Searching for words that rhyme with “him”? This reference will be your best resource! It includes sections on common rhyming words, ranging from single to multi-syllable words. Dive into lists of two-letter to eight-letter rhyming words, perfect for your poetry or compositions.
Words that Rhyme with Him
10 Common Words That Perfect Rhyme with Him
- Grim
- Trim
- Swim
- Slim
- Chim
- Dim
- Whim
- Vim
- Prim
- Tim
Single-syllable Words That Rhyme with Him
- Been
- Big
- Bit
- Brim
- Bring
- Chin
- Did
- Dim
- Din
- Drink
- Gin
- Give
- Grim
- Grin
- Gym
- Hit
- In
- It’s
- Kid
- Kim
- Kin
- Kiss
- Limb
- Min
- Miss
- Pin
- Rim
- Shit
- Sin
- Sing
- Skin
- Slim
- Spin
- Still
- Swim
- Thin
- Thing
- Think
- This
- Til
- Tim
- Trim
- Twin
- Will
- Win
- Wish
- With
Two-syllable Words That Rhyme with Him
- Victim
- Muslim
- Begin
- Hittin’
- Coffin
- Blowin’
- Droppin’
- Station
- Ruin
- Askin
- Trippin’
- Waitin’
- Option
- Kickin’
- Havin’
- Fashion
- Tension
- Ridin’
- Callin’
- Lookin’
- Eatin’
- Christian
- Fiction
- Throwin’
- Session
- Motion
- Shootin’
- Tryin’
- Missin’
- Within
- Hatin’
- Screamin’
- Somethin’
- Feelin’
- Rockin’
- Poppin’
- Walkin’
- Tellin’
- Watchin’
- Given
- Going
- Spittin’
- Martin’
- Martin
- Makin’
- Ballin
- Mission
- Ocean
- Puttin’
- Pullin
- Sippin’
- Question
- Livin’
- Nothin
- Chillin’
- Keepin’
- Rollin
- Drinkin’
- Sellin
- Comin’
- Virgin
- Passion
- Section
- Wishin’
- Fuckin’
- Bustin
- Killin
- Doin’
- Thinkin
- Even
- Sayin’
- Rappin’
- Takin’
- Action
- Dissin’
- Nation
- Mention
- Mansion
- Stayin’
- Writin’
- Justin
- Holdin’
- Hopin’
- Rippin’
- Seein’
- Fallin
- Runnin’
- Playin’
- Suckin’
- Puffin
- Chasin
- Cryin’
- Laughin’
- Layin’
- Startin’
- Potion
- Flowin’
- Burnin’
- Lovin
- Flyin’
- Breakin’
- Hangin’
- Caution
- Russian
- Flippin
- Bumpin’
- Slippin’
- Kevin
- Stoppin’
- Steppin’
- Showin’
- Stackin’
- Speakin’
- Dreamin’
- Standin’
- Robin
- Packin’
- Turnin’
- Fraction
- Function
- Sleepin’
- Pushin’
- Beggin’
- Jumpin’
- Fightin’
- Messin’
- Growin’
- Cookin’
- Prayin’
- Grindin’
- Knowin’
- Passin’
- Flexin’
- Trappin’
- Losin’
- Whippin’
- Notion
- Bringin’
- Stressin’
- Bitchin’
- Friction
- Hearin
- Frontin’
Three-syllable Words That Rhyme with Him
- Synonym
- Listenin’
- Pseudonym
- Patronym
- Kibbutzim
- Chiarnim
- Haradim
Letter Words that Rhyme with Him
Two-letter Words that Rhyme with Him
- In
- Im
- Em
Three-letter Words that Rhyme with Him
- Win
- Sin
- Dim
- Gym
- Gin
- Pin
- Lim
- Rim
- Vim
- Tin
- Inn
- Jim
- Sim
- Ihm
- Pym
- Nim
- Bim
- Imm
- Mim
- Imp
- Ilm
- Yin
- Fin
- Din
- Bin
- Kin
- Min
- Zim
- Imb
- Kim
- Kym
- Pym
Four-letter Words that Rhyme with Him
- Swim
- Ring
- Spin
- King
- Slim
- Thin
- Shin
- Crim
- Flim
- Prim
- Kimm
- Brim
- Been
- Sing
- Grin
- Wing
- Limb
- Grim
- Trim
- Hymn
- Whim
- Skim
- Prim
- Clim
- Chim
- Shim
- Krim
- Film
- Limp
- Pimp
- Akin
- Lynn
- Twin
- Skin
- Firm
- Glim
- Meme
- Simm
- Tyme
- Quim
- Gimp
- Crem
- Elim
- Pimm
- Kimm
- Mihm
Five-letter Words that Rhyme with Him
- Begin
- Thing
- Swing
- Sting
- Fling
- Grimm
- Scrim
- Nymph
- Chimp
- Quinn
- Levin
- Primm
- Rhime
- Bedim
- Maxim
- Crimp
- Lymph
- Going
- Purim
- Denim
- Skimp
- Doing
- Abime
- Abrim
- Radim
- Susim
- Facim
- Limbe
- Hymne
- Vitim
Six-letter Words that Rhyme with Him
- Within
- String
- Spring
- Shrimp
- Dimmed
- Herein
- Violin
- Prelim
- Victim
- Muslim
- Coffin
- Rollin
- Killin
- Virgin
- Alulim
- Anonym
- Eponym
- Squirm
- Grimme
- Pimped
- Shrimp
- Living
- Lying
- Passim
- Exonym
- Stimme
Seven-letter Words that Rhyme with Him
- Biofilm
- Wherein
- Therein
- Allonym
- Antonym
- Synonym
- Toponym
- Dislimn
- Acronym
- Homonym
- Brimmed
- Glimpse
- Smiling
- Toponym
- Genuine
- Dualism
- Fascism
- Salatim
- Aughrim
- Trionym
- Primped
- Nothing
- Trimmed
Eight-letter Words (or Longer) that Rhyme with Him
- Forelimb
- Patronym
- Verbatim
- Cherubim
- Building
- Paradigm
- Seraphim
- Dirigism
- Dibbukim
- Altruism
- Paronyme
- Tautonym
- Offering
- Endolymph
- Pseudonym
- Heteronym
- Microfilm
- Determine
- Cryptonym
- Gathering
- Disgusting
Rhymes with Him in Poems for Kindergarten
Rhymes with Him with Meanings
Let’s talk about words that rhyme with “him,”
It’s easy and fun, let’s begin!
