf the internet in his free time. |
Share | Can you please share your notes with me? |
Spell | Can you please spell your name for me? |
Settle | They settled their differences and became friends again. |
Skate | He loves to skate at the local rink on weekends. |
Schedule | We need to schedule a meeting with the clients next week. |
Skip | Can we skip this chapter and move on to the next one? |
Sneeze | She sneezed twice in a row and then felt better. |
Satisfy | The food at the restaurant satisfied our hunger and cravings. |
Sweat | He was sweating after his intense workout at the gym. |
Swipe | He swiped his credit card to pay for the coffee. |
Spin | The wheel of the car spun on the wet road. |
Suppress | She tried to suppress her laughter during the serious meeting. |
Sculpt | He sculpted a beautiful statue out of the clay. |
Symbolize | The color red symbolizes love and passion. |
Synchronize | He synchronized his watch with his phone’s clock. |
Sanitize | We should sanitize our hands before touching anything. |
Scale | The mountain climber scaled the peak with great difficulty. |
Stimulate | The new product launch stimulated the market and increased sales. |
Suggest | He suggested a new idea for the project to make it more effective. |
Swap | They swapped their snacks with each other during the break. |
Supply | The company supplied us with |
Positive Verbs that Start with S with Examples
Verb | Example |
Shine | The sun is shining brightly today. |
Smile | She always smiles when she greets her customers. |
Support | He supports his team through thick and thin. |
Succeed | She worked hard and succeeded in achieving her goals. |
Stimulate | The coffee helped to stimulate his brain and wake him up. |
Strengthen | Regular exercise can strengthen your muscles and bones. |
Satisfy | The delicious meal satisfied his hunger. |
Secure | She was able to secure a job after months of searching. |
Synergize | The team members were able to synergize their efforts to complete the project. |
Simplify | The instructions were simplified to make them easier to understand. |
Soar | The bird soared through the sky with grace. |
Savour | He savoured every bite of the delicious chocolate cake. |
Serenade | The musician serenaded the crowd with his beautiful melodies. |
Sweeten | She sweetened the tea with a spoonful of honey. |
Solve | They were able to solve the complex problem using teamwork and creativity. |
List of Verbs that Start with S
- Shout
- Set
- Shop
- Sling
- Slit
- Stink
- Shoot
- Sting
- Spoil
- Substitute
- See
- Shut
- Swing
- Spread
- Sneeze
- Shrive
- Slide
- Shrink
- Strive
- Sing
- Scan
- Save
- Solve
- Shed
- Share
- Send
- Show
- Split
- Spring
- Sink
- Shake
- Stick
- Speak
- Skate
- Smell
- Strike
- Slow
- Start
- Seek
- Surprise
- Spit
- String
- Swim
- Steal
- Sit
- Sail
- Shit
- Stand
- Stop
- Shine
- Slay
- Scare
- Ski
- Sell
- Shave
- Spin
- Snow
- Study
- Swear
- Step
- Smite
- Spell
- Sweep
- Stress
- Sow
- Smile
- Suggest
- Slink
- Snore
- Surpassed
- Systematized
- Specified
- Sustained
- Slashed
- Showcased
- Sleep
- Selected
- Sew
- Separated
- Studied
- Structured
- Stack
- Screened
- Sold
- Set-up
- Simplified
- Synthesized
- Searched
- Solidified
- Streamlined
- Solved
- Shaped
- Scheduled
- Set goals
- Succeeded in
- Spearheaded
- Spoke
- Supplied
- Strengthened
- Succeeded
- Standardized
- Summarized
- Saved
- Satisfied
- Supervised
- Secured
- Supported
- Stand up
- Specialize
- Served
- Stimulated
- Surveyed
- Suggested
- Sit down
- Scrutinized
- Select
- Smoke
- Scold
- Stare
- Speed
- Spill
- Stride
- Saw
- Shoe
- Say
- Strew
- Sweat
- Spend
- Swell
- Saber
- Sable
- Sabre
- Sacre
- Saint
- Saith
- Sally
- Salue
- Salve
- Sarse
- Satle
- Sauce
- Sauta
- Savor
- Scald
- Scale
- Scalp
- Scant
- Scape
- Scarf
- Scarp
- Scath
- Scene
- Scent
- Scern
- Scise
- Scoat
- Scoff
- Scoot
- Scope
- Score
- Scorn
- Scoth
- Scour
- Scout
- Scowl
- Scrap
- Scrat
- Screw
- Scrub
- Scuff
- Scull
- Sculp
- Scyle
- Seche
- Seise
- Seize
- Senge
- Sense
- Serry
- Serve
- Sever
- Shack
- Shade
- Shaft
- Shail
- Shale
- Shall
- Shame
- Shank
- Shape
- Shark
- Sharp
- Shawl
- Sheaf
- Sheal
- Shear
- Sheen
- Sheer
- Sheet
- Shelf
- Shell
- Shent
- Shete
- Shiff
- Shift
- Shill
- Shirk
- Shirt
- Shoal
- Shock
- Shode
- Shook
- Shore
- Short
- Shote
- Sidle
- Siege
- Sight
- Sinch
- Sinew
- Singe
- Sithe
- Siver
- Skall
- Skelp
- Skiff
- Skill
- Skimp
- Skink
- Skirr
- Skirt
- Skive
- Skulk
- Skunk
- Slack
- Slake
- Slang
- Slant
- Slash
- Slate
- Slave
- Sleek
- Sleet
- Sleid
- Slent
- Slice
- Slick
- Slime
- Slive
- Slock
- Slope
- Sloth
- Slump
