In this reference, you will find various words and phrases that rhyme with “me.” These words are divided into sections based on syllable count, including one-syllable, two-syllable, and up to six-syllable words. You’ll also encounter letter-specific rhyme sections, such as two-letter and three-letter words that rhyme with “me.”
Words that Rhyme with Me
10 Common Words that Perfect Rhyme with Me
- Bee
- Tree
- Key
- Free
- See
- Lee
- Knee
- Tea
- Wee
- Three
Single-syllable Words That Rhyme with Me
These words are very short and make just one sound. The most directly rhyme with me and can be combined with other words to make phrases that rhyme with me, as well.
- Be
- Bee
- Brie
- Cree
- Dee
- Fee
- Flea
- Flee
- Free
- Gee
- Ghee
- Glee
- Key
- Ki
- Knee
- Lea
- Lee
- Leigh
- Mi
- Pea
- Pee
- Plea
- Qi
- Sea
- See
- She
- Ski
- Spree
- Squee
- Tea
- Tee
- Thee
- Three
- Tree
- We
- Wee
- Whee
Two-syllable Words That Rhyme with Me
These words are a little longer. Some of them are abbreviations or acronyms, but they’re abbreviations or acronyms that we speak out loud like regular words.
- 3D
- Agree
- Aimee
- Airy
- Artsy
- Baby
- Banshee
- Barbie
- Barely
- Beastly
- Bougie
- Britney
- Brony
- Capri
- Carefree
- Chickpea
- Crappy
- D.C. (the city)
- Debris
- Decree
- Degree
- Donkey
- Draftee
- Ducky
- Eighty
- Emcee
- Fifty
- Foresee
- Forty
- Goatee
- Grantee
- Grumpy
- Homely
- Icky
- Iffy
- Jamey
- Jessie
- Julie
- Kailee
- Kinky
- Kitty
- Latchkey
- Lessee
- Lordly
- Lordy
- Maybe
- Nestle (the chocolate company)
- Newbie
- Ninety
- Onesie
- Pawnee
- Payee
- Peewee
- Pony
- Quirky
- Rupee
- Selfie
- Setee
- Sightsee
- Signee
- Sixty
- Slutty
- Smithy
- Smutty
- Snotty
- Sunny
- Tepee
- Thirty
- Tootsie
- Trainee
- Trustee
- TV
- Twenty
- Uni
- Vaguely
- Weighty
- Whoopie
- Wiki
- Yippee
- Zany
- Zesty
- Zippy
Three-syllable Words That Rhyme with Me
These words are a little longer than the last group of words. Several of them are abbreviations or acronyms, but as with the last category, they are ones that we say pretty commonly in English. Many of these in this category are television or radio station names.
- Abductee
- Absentee
- Addressee
- Adoptee
- Adoree
- Amputee
- Apogee
- Appointee
- Attendee
- Basically
- Botany
- Cherokee
- Chickadee
- Commonly
- Crazy
- Crybaby
- Deportee
- Designee
- Detainee
- Devotee
- Directly
- Disagree
- Doubletree
- Enlistee
- Enquiry
- Enrollee
- Escapee
- Expertly
- Filigree
- Feathery
- Franchisee
- Galilee
- Guarantee
- Gymboree
- Hawaii
- Homily
- Honeybee
- Honoree
- Hungrily
- Inductee
- Inquiry
- Invitee
- Kenobi
- Licensee
- Machete
- Manatee
- Milady
- Nobody
- Nominee
- Oversee
- Panini
- Parolee
- PhD
- Poetry
- Potpourri
- Realty (sometimes pronounced with two syllables)
- Referee
- Repartee
- Retiree
- Seventy
- Speakeasy
- Syncope
- Tchotchke
- Tenderly
- Tennessee
- Tuskegee
- Undersea
- Valenti
- Verily
- Waikiki
- Wannabe
- Watery
- Weightily
- Zamboni
Four-syllable Words That Rhyme with Me
Four-syllable words are even longer and tend to be a bit of a mouth full. They can all be broken down into smaller parts for pronunciation, though. At this length, almost every word that rhymes with me ends in y.
