“We Was Robbed” Meaning, Origin and Examples

In this reference, you will learn about the idiomatic phrase “we was robbed,” its meaning, and its origin. You’ll also find examples showing how to use this phrase in everyday conversation. Additionally, there are suggestions for other ways to convey the same idea using different phrases.

We Was Robbed Meaning, Origin and Usage

Key Takeaways

  • “We was robbed” means feeling unfairly cheated or denied something deserved, often in a competition. It’s grammatically incorrect but used humorously or for emphasis.
We Was Robbed Meaning
We Was Robbed Meaning – Created by 7ESL

What Does “We Was Robbed” Mean?

We was robbed” is a colloquial or humorous expression used to convey the feeling that someone was unfairly cheated or denied something they deserved, typically in a competition or situation where they expected a better outcome. The phrase is grammatically incorrect (“was” should be “were”), but it’s often used this way for emphasis or humor.

Origin of We Was Robbed

This phrase originated in the world of boxing. It was said in 1932 when the boxing coach Joe Jacobs claimed that the title had been stolen from his fighter Max Schmeling by his opponent Jack Sharkey. Shortly after the match had been decided in Sharkey’s favor, Jacobs stated that it was clear Sharkey had been outmatched and that “we was robbed” meaning the title had been taken from his client despite the clean circumstances. The phrase is still widely used today, but some people change the spelling when they use it (ex. “we wuz robbed”)

Usage of “We Was Robbed”

  • After a sports event:
    • The team played so well, but the ref’s bad call cost them the game. We was robbed!
  • In a competition:
    • I can’t believe we didn’t win the contest. We was robbed!
  • After an unfair decision:
    • We deserved to win the award, but they gave it to someone else. We was robbed!
  • In a casual conversation:
    • The other team didn’t even play that well, and they still won? We was robbed!

Related Terms to “We Was Robbed”

  • Shafted – To be treated unfairly or cheated
  • Ripped off – To be cheated or charged unfairly
  • Cheated – To be treated unfairly or dishonestly
  • Swindled – To be tricked or deceived, especially in a financial context
  • Shortchanged – To receive less than what is due or expected
  • Done dirty – To be treated unfairly or unjustly
  • Snubbed – To be ignored or overlooked, especially unfairly
  • Wronged – To suffer an unfair action or treatment

Other Ways to Say “We Was Robbed”

Like all idiomatic phrases, there are alternative ways to say “we was robbed” while still conveying the same meaning. Other things you might say include:

  • it was unexpectedly taken from us
  • the outcome came as a shock
  • we were denied

Examples of We Was Robbed

Example Statements

A statement made by a high school football quarterback.

  • I felt for sure we have that game in the bag. I can’t believe at the last second they were able to kick a field goal and win. We was robbed!

A statement made by an internet user in a comment to a post after the election was over.

  • I can’t believe she didn’t win. There is no way the other candidate was better than her. We was robbed!

Example Conversations

A conversation in the locker room between two hockey players after the game.

  • Player 1: We were up two goals. I don’t know how we lost that game.
  • Player 2: I don’t know either. I thought our win tonight was a sure thing.
  • Player 1: One thing for sure, we was robbed!

A conversation between two students discussing their class reward.

  • Student 1: Man, we was robbed! I thought for sure our class was the top seller this year.
  • Student 2: Yeah we were on top heading into the final week, but somehow the other class pushed ahead of us.
  • Student 1: That sucks because I was looking forward to that pizza party!