If you’re curious about words that rhyme with face, this reference will guide you through various options. It covers common rhyming words, from single-syllable to five-syllable.
Explore words categorized by their letter count, with sections on three-letter, four-letter, and up to eight-letter words. You can also find rhymes used in kindergarten poems and phrases that rhyme with “face”. This reference aims to provide a comprehensive overview of rhymes for “face”.
Words that Rhyme with Face
10 Common Words that Perfect Rhyme with Face
- Space
- Chase
- Case
- Grace
- Replace
- Embrace
- Trace
- Brace
- Erase
- Disgrace
Single-syllable Words that Rhyme with Face
- Abbes
- Ace
- Aches
- Aes
- Aids
- Akes
- Alpes
- Aze
- Baes
- Baize
- Base
- Bays
- Baze
- Bdays
- Beige
- Beys
- Blades
- Blaize
- Blase
- Blays
- Blaze
- Bocce
- Brace
- Braes
- Braise
- Braize
- Brave
- Brays
- Braze
- Cace
- Cadres
- Cafes
- Caisse
- Case
- Cave
- Cayce
- Cays
- Caze
- Chace
- Chains
- Chaise
- Chance
- Chase
- Chays
- Claes
- Clase
- Clays
- Crase
- Crave
- Crays
- Craze
- Dace
- Dase
- Dates
- Dave
- Days
- Daze
- Deys
- Drays
- Dres
- Dreys
- Duce
- Eighth
- Endres
- Fades
- Faes
- Faith
- Fakes
- Fase
- Fays
- Faze
- Fence
- Flays
- Fleece
- Fleys
- Force
- Fraise
- France
- Frays
- Gays
- Gaze
- Glace
- Glance
- Glaze
- Gleys
- Golpes
- Grace
- Grades
- Grave
- Grays
- Gray’s
- Graze
- Greats
- Greece
- Greys
- Grey’s
- Hase
- Hates
- Hayes
- Hays
- Haze
- Hence
- Heys
- Heyse
- Hueys
- Ice
- James
- Jays
- Jetes
- Kase
- Kays
- Kibbes
- Klase
- Koines
- Lace
- Laisse
- Lance
- Lanes
- Lase
- Lattes
- Lays
- Lay’s
- Laze
- Leas
- Leis
- Leys
- Lice
- Mace
- Maes
- Mae’s
- Mais
- Maize
- Makes
- Manes
- Mase
- Mates
- Mays
- May’s
- Maze
- Meles
- Mice
- Mince
- Mnas
- Moles
- Mzees
- Nace
- Nails
- Names
- Nase
- Nays
- Naze
- Neighs
- Nenes
- Nice
- Niece
- Nisse
- Once
- Ounce
- Pace
- Padres
- Pains
- Paise
- Pase
- Pates
- Pave
- Pays
- Pehs
- Peise
- Phase
- Phrase
- Place
- Planes
- Plates
- Plays
- Play’s
- Praise
- Prase
- Prays
- Preys
- Quays
- Queys
- Race
- Rains
- Raise
- Rase
- Rates
- Rave
- Rays
- Raze
- Reys
- Risse
- Sais
- Save
- Says
- Scalpes
- Scrays
- Seis
- Shades
- Shakes
- Shave
- Shays
- Slave
- Slaves
- Slays
- Sleighs
- Smaze
- Snakes
- Space
- Spaes
- Spays
- Splays
- Sprays
- Stains
- Stakes
- States
- Stays
- Strays
- Sways
- Swayze
- Tace
- Takes
- Tales
- Tapes
- Tase
- Tays
- Tighs
- Toupes
- Trace
- Traits
- Trays
- Treys
- Trez
- Vales
- Vase
- Veins
- Vleis
- Wace
- Wakes
- Wase
- Wave
- Ways
- Weighs
- Weights
- Weisse
- Weys
- Wheys
- Wisse
- Wrays
- Yays
- Yeas
Two-syllable Words that Rhyme with Face
- Abaisse
- Abase
- Abays
- Abbey’s
- Ablaze
- Abrase
- Acrase
- Acraze
- Adjace
- Adrets
- Affrays
- Agaves
- Agaze
- Aggrace
- Agrace
- Airbase
- Airspace
- Airways
- Algaes
- Always
- Amates
- Amaze
- Ambass
- Ambsace
- Amoles
- Amscrays
- Anales
- Andantes
- Andres
- Angrez
- Animes
- Apace
- Apays
- Appays
- Appraise
- Arace
- Archaise
- Archways
- Armbrace
- Arrays
- Artspace
- Ashtrays
- Assays
- Assface
- Athames
- Backface
- Backpays
- Backspace
- Backstays
- Backtrace
- Backways
- Ballets
