A complete list of verbs that start with U in English! Verbs are an integral part of sentence construction, so it’s a good idea to learn as many of them as you can. If you’re looking to expand your vocabulary and find new ways of saying words that you already use on a regular basis, learning new verbs is the best way to do that.
Verbs that Start with U
What Are Verbs Starting with U?
As one of the English language’s five vowels, U is a letter that you’ll see popping up in lots of different words. Verbs that start with U are words that describe actions or other things that we do, beginning with the letter U.
A lot of verbs beginning with U start with the prefix ‘un’. This prefix means ‘not’ and is typically added to the beginning of a word to give it an opposing meaning. There are a few other verbs that begin with U, but the majority of them start with a U due to the ‘un’ prefix. This makes them easy to recognize as verbs.
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Action Verbs that Start with U with Examples
Verb | Examples |
Uncover | Uncover the truth about the incident. |
Unfold | Unfold the map to see the directions. |
Unite | The two countries decided to unite for peace. |
Unleash | The company decided to unleash a new product. |
Unlock | I can’t enter the room until you unlock the door. |
Unload | Please help me unload the groceries from the car. |
Unpack | Let’s unpack our bags and settle into the hotel. |
Upset | The bad news upset everyone in the room. |
Urge | I urge you to reconsider your decision. |
Utilize | We need to utilize our resources effectively. |
Understand | I don’t understand what you mean by that. |
Use | Can I use your pen for a minute, please? |
Undo | I need to undo my mistake and start over. |
Update | Please update me on the progress of the project. |
Uphold | It is important to uphold human rights. |
Upgrade | I’m planning to upgrade my phone next month. |
Unbalance | The sudden weight shift unbalanced the bike. |
Unbend | He had to unbend the metal wire to make it straight. |
Unbind | Please unbind the book and make a copy. |
Unclasp | She unclasped her necklace and handed it to me. |
Unclog | We need to unclog the kitchen sink. |
Uncoil | The snake uncoiled and slithered away. |
Undercut | The competitor undercut our prices. |
Underline | Underline the important parts of the document. |
Undertake | She decided to undertake a challenging task. |
Undervalue | Don’t undervalue the importance of education. |
Undress | She quickly undressed and jumped into the pool. |
Unearth | The archaeologist unearthed an ancient artifact. |
Unfasten | Please unfasten your seatbelt before standing up. |
Unfreeze | The government decided to unfreeze the assets. |
Unfurl | The banner unfurled as the wind blew. |
Unmask | The police were able to unmask the criminal. |
Unplug | Please unplug the charger when it’s fully charged. |
Unravel | The mystery was finally unraveled. |
Unroll | He unrolled the parchment and started to read. |
Unscramble | Can you unscramble these letters to form a word? |
Unseat | The opposition party managed to unseat the incumbent. |
Unsettle | The earthquake unsettled the whole town. |
Unveil | The artist unveiled his latest masterpiece. |
Unwind | I like to unwind by watching my favorite TV show. |
Update | Please update your contact information in our system. |
Upgrade | We need to upgrade our software to the latest version. |
Uphold | The judge upheld the decision of the lower court. |
Utilize | We can utilize this technology to improve our productivity. |
Urge | I urge you to take action before it’s too late. |
Positive Verbs that Start with U with Examples
Verbs | Examples |
Unite | The two groups worked together to unite their efforts. |
Uphold | The lawyer promised to uphold the client’s rights. |
Understand | She tried hard to understand the needs of her team. |
Upgrade | We decided to upgrade our software to the latest version. |
Urge | The doctor urged his patient to quit smoking. |
Use | We need to use our resources more effectively. |
Unleash | She was able to unleash her creativity with the new tools. |
Uplift | His encouraging words were able to uplift her spirits. |
Unify | The team was able to unify their efforts for a common goal. |
Unfold | The plan began to unfold as we continued our research. |
Unveil | The company was excited to unveil their new product. |
Uncover | The investigation was able to uncover new evidence. |
Unburden | She felt unburdened after confessing her mistake. |
Upstage | Her performance was able to upstage the other actors. |
Utilize | We need to utilize our time more efficiently to meet our goals. |
Unclench | He was able to unclench his fist and let go of his anger. |
Unwind | She liked to unwind by taking a walk in the park. |
Unplug | We should unplug from technology more often and enjoy nature. |
Unbox | She was excited to unbox her new phone and start using it. |
Unfurl | The sails began to unfurl as the ship sailed away from shore. |
List of Verbs that Start with U
There are lots of U verbs to learn and you can use them all in present, past or future tense. Due to the prominence of the ‘un’ prefix, you’ll likely find yourself using a lot of them on a regular basis anyway, though some are easier to learn and remember than others.
