The slang term “wat” is one of the simplest internet slang terms to figure out the meaning of. However, if you were second-guessing yourself concerning the meaning and have arrived here just to make sure you were right about it, then you have come to the right place. Here you will find the meaning of this term, the story of its origin, and some alternative meanings if there are any.
You will also see some example conversations featuring this term for you to understand the term better. Finally, you will see some words or phrases that you can use interchangeably with this term to maintain its meaning and state the same message.
“Wat” Meaning, Origin and Usage
Key Takeaways
- Wat is an informal or humorous way of saying What, often used in casual texting, memes, or online conversations. It typically conveys confusion, disbelief, or amusement.
“Wat” Meaning
What Does “Wat” Mean?
This slang term is an abbreviated version of the word “what.” It is used as a response by someone who either didn’t hear something the first time it was said or to question something that was just said. It is also used in a somewhat sarcastic way to reply to something that makes absolutely no sense.
Origin of “Wat”
The term “what” and thus this slang term finds its origins in Old English from the German words “was” and the Dutch word “wat.” Both the Dutch and German words take their meaning from the Latin root word “quod.” This term became widely used in internet memes and online as an abbreviated form of wat mostly used in sarcasm and in response to something that was absolute nonsense.
Usage of the Term
Expressing Confusion: Used to ask for clarification when something is unclear.
- “You want me to eat pizza with a fork? Wat?”
Reacting to Something Strange: Shows disbelief or amusement at an odd situation.
- “They said the meeting is at midnight. Wat.”
Meme Culture: Frequently appears in memes to exaggerate confusion or absurdity.
- “When your dog barks at nothing: Wat.”
Casual Conversations: A playful or relaxed way of asking “What?”
- “You’re leaving already? Wat!”
Joking or Teasing: Used humorously to react to a silly or exaggerated statement.
- “I can run faster than a car. Wat?”
Other Meanings
This term is also the given name of a temple in Thailand. The term is also the name of an Ethiopian stew that contains vegetables and stew and is often eaten with a piece of flattened bread rather than utensils. A pat of butter can also be referred to using this term.
Related Terms to Wat
Wut – A playful misspelling of “What.”
- Example: “Wut are you even saying?”
Wutcha – Slang for “What are you.”
- Example: “Wutcha doing tonight?”
Wha – A shortened version of “What.”
- Example: “Wha is going on here?”
Whatcha – Informal for “What are you.”
- Example: “Whatcha thinking about?”
WTH – Short for “What the heck/hell.”
- Example: “WTH is going on here?”
WTF – A more explicit version of “WTH.”
- Example: “WTF did I just see?”
Whatchu – Slang for “What are you.”
- Example: “Whatchu talking about?”
Sup – A casual way of saying “What’s up?”
- Example: “Sup, how’s it going?”
Oh, really? – Responding to something surprising.
- Example: “Oh, really? I didn’t know that.”
No way! – Expresses disbelief or surprise.
- Example: “No way! That can’t be true.”
Seriously? – A questioning reaction to surprising information.
- Example: “Seriously? That’s insane.”
Other Ways to Say “Wat”
- Huh?
- Eh?
- What’s that?
- Say what?
- Excuse me?
“Wat” Examples
Sentence Examples
- “You want me to climb that mountain in one day? Wat!”
- “I just saw the strangest thing—wat even is that?”
- “Wat are you talking about? I didn’t hear the first part.”
- “She sent me a message saying, ‘I’m outside,’ but I didn’t invite her. Wat?”
- “He tripped over nothing and then blamed the floor. Wat kind of logic is that?”
- “You’re telling me you finished the entire cake by yourself? Wat!”
- “I opened the fridge, and someone put cereal in there. Wat is wrong with people?”
Conversation Examples
A text message exchange between two friends.
- Friend 1: Did you hear that Professor Martin canceled all his afternoon classes because he wants to go golfing?
- Friend 2: Wat!? I don’t pay all this tuition money to miss a class because my instructor wants to go golfing. That’s nonsense!
An online conversation between two Facebook users.
- User 1: I want to go to Jamaica on my orange speedboat to see pink elephants.
- User 2: Wat?! Are you high or drunk right now?
- User 1: No, it was just a random thought.
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