- Ballrace
- Barclays
- Barnase
- Barways
- Bayes
- Bebays
- Becraze
- Bedaze
- Beflays
- Begays
- Begaze
- Begrace
- Behave
- Beignets
- Belace
- Belandres
- Belays
- Beltways
- Bemaze
- Bendways
- Bepraise
- Berays
- Berets
- Betrays
- Beways
- Bewrays
- Bidets
- Biface
- Biophase
- Biphase
- Birfdays
- Birthdays
- Birthplace
- Bispace
- Blackface
- Blase
- Bleveys
- Bluejays
- Bobsleighs
- Bobstays
- Boldface
- Bombace
- Bombay’s
- Bongrace
- Bonsais
- Bookcase
- Booshways
- Bootlace
- Bosques
- Bosquets
- Botehs
- Bouquets
- Bowgrace
- Braincase
- Breadthways
- Breezeways
- Briefcase
- Brinase
- Broadways
- Brownface
- Buckstays
- Buffets
- Bulettes
- Bumbaze
- Bunkspace
- Busways
- Buttface
- Buzzphrase
- Byplays
- Byways
- Caches
- Cachets
- Candace
- Capcase
- Carcase
- Cardcase
- Carnets
- Cartways
- Caspase
- Catchphrase
- Catface
- Causeways
- Caveats
- Chaincase
- Chainstays
- Chalaze
- Chalets
- Chambrays
- Chatspace
- Cheney’s
- Chevets
- Chymase
- Clarisse
- Clayes
- Clearways
- Cliches
- Clockcase
- Clockface
- Clubface
- Coalface
- Cojones
- Colets
- Comtrace
- Conveys
- Copays
- Cosplays
- Crankcase
- Crapface
- Crawlspace
- Crawlways
- Crayes
- Creates
- Crochets
- Crossways
- Cuvets
- Cyclase
- Cytase
- Deathdays
- Deathrays
- Debase
- Decays
- Deejays
- Deepspace
- Deface
- Defrays
- Deglaze
- Deiodase
- Delays
- Delhaize
- Demisse
- Denays
- Dephase
- Deskspace
- Dewey’s
- Dhimays
- Diabase
- Diapase
- Diastase
- Dioptase
- Discase
- Disgrace
- Dismays
- Dispase
- Displace
- Displays
- Dispraise
- Disrays
- Dogdays
- Dogface
- Dollface
- Doomsays
- Doomsdays
- Doorcase
- Doorways
- Dorkface
- Doughface
- Downcase
- Downplays
- Downtrace
- Downweighs
- Driftways
- Driveways
- Duckface
- Ductways
- Duvets
- Earthspace
- Ebays
- Edgeways
- Efface
- Effrays
- Embase
- Embays
- Emblaze
- Embrace
- Emplace
- Encase
- Enceintes
- Enchase
- Endplays
- Endways
- Enface
- Enlace
- Enlays
- Enrace
- Enslave
- Entrees
- Erase
- Erastes
- Espace
- Essays
- Estrays
- Euclase
- Fadaise
- Fagface
- Fairways
- Fallways
- Fanbase
- Fartface
- Fatface
- Faye’s
- Females
- Ferace
- Fessways
- Filets
- Fillets
- Fireplace
- Fireys
- Fishways
- Flatways
- Flexplace
- Flightcase
- Flippase
- Floodways
- Floorspace
- Flyways
- Foldase
- Folkways
- Foodways
- Footpace
- Footrace
- Footways
- Forays
- Forgave
- Forrays
- Forsays
- Fortes
- Foxface
- Francaise
- Freebase
- Freeways
- Fridays
- Frontways
- Fundaes
- Fundraise
- Gabeys
- Gainrace
- Gainsays
- Gainstays
- Gamays
- Gangues
- Gangways
- Garveys
- Gasface
- Gateways
- Gayface
- Gearcase
- Gelees
- Geophase
- Geospace
- Gombeys
- Goombays
- Gourmets
- Grabass
- Greenspace
- Greenways
- Gregales
- Greiges
- Grimace
- Groundways
- Guanase
- Gunplays
- Gyrase
- Hackdays
- Hackspace
- Hairsprays
- Halfpace
- Halfspace
- Halfways
- Hallways
- Halpace
- Hardcase
- Hatchways
- Hayes
- Headcase
- Headrace
- Headspace
- Headways
- Hearsays
- Heartface
- Hearthplace
- Heydays
- Heydeys
- Hickways
- Highways
- Hobdays
- Hoistways
- Holdase
- Hoorays
- Humpdays
- Hurrays
- Hydrase
- Idaes
- Imbase
- Imbays
- Imblaze
- In place
- Incase
- Inlace
- Inlays
- Intrays
- Inveighs
- Isseis