- Slush
- Smack
- Small
- Smalt
- Smart
- Smash
- Smear
- Smelt
- Smerk
- Smilt
- Smirk
- Smitt
- Smock
- Smoor
- Smore
- Snack
- Snake
- Snape
- Snare
- Snarl
- Snast
- Sneak
- Sneap
- Sneck
- Sneer
- Snick
- Sniff
- Snift
- Snite
- Snood
- Snook
- Snort
- Snout
- Snuff
- Sober
- Soder
- Somne
- Sonde
- Sooty
- Sorwe
- Souce
- Sough
- Souir
- Souke
- Sound
- Soune
- Souse
- South
- Sowce
- Sowle
- Sowne
- Sowse
- Soyle
- Space
- Spade
- Spall
- Spane
- Spang
- Spank
- Spare
- Spark
- Spasm
- Spawl
- Spawn
- Spear
- Speck
- Speer
- Speet
- Speir
- Speke
- Spelt
- Spere
- Spice
- Spike
- Spile
- Spire
- Spirt
- Spite
- Splay
- Spool
- Spoom
- Spoon
- Spoor
- Sport
- Spout
- Squab
- Squat
- Squib
- Staff
- Stage
- Stain
- Stake
- Stale
- Stalk
- Stall
- Stamp
- Stang
- Stank
- Stark
- State
- Stave
- Stead
- Steak
- Steam
- Stean
- Steek
- Steel
- Steem
- Steen
- Steep
- Steer
- Steik
- Stein
- Stell
- Stent
- Stere
- Stern
- Steve
- Stiff
- Stile
- Still
- Stilt
- Suade
- Suage
- Sugar
- Sully
- Surge
- Swage
- Swaip
- Swale
- Swamp
- Sward
- Swarf
- Swarm
- Swart
- Swash
- Swath
- Sweal
- Sweet
- Swelt
- Swerd
- Swift
- Swill
- Swink
- Swipe
- Swirl
- Swish
- Swive
- Swoon
- Swoop
- Swown
Learn more with words that start with S.
Verbs that Start with S with their Meanings
- Save: To preserve, to guard, to keep from harm
- Search: To look for treasure
- Save from Harm: To protect from injury
- Separate: To put apart, to divide, to separate into sections for use or examination
- Shut up: To prevent speech or speech sounds
- Shrink: To become smaller or less in size or magnitude
- Shut out: To block the entrance of flowing air or light by closing doors etc.
- Show up: To be seen by the eye via optical means in a visible manner such as image projected by a camera lens etc.
- Register: To make a memory that is permanent by virtue of an act of recording by writing or typing etc.
- Show off: To display one’s talents in a flashy manner to attract attention.
- Shut up one’s mouth: To stop talking; to keep silent
- Show out: To show or let out – to display to guests etc.
- Shut up your mouth: To prevent someone from talking
- Send away: To dismiss someone or something as useless
- Shut off: To stop a flow of water, air, light , power, heat etc.
- Shove: To push with a quick strong movement
- Sign: To use one’s hands to communicate meaning such as in the case of sign language
- Sink: To descend or drop into an abyss; to subside; to fall or settle below the normal level etc.
- Send: To transmit or propagate something from one point to another
- Sign up: To sign a membership or register agreement for service etc.
- Sin: To commit a transgression of religious law or ethical duty
- Save up: To accumulate money etc. for future use e.g savings account
- Searching: The act of looking intently for something lost, desired etc.
- Settle down: To live securely in a new locality; to become settled and stable
- Shut out: To prevent the entrance of; to stop someone entering e.g “don’t shut me out”
- Sink: To go down; to subside; to sink down below the normal level etc.
- Shut up: To paralyze or arrest speaking or speech
- Shove: To push with a quick strong movement
- Shut off: To stop the flow of air, water, light, heat etc.
- Show off: To display one’s talents in a flashy manner to attract attention
- Show up: To be seen by the eye in a visible manner such as image projected by a camera lens etc.
- Shut up your mouth: Stop someone from talking
- Show out: Display something to others e.
The words in the list are some of the most commonly used verbs that begin with s. All of them have specific functions to fulfill. Some of these verbs are more common than others, but all possess a certain degree of importance for the general English language user.
Verbs that Start with S | Image
Verbs that Start with S | Image 2
Verbs that Start with S | Image 3
Learn more A-Z Verbs
- Verbs that Start with A
- Verbs that Start with B
- Verbs that Start with C
- Verbs that Start with D
- Verbs that Start with E
- Verbs that Start with F
- Verbs that Start with G
- Verbs that Start with H
- Verbs that Start with I
- Verbs that Start with J
- Verbs that Start with K
- Verbs that Start with L
- Verbs that Start with M
- Verbs that Start with N
- Verbs that Start with O
- Verbs that Start with P
- Verbs that Start with Q
- Verbs that Start with R
- Verbs that Start with S
- Verbs that Start with T
- Verbs that Start with U
- Verbs that Start with V
- Verbs that Start with W
- Verbs that Start with X
- Verbs that Start with Y
- Verbs that Start with Z
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