Below, you’ll find a list of verbs that start with U:
Verbs that Start with Ug, Ul
- Uglify
- Ulcer
- Ulcerate
- Ultimate
- Ululate
Verbs that Start with Um
- Umbecast
- Umber
- Umbrate
- Umpire
Verbs that Start with Un
- Unanchor
- Unapparel
- Unarm
- Unattire
- Unbag
- Unballast
- Unbank
- Unbar
- Unbark
- Unbarrel
- Unbarricade
- Unbay
- Unbe
- Unbear
- Unbeat
- Unbed
- Unbefool
- Unbeget
- Unbeguile
- Unbelt
- Unbend
- Unbenumb
- Unbeseem
- Unbespeak
- Unbethink
- Unbewitch
- Unbias
- Unbind
- Unbishop
- Unbit
- Unblind
- Unblindfold
- Unbody
- Unbolt
- Unbone
- Unbonnet
- Unboot
- Unbosom
- Unbow
- Unbowel
- Unbox
- Unboy
- Unbrace
- Unbraid
- Unbreast
- Unbreech
- Unbridle
- Unbuckle
- Unbuild
- Unbundle
- Unbung
- Unburden
- Unburrow
- Unbury
- Unbutton
- Uncage
- Uncalm
- Uncamp
- Uncanonize
- Uncap
- Uncape
- Uncardinal
- Uncarnate
- Uncart
- Uncase
- Uncastle
- Uncenter
- Uncentre
- Uncentury
- Unchain
- Unchaplain
- Uncharge
- Unchariot
- Uncharm
- Uncharnel
- Unchild
- Unchristen
- Unchristian
- Unchristianize
- Unchurch
- Uncipher
- Uncity
- Unclasp
- Unclench
- Unclew
- Unclinch
- Uncling
- Uncloak
- Unclog
- Uncloister
- Unclose
- Unclothe
- Uncloud
- Unclue
- Unclutch
- Uncoach
- Uncoffle
- Uncoif
- Uncoil
- Uncolt
- Uncombine
- Unconfound
- Uncongeal
- Uncord
- Uncork
- Uncouple
- Uncover
- Uncowl
- Uncreate
- Uncrown
- Uncurl
- Uncurse
- Uncurtain
- Uncypher
- Undam
- Undeaf
- Undeceive
- Undecide
- Undeck
- Undefine
- Undeify
- Underact
- Underbear
- Underbid
- Underbrace
- Underbuy
- Undercast
- Undercharge
- Undercrest
- Undercut
- Underdelve
- Underditch
- Underdo
- Underdose
- Underdrain
- Underestimate
- Underfeed
- Underfollow
- Underfong
- Underfurnish
- Underfurrow
- Underget
- Undergird
- Undergo
- Undergrow
- Undergrub
- Underhang
- Underheave
- Underjoin
- Underkeep
- Underlay
- Underlet
- Underlie
- Underline
- Undermine
- Underminister
- Undernime
- Underpay
- Underpeep
- Underpeer
- Underpin
- Underplay
- Underpraise
- Underprize
- Underprop
- Underpull
- Underrate
- Underreckon
- Underrun
- Underscore
- Undersell
- Underset
- Undershoot
- Undersign
- Underspend
- Understand
- Understate
- Understock
- Understroke
- Understudy
- Undertake
- Undertook
- Undervalue
- Undervalued
- Underween
- Underwork
- Underwrite
- Underyoke
- Undevil
- Undirect
- Undo
- Undock
- Undomesticate
- Undouble
- Undrape
- Undraw
- Undress
- Unduke
- Undulate
- Undull
- Undumpish
- Undust
- Unearth
- Unedge
- Unencumber
- Unentangle
- Unestablish
- Unface
- Unfair
- Unfasten
- Unfeather
- Unfellow
- Unfence
- Unfetter
- Unfeudalize
- Unfile
- Unfit
- Unfix
- Unflesh
- Unfold
- Unfool
- Unform