- Ixnays
- Jackstays
- Jarveys
- Jerkface
- Jetways
- Jiggehs
- Kanteles
- Karnays
- Keyphrase
- Keyspace
- Keyways
- Kinase
- Kiosques
- Kittehs
- Laccase
- Lacqueys
- Lactase
- Lampreys
- Lanais
- Landrace
- Langleys
- Langues
- Lansehs
- Laquays
- Larmiers
- Leafspace
- Leastways
- Leeways
- Levees
- Lichways
- Ligase
- Lightface
- Lightrays
- Likembes
- Limiers
- Linkways
- Lipase
- Loadspace
- Logspace
- Longcase
- Longplays
- Longways
- Loopspace
- Madres
- Magueys
- Mainbrace
- Mainspace
- Mainstays
- Malaise
- Maltase
- Manehs
- Manface
- Manways
- Margays
- Matchdays
- Maydays
- Meatspace
- Mecates
- Melees
- Mellays
- Meringues
- Mezes
- Midbass
- Middays
- Midface
- Midphrase
- Midplace
- Midrace
- Midways
- Mikwehs
- Millrace
- Mislays
- Mispays
- Misphrase
- Misplace
- Misplays
- Mispraise
- Misraise
- Missays
- Misspace
- Misstays
- Mistakes
- Mistrace
- Misways
- Mizmaze
- Mobeys
- Momiers
- Mondays
- Moonbase
- Moonphase
- Morays
- Morgays
- Morglays
- Mortpays
- Murray’s
- Musquets
- Mutase
- Myspace
- Namastes
- Naptimes
- Naysays
- Neckbrace
- Needways
- Nickase
- Niseis
- Noncase
- Nonface
- Nongaze
- Nonmaize
- Nonplace
- Nonplays
- Nonrace
- Nonspace
- Nontrace
- Noondays
- Noplace
- Norway’s
- Nosegays
- Notecase
- Noways
- Nutcase
- Obeys
- Ofays
- Offbase
- Offlays
- Oilways
- Okays
- Okehs
- Olehs
- Onglaze
- Onlays
- Optimes
- Orfrays
- Osprays
- Ospreys
- Outbase
- Outblaze
- Outbrays
- Outface
- Outgays
- Outgaze
- Outlays
- Outpace
- Outplace
- Outplays
- Outprays
- Outrace
- Outraise
- Outrays
- Outstays
- Outways
- Outweighs
- Pacays
- Paccays
- Paces
- Packways
- Padres
- Paleface
- Parfaits
- Parkways
- Parlays
- Parquets
- Partays
- Partways
- Passways
- Pathways
- Paydays
- Payraise
- Pectase
- Pedways
- Peejays
- Pencase
- Peptase
- Perriers
- Phytase
- Picheys
- Pieface
- Pigface
- Piolets
- Pissface
- Playdays
- Playspace
- Pochays
- Poleis
- Pooface
- Porchways
- Portrays
- Postbase
- Postchaise
- Postface
- Postrace
- Pramface
- Prepays
- Preplace
- Prerace
- Prickface
- Primase
- Pronase
- Prophase
- Pummace
- Punnais
- Purees
- Pureys
- Purveys
- Quadplays
- Raceways
- Railways
- Rampways
- Ratface
- Rayleighs
- Realspace
- Reappraise
- Reassays
- Rebase
- Rebrace
- Rechase
- Redbays
- Redface
- Reedmace
- Reface
- Refaits
- Reglaze
- Regraze
- Relace
- Relays
- Remains
- Renays
- Rennase
- Rentiers
- Repace
- Repays
- Rephase
- Rephrase
- Replace
- Replays
- Reraise
- Rerapes
- Resays
- Respace
- Resprays
- Retrace
- Reweighs
- Rheobase
- Rightways
- Rimbase
- Ringways
- Roadbase
- Roadways
- Robles
- Rockface
- Rocklays
- Rollways
- Roofspace
- Roquets
- Runways
- Sachets
- Sadcase
- Sammiers
- Satays
- Scarface
- Schooldays
- Scramblase
- Screenplays
- Screenspace
- Screwface
- Scumface
- Seabase
- Seabass
- Seaspace
- Seasprays
- Seaways
- Seedcase
- Segues
- Segways
- Senseis
- Seprase
- Serapes
- Shaftways
- Shipways
- Shoelace
- Shopways
- Showcase
- Showplace
- Sickbays
- Sideways
- Skidways
- Skyspace
- Skyways
- Slantways
- Slaunchways
- Slipcase
- Slipways
- Slowplays
- Slutface
- Smearcase
- Smiercase
- Snailase
- Snotface
- Snowbase
- Snowface
- Soirees
- Someplace
- Soothsays