- Abidingly
- Abhorrently
- Actuary
- Aviary
- Banality
- Barbarically
- Becomingly
- Blamelessly
- Boysenberry
- Breathtakingly
- Calamity
- Calligraphy
- Calliope
- Capacity
- Captivity
- Category
- Causticity
- Complicity
- Deafeningly
- Debasingly
- Debatably
- Debauchery
- Deceitfully
- Deceptively
- Deliberately
- Directory
- Ecology
- Economy
- Effectually
- Efficiency
- Egregiously
- Facetiously
- Facility
- Fatality
- Ferocity
- Fertility
- Fiduciary (also pronounced with five syllables)
- Garrulity
- Generally
- Geography
- Geology
- Geometry
- Gratuity
- Hegemony
- Hilarity
- Honorably
- Hostility
- Hyperbole
- Identify
- Idiocy
- Idolatry
- Interviewee
- Judgementally
- Judiciously
- Laboratory (also pronounced with five syllables)
- Monogamy
- Nativity
- Origami
- Paparazzi
- Phonology
- Querulously
- Questioningly
- Reality
- Rhinoplasty
- Sarcastically
- Staggeringly
- Tamagotchi
- Topiary
- Ubiquity
- Vacuity
- Validity
- Virility
- Wholeheartedly
Five-syllable Words That Rhyme with Me
At five syllables long, words start getting a little harder to find, but they’re still out there!
- Abominably
- Accidentally
- Actuality
- Appendectomy
- Choreography
- Circulatory
- Continuously
- Cosmetology
- Craniometry
- Disability
- Divinatory
- Elasticity
- Epistolary
- Erroneously
- Harmoniously
- Identically
- Illuminati
- Immobility
- Impropriety
- Inadvertantly
- Incredulity
- Incredulously
- Indelicacy
- Indelicately
- Insecurity
- Momentarily
- Obligatory
- Ornithology
- Pejoratively
- Polyamory
- Predominantly
- Qualitatively
- Quantitatively
- Reciprocally
- Sensuality
- Serendipity
- Specificity
- Spontaneity
- Synchronicity
- Tonsilectomy
- Unexpectedly
- Unfortunately
- Voluntarily
Six-syllable (or More!) Words That Rhyme with Me
Words with six or more syllables aren’t very common in English, but they do exist! These are the ones we could find that still end with that long E sound like the word me.
- Abbreviatory
- Absolutionary
- Academically
- Beneficiary
- Bilaterally
- Celebrationary
- Cinematology
- Heterosexuality
- Homosexuality
- Idiosyncrasy
- Indistinguishability
- Inevitability
- Intersectionality
- Pharmacologically
- Reconcilability
- Sociolinguistically
- Stereotypically
Letter Words that Rhyme with Me
Reading and writing successfully are key. A lot of you struggle with the success that language comes with- the help of rhymes with me, as they have the same ending sound. Uttering rhyming words with me enables you to recognize a repetitive same sound.
You need to learn about what rhymes with me because it is one of the easiest ways to help you out in being fluent, both in written and spoken language.
Have a look at the following two-letter words, three-letter words, four-letter words, and five-letter words that rhyme with me, and have a fantastic time improving your reading and writing in a fun way. These words will eventually grant you skills to always be aware of basic levels of phonemics, which is even easier for children to get to learn too.
Two-Letter Words that Rhyme with Me
- He.
- Be.
- We.
- Mi.
- Ye.
- Di.
- Li.
Three-Letter Words that Rhyme with Me
- Gee.
- Key.
- She.
- See.
- Sea.
- Bee.
- Tea.
- Tee.
- Ski.
- Fee.
- Pre.
- Zee.
- Vee.
- Yee.
- Dee.
- Lee.
Four-Letter Words that Rhyme with Me
- Thee.
- Whee.
- Brie.
- Cree.
- Free.
- Flea.
- Glee.
- Plea.
- Blea.
- Knee.
- Ghee.
- Tree.
Five-Letter (or More) Words that Rhyme with Me
- Agree.
- Three.