- Unframe
- Unfreeze
- Unfrequent
- Unfret
- Unfriend
- Unfrock
- Unfurl
- Unfurnish
- Ungear
- Unget
- Ungird
- Ungive
- Unglaze
- Unglorify
- Unglove
- Unglue
- Ungod
- Ungown
- Unguard
- Unhair
- Unhallow
- Unhand
- Unhang
- Unharbor
- Unharness
- Unhasp
- Unhat
- Unhead
- Unhele
- Unhelm
- Unhelmet
- Unhide
- Unhinge
- Unhitch
- Unhoard
- Unhold
- Unhood
- Unhook
- Unhoop
- Unhorse
- Unhouse
- Unhumanize
- Unified
- Uniform
- Unify
- Unionize
- Unitarianize
- Unite
- United
- Unition
- Unitize
- Universalize
- Unjoin
- Unjoint
- Unkennel
- Unking
- Unknight
- Unknit
- Unknot
- Unlace
- Unlade
- Unland
- Unlap
- Unlash
- Unlatch
- Unlaugh
- Unlaw
- Unlay
- Unlearn
- Unleash
- Unlimber
- Unlink
- Unlive
- Unload
- Unlock
- Unlodge
- Unloose
- Unloosen
- Unlord
- Unlove
- Unlute
- Unmagistrate
- Unmaiden
- Unmake
- Unman
- Unmanacle
- Unmantle
- Unmarry
- Unmartyr
- Unmask
- Unmechanize
- Unmember
- Unmew
- Unmingle
- Unmiter
- Unmitre
- Unmold
- Unmonopolize
- Unmoor
- Unmortise
- Unmould
- Unmuffle
- Unmuzzle
- Unnail
- Unnaturalize
- Unnature
- Unnerve
- Unnest
- Unnestle
- Unnotify
- Unnun
- Unorder
- Unpack
- Unpaganize
- Unpaint
- Unpannel
- Unparadise
- Unpastor
- Unpay
- Unpeg
- Unpen
- Unpeople
- Unperfect
- Unperplex
- Unpervert
- Unphilosophize
- Unpick
- Unpin
- Unpinion
- Unplat
- Unpleat
- Unplumb
- Unplume
- Unpolish
- Unpope
- Unpossess
- Unpraise
- Unpray
- Unpreach
- Unpredict
- Unpriest
- Unprince
- Unprison
- Unpromise
- Unprop
- Unproselyte
- Unprotestantize
- Unprovide
- Unpucker
- Unqualify
- Unqueen
- Unquiet
- Unravel
- Unready
- Unrealize
- Unreason
- Unreave
- Unreeve
- Unrein
- Unriddle
- Unrig
- Unright
- Unrip
- Unrivet
- Unrobe
- Unroll
- Unroof
- Unroost
- Unroot
- Unruffle
- Unrumple
- Unsacrament
- Unsadden
- Unsaddle
- Unsaint
- Unsay
- Unscale
- Unscrew
- Unseal
- Unseat
- Unsecret
- Unsecularize
- Unseel
- Unsensualize
- Unsettle
- Unseven
- Unsew
- Unshackle
- Unshale
- Unshape
- Unsheathe
- Unshell
- Unshelve
- Unsheriff
- Unshet
- Unship
- Unshot
- Unshout
- Unshroud
- Unshut
- Unshutter
- Unsin
- Unsinew
- Unsister
- Unsling
- Unsluice
- Unsocket
- Unsolder
- Unsolemnize
- Unsoul
- Unspar
- Unspeak
- Unspell
- Unsphere
- Unspike
- Unspin
- Unspirit
- Unspiritalize
- Unsquire
- Unstack
- Unstarch
- Unstate
- Unsteel
- Unstep
- Unstick
- Unsting
- Unstitch
- Unstock
- Unstop
- Unstrain
- Unstring
- Unsubstantialize
- Unsuit
- Unswaddle
- Unswathe
- Unswear
- Unsweat
- Untack
- Untackle
- Untangle
- Untappice
- Untaste
- Unteach
- Unteam
- Untemper
- Untenant
- Unthink
- Unthread
- Unthrone
- Untie
- Untighten
- Untomb
- Untongue
- Untooth
- Untreasure
- Untruss