- Sornais
- Sortase
- Speedways
- Spillways
- Spoonways
- Spotface
- Staircase
- Stairways
- Starbase
- Stargaze
- Staylace
- Steamways
- Sternways
- Stingrays
- Straightface
- Straightways
- Strathspeys
- Streetways
- Subbase
- Subcase
- Subphase
- Subplace
- Subrace
- Subspace
- Subways
- Sucrase
- Suitcase
- Sundaes
- Sundays
- Sunday’s
- Sunrays
- Sunspace
- Sunways
- Supplace
- Surbase
- Surveys
- Swashways
- Swordplays
- Synphase
- Synthase
- Systrays
- Tailrace
- Take place
- Tambays
- Tannase
- Tardface
- Teatrays
- Tempehs
- Tenase
- Teosintes
- Termbase
- Testcase
- Textbase
- Thiolase
- Threespace
- Threeways
- Thrombase
- Throughways
- Thursdays
- Timbres
- Tiples
- Tittays
- Tockays
- Today’s
- Tokays
- Tollways
- Topspace
- Torace
- Toupees
- Towkays
- Trackways
- Trailblaze
- Trainways
- Tramways
- Transplace
- Transrace
- Traycase
- Treespace
- Trespace
- Triphase
- Trobles
- Trollface
- Truckways
- Tryptase
- Tuesdays
- Tussehs
- Typeface
- Tyrase
- Ukase
- Unais
- Unbays
- Unbrace
- Uncase
- Unface
- Unglaze
- Ungrace
- Ungues
- Unlace
- Unlays
- Unpays
- Unplace
- Unprays
- Unsays
- Unstays
- Upbrays
- Upgaze
- Uplays
- Upraise
- Upstays
- Upsways
- Uptimes
- Uptrace
- Urase
- Usques
- Vacas
- Vacays
- Vahines
- Valets
- Valet’s
- Vambrace
- Vanbrace
- Vantbrace
- Varisse
- Varrays
- Vaycays
- Vayes
- Veejays
- Veneys
- Venires
- Vivace
- Volets
- Wahines
- Walkways
- Wankface
- Warface
- Warrays
- Washdays
- Watchcase
- Wayes
- Waylays
- Webspace
- Wednesdays
- Weekdays
- Wheelbase
- Wheyface
- Whiteface
- Widthways
- Windlace
- Windways
- Wingbase
- Wingcase
- Withsays
- Withstays
- Wordplays
- Workdays
- Workplace
- Workspace
- Workways
- Yarlighs
- Yeardays
- Yeasays
- Zaydehs
- Zitface
- Zymase
Three-syllable Words that Rhyme with Face
- Abbayes
- Accessways
- Acrophase
- Activase
- Acylase
- Adenase
- Adolase
- Aerospace
- Afterbays
- Agarase
- Aisleways
- Aldolase
- Alleyways
- Alliinase
- Allinase
- Alteplase
- Amidase
- Aminase
- Anaphase
- Anatase
- Andantes
- Anelace
- Anhydrase
- Antiphase
- Antiplays
- Antispace
- Anyplace
- Anyways
- Appliques
- Apyrase
- Arborways
- Areaways
- Areolets
- Argilehs
- Arginase
- Armsayes
- Arseface
- Ascorbase
- Asfotase
- Aspartase
- Assagays
- Assegays
- Atabeys
- Awaydays
- Ayeayes
- Babyface
- Babystays
- Bathyphase
- Battlespace
- Benzonase
- Beylerbeys
- Bikeways
- Bilgeways
- Biointerface
- Biopathways
- Bodysprays
- Bolognaise
- Bolognese
- Boniface
- Bordelaise
- Braceface
- Brazenface
- Breakaways
- Breezeways
- Bridleways
- Brinolase
- Butterface
- Cableways
- Cabriolets
- Cacolets
- Cafenehs
- Cafilehs
- Camelcase
- Campaniles
- Canceliers
- Cantabiles
- Carapace
- Caraways
- Carpetways
- Carraways
- Caseinase
- Castaways
- Catalase
- Catechase
- Causeways
- Caveats
- Cellarways
- Cellulase
- Centidays
- Ceviches
- Chelatase
- Chevalets
- Chevrolets
- Chitenges
- Chitinase
- Chromebase
- Chrysoprase
- Clinoclase
- Coagulase
- Codebase
- Codeface
- Codespace
- Colipase
- Colorspace
- Colorways
- Confidantes
- Conjugase
- Contrabass
- Convertase
- Cornerways
- Corporace
- Counselees
- Counterbrace
- Countercase
- Counterface
- Counterphase