- Spree.
- Degree.
- Decree.
- Trainee.
- Refugee.
- Canopy.
- Oversea.
- Employee.
- Guarantee.
- Jubilee.
- Pedigree.
- Pharisee.
- Banshee.
- Referee.
Rhymes with Me in Poems for Kindergarten
Rhymes with Me with Meanings
This poem is about words that rhyme with “me,” and it aims to teach kindergartners about rhyming words and their meanings.
When it comes to rhyming “me,”
There are quite a few that we can see!
We can start with “bee,” a buzzing creature that makes honey,
And “key,” an object used to open something, it’s not funny.
Then there’s “knee,” the joint between your leg and foot,
And “sea,” the vast expanse of water that looks so good.
We have “tree,” a tall plant with branches and leaves so green,
And “glee,” a feeling of happiness and joy that can be seen.
Let’s not forget “tea,” a soothing drink with many flavors,
And “free,” something that doesn’t cost us any labor.
There’s “flee,” meaning to run away from danger or harm,
And “three,” a number that is not too high or low, a charm.
Last but not least, we have “see,” meaning to look with our eyes,
And “wee,” a word that means small in size.
These are just some of the words that rhyme with “me,”
Now it’s your turn to rhyme them and shout with glee!
What Rhymes with Me?
Me, me, what do you see?
Words that rhyme with me, let’s see.
Tree, bee, key, three,
All these words rhyme with me.
Sea, plea, free, flea,
More words that rhyme with me.
Lee, knee, pea, tea,
Rhyming words, as you can see.
We, he, she, flee,
So many words that rhyme with me.
Now you know some words that rhyme,
Go ahead and try it anytime!
Me, me, let’s see,
What words rhyme with me?
Bee, tree, key, and flea,
All of them rhyme with me.
Sea, knee, pea, and tea,
Rhyme with me, can’t you see?
Three, free, and spree,
All of them sound like me.
Now you try, don’t be shy,
Think of words that rhyme with “I”.
Sky, bye, high, and pie,
All of them make me sigh.
Fly, die, and tie,
Rhyme with “I”, oh my!
Now you know, off you go,
Find more words that rhyme with “me” and “I”, let’s go!
Me, oh me, what words do I see
That rhyme with me, oh so free?
Let’s see, let’s see, what can it be?
Oh, I know, let’s count one, two, three!
Bee, we can see, flying by a tree
Sea, oh so blue, as far as you can see
Key, opens doors, for you and for me
Tree, so tall, reaching up to the sky like a decree
Oh, how fun, playing with rhyming words
Learning and growing, like little chirping birds
Me, oh me, thank you for this new way
To learn and play, every single day!
Phrases that Rhyme with Me
- See the tree
- Be carefree
- Let it be
- Count to three
- Set it free
- Make a plea
- Hear the plea
- Go and ski
- Drink some tea
- Jump with glee
- Climb a tree
- Swim in the sea
- Feel the breeze
- Catch a flea
- Take a knee
- Watch the bee
- Plant a pea
- Enjoy the spree
- Dance with glee
Frequently Asked Questions on Rhymes with Me
What are words that rhyme with me?
There are many words that rhyme with “me.” Some common examples include:
- Be
- See
- Tree
- Free
- Three
- Knee
- Key
- Lee
- Pee
- Tea
Other less common words that rhyme with me include glee, debris, spree, agree, degree, and licensee.
What rhymes with me for kids?
There are many words that rhyme with “me” for kids to learn and use in their language arts activities. Here are some simple and easy-to-remember words:
- Bee
- Sea
- Key
- Tree
- Three
- Wee
- See
- Knee
- Pea
- Tea
What rhymes with trust in me?
There are several words and phrases that rhyme with “trust in me,” such as “must be,” “just see,” “dust-free,” “bust of tea,” “must decree,” “crust debris” and “crust-free.”
What rhymes with greet me?
There are many words and phrases that rhyme with “greet me,” including “meet me”, “treat me”, “cheat me”, “beat me”, “neatly”, “sweetly”, “fleetly”, “featly”, “meatly”, etc.
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