- Untuck
- Untune
- Unturn
- Untwain
- Untwine
- Untwirl
- Untwist
- Unty
- Unvail
- Unveil
- Unvessel
- Unvicar
- Unvisard
- Unvote
- Unvulgarize
- Unwarm
- Unwarp
- Unweary
- Unweave
- Unwild
- Unwill
- Unwind
- Unwish
- Unwit
- Unwitch
- Unwoman
- Unwonder
- Unwork
- Unworship
- Unwrap
- Unwray
- Unwreathe
- Unwrie
- Unwrinkle
- Unwrite
- Unyoke
Verbs that Start with Up
- Up
- Upbar
- Upbear
- Upbind
- Upblow
- Upbraid
- Upbreak
- Upbreed
- Upcast
- Upcheer
- Upclimb
- Upcoil
- Upcurl
- Updated
- Updraw
- Upend
- Upfill
- Upflow
- Upgather
- Upgaze
- Upgrade
- Upgraded
- Upgrow
- Upgush
- Uphang
- Uphasp
- Upheave
- Uphold
- Upholster
- Uplay
- Uplift
- Uplook
- Uppercut
- Uppluck
- Upprop
- Upraise
- Upset
- Upstand
Verbs that Start with Ur
- Urbanize
- Ure
- Urge
- Urinate
- Urine
- Urn
- Urticate
Verbs that Start with Us
- Usance
- Use
- Use up
- Used
- Used to
- Usher
- Usher in
- Usurp
- Usury
Verbs that Start with Ut
- Utensil
- Utile
- Utilize
- Utilized
- Utter
Common Verbs that Start with U and Their Meanings
If you’re looking for common U verbs that you can use in everyday conversation, these are the first ones that you should learn:
- To use – to take or consume something, or to employ something as a means of accomplishing a task.
- To unwind – to relax.
- To urge – to persistently persuade somebody to do something.
- To upset – to make somebody sad.
- To undo – to loosen something, or to reverse the effects of a previous action.
- To undermine – to reduce the power of something.
- To untie – to unfasten something.
- To unroll – to open something out from a rolled-up state.
- To unleash – to release something.
- To unite – to come together.
- To undertake – to commit yourself to a task.
- To uncover – to discover truth.
- To unearth – to find something out, or dig something up.
- To uphold – to confirm or support something.
To conclude, it’s easy to work U verbs into your everyday vocabulary because they can be substituted for simpler words. For example, you could use ‘unleash’ instead of ‘release’, or ‘usurp’ instead of ‘take over’.
There are also lots of verbs starting with U that we often use multiple times a day, such as ‘use’ or ‘undo’. The best way to start consciously using more U verbs is to learn their meanings and identify when they can be used in conversation.
Verbs that Start with U | Images
Resources Related to U Verbs
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- Verbs that Start with U
- Verbs that Start with V
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- Verbs that Start with Y
- Verbs that Start with Z
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