- Counterplays
- Counterspace
- Countersways
- Creatinase
- Cresolase
- Crotonase
- Cruiseways
- Cryosprays
- Cuirassiers
- Cutaways
- Cutinase
- Cybercafes
- Cyberplace
- Cyberspace
- Cycleways
- Daresays
- Database
- Dataspace
- Dayerehs
- Deacylase
- Deamidase
- Deaminase
- Deiminase
- Deinterlace
- Deiodinase
- Demiglace
- Demiglaze
- Desmolase
- Dextranase
- Diaphorase
- Diastase
- Dikinase
- Disarrays
- Dismutase
- Disobeys
- Dispurveys
- Domesdays
- Dossiers
- Doucheface
- Driveaways
- Driveways
- Duteplase
- Echelons
- Ecospace
- Ectoatpase
- Edgeways
- Eigenface
- Eigenphase
- Eigenrays
- Eigenspace
- Elastase
- Elongase
- Elseways
- Enolase
- Enshrinees
- Entryways
- Epazotes
- Esterase
- Euthanase
- Everyplace
- Exobase
- Exoface
- Expelees
- Fadeaways
- Fakeaways
- Fallaways
- Falseface
- Faradays
- Faygelehs
- Fazzolets
- Fesseways
- Fibrinase
- Fibrolase
- Filespace
- Fingerplays
- Firebase
- Firebays
- Fireclays
- Fireplace
- Fiveways
- Flageolets
- Followdays
- Forebays
- Forebrace
- Forechase
- Foreface
- Forelays
- Forepays
- Foreplays
- Foresays
- Forestays
- Foreways
- Foreweighs
- Formylase
- Fosseways
- Freckleface
- Fumarase
- Fuseways
- Galactase
- Galloways
- Gamedays
- Gameplays
- Gaseliers
- Gateways
- Getaways
- Gigabase
- Giveaways
- Glucanase
- Glycanase
- Gondolets
- Guideways
- Guillemets
- Gynobase
- Gyrophase
- Hassagays
- Helicase
- Hemiface
- Hemispace
- Hereaways
- Hideaways
- Hidingplace
- Histidase
- Hoistaways
- Holidays
- Holloways
- Homeplace
- Homespace
- Homestays
- Homogays
- Homophase
- Horseplays
- Horserace
- Horseways
- Hoteliers
- Huntaways
- Hurricane
- Hydratase
- Hydrolase
- Hydrospace
- Hyperbase
- Hyperface
- Icetrays
- Iceways
- Idiophase
- Idocrase
- Integrase
- Intercase
- Interface
- Interlace
- Interlays
- Interphase
- Interphrase
- Interplace
- Interplays
- Interspace
- Intracase
- Intraphase
- Inulase
- Invertase
- Invirase
- Iodinase
- Isobase
- Javanais
- Kanafehs
- Ketolase
- Kilobase
- Kilograys
- Kininase
- Lactamase
- Lactonase
- Ladderways
- Lancegays
- Laneways
- Layaways
- Leastaways
- Leptoclase
- Lesbigays
- Letrozoles
- Letterplace
- Letterspace
- Levanase
- Lexicase
- Libelees
- Lichenase
- Lifedays
- Lifeways
- Ligninase
- Linespace
- Liverays
- Lovedays
- Lowercase
- Lyonnaise
- Lyticase
- Macrophase
- Macrotrace
- Makerspace
- Mangabeys
- Mannanase
- Manorways
- Marketplace
- Marketspace
- Matinees
- Matriptase
- Matsutakes
- Maturase
- Mayonnaise
- Megabase
- Megacase
- Merengues
- Meringues
- Mesophase
- Metabase
- Metalgaze
- Metaphase
- Metaphrase
- Metaplays
- Metaspace
- Methylase
- Microarrays
- Microassays
- Micrograys
- Microphase
- Microwave
- Milligrays
- Miniessays
- Miniplays
- Minirace
- Misappraise
- Misconveys
- Misportrays
- Molcajetes
- Monkeyface
- Monophase
- Monoplace
- Monospace
- Monteplase
- Motorways
- Mulloways
- Multicase
- Multiphase
- Multiplace
- Multirace
- Multitrace
- Nameplays
- Namespace
- Nanoarrays
- Nanophase
- Nanosprays
- Nargilehs
- Needlecase
- Needlelace
- Nerveways
- Nitrilase
- Nosegays
- Notecase
- Nowadays
- Nucleobase
- Octobass
- Octopodes
- Ofurace
- Omakase
- Opeways
- Orbispace
- Orthoclase
- Otherways