First, we have “swim,” moving through the water so fine,
And “trim,” cutting something to make it look just right.
Next, there’s “dim,” when it’s not too bright,
And “grin,” when you’re happy and your teeth are in sight.
Don’t forget “slim,” when you’re thin and feeling great,
And “whim,” when you want something that can’t wait.
Then there’s “prim,” when you’re proper and polite,
And “vim,” when you have energy and might.
Last but not least, we have “tim,”
A name for a boy, it’s simple and trim.
These are some words that rhyme with “him,”
Now you know them, let’s give a big grin!
What Rhymes with Him?
Tim, Jim, and Kim, Friends who like to play and swim.
They love to run and jump and spin,
And laugh and sing and always grin.
Tim has a hat that’s tall and slim,
Jim likes to wear a cap that’s trim.
Kim has a bow that’s bright and prim,
They’re all different, but all fit in.
So if you see them, just say hi to Tim, Jim, and Kim,
They’re happy to meet new friends like you, and that’s no whim!
Little Tim, oh so slim,
Likes to swim and play with him,
In the park, they chase a whim,
And sing a song, oh so dim.
They see a bird, oh so trim,
Flying high, up to the brim,
And a butterfly, oh so prim,
Fluttering by, on a whim.
Little Tim and his friend Jim,
Are having fun, oh so grim,
Until it’s time to go in,
And say goodbye, with a grin.
Little Tim likes to play and swim,
In the pool with his friend Jim.
They splash and giggle, feeling trim,
And have fun until it’s time to dim.
Then they dry off and head inside,
Where Tim’s mom has pancakes to provide.
They sit and eat, side by side,
And talk about the fun they just tried.
After breakfast, it’s time for school,
Where they’ll learn and follow the rules.
But they’ll remember the fun, and keep it cool,
Until it’s time to play again, and be a fool!
Phrases that Rhyme with Him
- Run with vim
- Go to the gym
- Hunt for him
- Sing a hymn
- Jump off a rim
- Try to swim
- Read to him
- Join a team
- Fix a dim
- Cook on a whim
- Win on a whim
- Chase a slim
- Explore a labyrinth
- Visit the gym
- Be prim
- Count to ten
- Learn from him
- Solve a problem
- Avoid a sin
- Play a hymn
- Spin the brim
- Find a gem
- Travel on a whim
- Dance to a rhythm
- Hide in a dim
- Ask for a hymn
- Fight on a whim
- Attend a film
- Go for a trim
- Admire him
- Shoot a film
- Dress on a whim
- Glide through a gym
- Create a sim
- Swim with him
- Carve in a stem
- Give a gift to him
- Break a limb
- Build a diadem
- Follow a whim
- Discuss a theme
- Breathe with vim
- Stay slim
- Feel grim
- Write a poem
- Play a game of chess with him
- Laugh on a whim
- Dream of him
Popular Him Rhymes in Poetry and Lyrics
When it comes to poetry and lyrics, finding the perfect rhyming word can be the key to creating a memorable and impactful piece of art. Here are some of the most popular words that rhyme with “him” that have been used in poetry and lyrics throughout history.
In Poetry
- Gym: This is a popular choice for poets who want to convey a sense of physicality or athleticism. For example, “He worked out at the gym, his muscles bulging and trim.”
- Slim: This is a great choice for poets who want to describe someone who is slender or graceful. For example, “He moved with the grace of a cat, his body slim and pat.”
- Whim: This is a good option for poets who want to describe someone who is impulsive or unpredictable. For example, “He followed his whim, never knowing where it would take him.”
In Lyrics
- Tim: This is a popular choice for songwriters who want to convey a sense of urgency or timelessness. For example, “He’s running out of time, but he’s still chasing his dreams, our hero Tim.”
- Jim: This is a classic choice for songwriters who want to create a catchy, upbeat tune. For example, “Jim was a jolly man, always laughing and having fun.”
- Sin: This is a powerful choice for songwriters who want to convey a sense of danger or temptation. For example, “He fell into a life of sin, never knowing where it would end.”
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