- Overbrace
- Overgaze
- Overglaze
- Overgrace
- Overgraze
- Overlays
- Overpays
- Overplace
- Overplays
- Overpraise
- Oversays
- Oversprays
- Overstays
- Overweighs
- Oxidase
- Oyezes
- Paceways
- Paleface
- Palenques
- Paleways
- Panabase
- Papabiles
- Papagays
- Paperchase
- Paraphrase
- Partyplace
- Passageways
- Patissiers
- Pectinase
- Penitentes
- Peptidase
- Periclase
- Periphrase
- Phallobase
- Phenolase
- Photoplays
- Pillowcase
- Pipeclays
- Pithiviers
- Plagioclase
- Plateways
- Portegues
- Potagers
- Powerbase
- Powerplays
- Preprophase
- Prepurchase
- Procaspase
- Prochymase
- Proelastase
- Prolidase
- Prolinase
- Prophaseis
- Proteges
- Proteinase
- Protryptase
- Pseudogleys
- Pseudophase
- Pseudospace
- Quadriphase
- Quarterpace
- Quasitrace
- Racemase
- Raceways
- Radioassays
- Reappraise
- Rebirthdays
- Recamiers
- Reconveys
- Redisplays
- Reductase
- Refoldase
- Regroupees
- Reiterates
- Relaxase
- Renalase
- Renegues
- Repartees
- Reptilase
- Rerebrace
- Resolvase
- Resurveys
- Reteplase
- Rhomboclase
- Ricochets
- Ridgeways
- Rimayes
- Riverways
- Rockaways
- Roleplays
- Rondelays
- Ropeways
- Rosebays
- Roundelays
- Routeways
- Runaways
- Ryoteis
- Saccharase
- Saruplase
- Saturdays
- Saturday’s
- Savinase
- Scapegrace
- Sclerobase
- Scotophase
- Secretase
- Semispace
- Separase
- Seviches
- Sfericase
- Shoreface
- Sialidase
- Sidegaze
- Sideways
- Sifilets
- Signalase
- Sinamays
- Sinigrase
- Skateways
- Slantingways
- Sleepaways
- Sleeveface
- Slideways
- Slimeface
- Sluiceways
- Snickelways
- Soakaways
- Sociospace
- Somedays
- Someplace
- Sommeliers
- Spaceways
- Stageplays
- Steeplechase
- Stowaways
- Subarrays
- Subtilase
- Sulfatase
- Sulfonase
- Sulfurase
- Sulphatase
- Superbase
- Superplays
- Superpraise
- Superspace
- Supertrace
- Synaptase
- Synthetase
- Tabboulehs
- Tablebase
- Tablespace
- Tachypace
- Takeaways
- Talisays
- Tankyrase
- Taxiways
- Tearaways
- Tectophase
- Teleplays
- Telophase
- Terabase
- Tetraspace
- Thenadays
- Thermitase
- Thoroughbass
- Thoroughbrace
- Throwaways
- Tideways
- Timebase
- Titlecase
- Towaways
- Transcriptase
- Transferase
- Transitways
- Translocase
- Transposase
- Trehalase
- Triokinase
- Trypticase
- Tubeways
- Tunnelways
- Typecase
- Typeface
- Ultrarace
- Unbirthdays
- Underbrace
- Underclays
- Underglaze
- Underlays
- Underpays
- Underplace
- Underplays
- Underpraise
- Undersays
- Undertrays
- Underways
- Unerase
- Unfoldase
- Unicase
- Uniface
- Uppercase
- Uricase
- Userbase
- Userspace
- Vajajays
- Vajayjays
- Veganaise
- Vibroseis
- Vigilantes
- Virelais
- Virelays
- Vivace
- Wantaways
- Wasteways
- Watermaze
- Waterways
- Welladays
- Whitebass
- Whiteface
- Whitespace
- Windlestraes
- Xylanase
- Yellowface
- Yesterdays
- Zagayes
Four-syllable Words that Rhyme with Face
- Abbokinase
- Aconitase
- Anorthoclase
- Aromatase
- Cabriolets
- Carbohydrase
- Carboxylase
- Collagenase
- Deacetylase
- Dehydratase
- Demethylase
- Desaturase
- Desmoteplase
- Dioxygenase
- Dipeptidase
- Ectokinase
- Entranceways
- Epoxidase
- Estaminets
- Everyplace
- Ferroxidase
- Gelatinase
- Glucoamylase
- Glucokinase
- Glucosidase
- Glutaminase
- Glyoxalase
- Heparanase
- Heparinase
- Hexokinase
- Hippuricase
- Hydrogenase
- Hydroxylase
- Interfaces
- Inulinase
- Isoamylase
- Isomerase
- Lecithinase
- Luciferase
- Myrosinase
- Nitrogenase
- Oligoclase
- Oxygenase
- Pancrelipase
- Paraoxonase
- Passageways
- Pegloticase
- Peroxidase
- Phosphokinase
- Phospholipase
- Phosphorylase
- Physiognotrace
- Polymerase
- Prometaphase
- Protaminase
- Prothrombinase
- Recombinase
- Reflectarrays
- Serrapeptase
- Streptodornase
- Streptokinase
- Subinterface
- Subsurfaces
- Superpathways
- Superspeedways
- Telomerase
- Transaminase
- Transketolase
- Urocanase
- Urokinase
- Vigilantes
Five-syllable Words that Rhyme with Face
- Aminoacylase
- Antiproteinase
- Antisynthetase
- Arylamidase
- Arylsulphatase
- Asparaginase
- Aspartokinase
- Chitotriosidase
- Cholinesterase
- Cocarboxylase
- Decarboxylase
- Ubiquitylase
Letter Words that Rhyme with Face
Three-letter Words that Rhyme with Face
- Ace
- Bay
- Ess
- Say
- Aye
- Day
- Lay
- Ate
- Fae
Four-letter Words that Rhyme with Face
- Case
- Lace
- Mace
- Pace
- Race
- Base
- Hace
- Dace
- Tace
- Lase
- Mesa
- Vase
- Pase
- Rase
- Wace
- Yace
- Bass
- Bait
- Mate
- Aced
- Bray
- Rate
- Fate
- Maze
- Lays
- Faze
- Mays
Five-letter Words that Rhyme with Face
- Place
- Space
- Brace
- Glace
- Trace
- Chase
- Grace
- Erase
- Frays
- Irate
- Plate
- Waist
- Grate
- Raise
- Strays
- Waits
- State
- Great
- Mace
- Hace
- Laced
- Deuce
- Peace
- Piece
- Paced
- Based
- Faced
- Traced
- Cased
Six-letter Words that Rhyme with Face
- Efface
- Deface
- Relate
- Debase
- Palace
- Solace
- Palace
- Encase
- Unface
- Ungues
- Unlace
- Unlays
- Unpays
- Unsays
- Upgaze
- Uplays
- Usques
- Vacays
Seven-letter Words that Rhyme with Face
- Retrace
- Weights
- Embrace
- Replace
- Embrace
- Foreace
- Enforce
- Outpace
- Mislace
- Misface
- Efface
- Deface
- Thrace
- Inlace
- Preace
- Depace
- Dispace
- Mispace
- Nonface
- Unbrace
- Unglaze
- Ungrace
- Unplace
- Unprays
- Unstays
- Upbrays
- Upraise
- Upstays
- Upsways
- Uptimes
- Uptrace
Eight-letter Words that Rhyme with Face
- Misplace
- Disgrace
- Displace
- Disgrace
- Carapace
- Earpiece
- Showcase
- Pretrace
- Postface
- Airspace
Rhymes with Face in Poems for Kindergarten
Rhymes with Face with Meanings
Let’s rhyme with “face”, it’s so much fun,
We’ll find words that match one by one.
First up is “lace”, a pretty string for shoes,
And “chase”, a game we play when we’re in the mood.
Next is “race”, a competition we run,
And “space”, where stars and planets have fun.
There’s “place”, where we go to eat and drink,
And “grace”, a way of moving that makes us think.
Don’t forget “case”, a container for things we hold,
And “trace”, a line we draw that’s bold.
There’s “ace”, a card with just one symbol,
And “mace”, a weapon that’s not so nimble.
Last but not least, we have “disgrace”,
A feeling we get when we’re out of place.
These are just some words that rhyme with “face”,
Now it’s your turn to rhyme them with grace!
What Rhymes with Face?
Mace, lace, and even space,
All these words rhyme with “face”.
Race, place, and even embrace,
More words that rhyme with “face”.
Chase, grace, and even replace,
Rhyming words, we can’t erase.
Case, trace, and even disgrace,
So many words that rhyme with “face”.
Now you know some words that rhyme,
Go ahead and try it anytime!
Mace, lace, and even space,
All these words rhyme with “face”.
Race, place, and even embrace,
More words that rhyme with “face”.
Chase, grace, and even replace,
Rhyming words, we can’t erase.
Case, trace, and even disgrace,
So many words that rhyme with “face”.
Now you try, don’t be shy,
Think of words that rhyme with “try”.
Sky, spy, and even butterfly,
All of them make us want to fly.
Fry, buy, and even July,
Rhyme with “try”, oh my!
Now you know, off you go,
Find more words that rhyme with “face” and “try”, let’s go!
Mace, lace, and even space,
All these words rhyme with “face”.
Race, place, and even embrace,
More words that rhyme with “face”.
Chase, grace, and even replace,
Rhyming words, we can’t erase.
Case, trace, and even disgrace,
So many words that rhyme with “face”.
Oh, how fun, playing with rhyming words,
Learning and growing, like chirping birds.
Face, oh face, thank you for this new way,
To learn and play, every single day!
Phrases that Rhyme with Face
- First base
- Not to get to first base
- Touch base
- To first base
- Off base
- Third base
- Reach first base
- On the case
- Couch case
- Nut case
- Basket case
- Just in case
- Vanity case
- Give chase
- Cut to the chase
- Wild goose chase
- Lead a merry chase
- With a bad grace
- Fall from grace
- Saving grace
- With good grace
- Period of grace
- From grace
- Day of grace
- Change of pace
- At a snail’s pace
- Snail’s pace
- Keep pace
- All over the place
- Know one’s place
- Know your place
- Jumping off place
- Lightning never strikes twice in the same place
- Into place
- In the third place
- In the second place
- In the same place
- Out of place
- Between a rock and a hard place
- In the place
- Haircut place
- Put one in one’s place
- Feel out of place
- In the first place
- In place
- In another’s place
- Take place
- High place
- Heart in the right place
- Have one’s heart in the right place
- Put in one’s place
- Drag race
- Rat race
- Outer space
- Without a trace
FAQs on Rhymes with Face
1. What are common words that rhyme with face?
Some common words that rhyme with face are: ace, base, case, chase, lace, mace, pace, place, race, space, trace.
2. What rhymes with face in a rap?
In a rap, there are many words that can rhyme with “face” depending on the context and style of the rap. Here are some examples:
- Pace: “I keep up with the pace, never losing my grace, got a smile on my face, and I’m winning the race.”
- Space: “I’m reaching for the stars, leaving Earth and taking space, got my head up high with a confident face.”
- Chase: “I’m always on the chase, never slowing down the pace, got my eyes on the prize with a determined face.”
- Trace: “I leave my mark with every step, never leaving a trace, got my rhymes on point with a confident face.”
- Case: “I’m cracking the case, solving mysteries with grace, got my mind sharp with a determined face.”
3. What are examples of words that rhyme with face in poetry and lyrics?
In poetry
- In the poem “Sonnet 18” by William Shakespeare, the speaker compares his beloved to a summer’s day, saying, “And summer’s lease hath all too short a date. Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimmed; And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance, or nature’s changing course untrimmed; But thy eternal summer shall not fade Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest; Nor shall Death brag thou wander’st in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou growest. So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.” Here, “face” does not appear, but “grace” and “place” are used as rhyming words.
- In the poem “The Waste Land” by T.S. Eliot, the speaker describes a desolate and barren landscape, saying, “April is the cruellest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain. Winter kept us warm, covering Earth in forgetful snow, feeding A little life with dried tubers.” Here, “face” does not appear, but “place” and “race” are used as rhyming words.
In lyrics
- In the song “Smells Like Teen Spirit” by Nirvana, the chorus includes the lines, “With the lights out, it’s less dangerous Here we are now, entertain us I feel stupid and contagious Here we are now, entertain us A mulatto, an albino, a mosquito, my libido Yeah, hey.” Here, “face” does not appear, but “dangerous” and “contagious” are used as rhyming words.
- In the song “Lose Yourself” by Eminem, the rapper tells the story of a young man struggling to make it as a rapper, saying, “His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy There’s vomit on his sweater already, mom’s spaghetti He’s nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready To drop bombs, but he keeps on forgettin’ What he wrote down, the whole crowd goes so loud He opens his mouth, but the words won’t come out He’s chokin’, how, everybody’s jokin’ now The clock’s run out, time’s up, over, blaow!” Here, “face” does not appear, but “ready” and “spaghetti” are used as rhyming words.
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