If you’re a poet or songwriter, you might look for words that rhyme with “night.” This reference provides a comprehensive list of words that rhyme, covering different syllable counts and lengths. It covers common perfect rhymes, single-syllable, and multi-syllable rhymes with “night.”
Words That Rhyme with Night
10 Common Words That Perfect Rhyme with Night
- Sight
- Might
- Light
- Fight
- Bight
- Bright
- Height
- Right
- Delight
- White
Single-syllable Words That Rhyme with Night
- Light
- Right
- Bite
- White
- Fight
- Write
- Quite
- Sight
- Tight
- Bright
- Might
- Flight
- Knight
- Spite
- Height
- Side
- Tried
- Hide
- Ride
- Mind
- Fright
- Sprite
- Kite
- Slight
- Died
- I’d
- Pride
- Type
- Fried
- Wide
- Wipe
- Tied
- Lied
- Pipe
- Guide
- Cried
- Hype
- Slide
- Plight
- Blight
- Strike
- Mike
- Vibe
- Bike
- Like
- Dwight
- Stride
- Clyde
- Dried
- Trite
- Ripe
- Bride
- Swipe
- Dyke
- Liked
- Christ
- Glide
- Snipe
- Pied
- Spike
- Skype
- Kind
- Find
- Blind
- Wind
- Grind
- Child
- Signed
- Wild
- Stripe
- Hyped
- Why’d
- Bide
- Sliced
- Gripe
Two-syllable Words That Rhyme with Night
- Alright
- Goodnight
- Midnight
- Ignite
- Inside
- Invite
- Outside
- Despite
- Tonight
- Polite
- Daylight
- Recite
- Spotlight
- Delight
- Beside
- Upside
- Decide
- Aside
- Provide
- Rewrite
- Insight
- Divide
- Sunlight
- Limelight
- Moonlight
- Website
- Twilight
- Worldwide
- Reside
- Excite
- Denied
- Uptight
- Hindsight
- Highlight
- Incite
- Unlike
- Describe
- Collide
- Outright
- Upright
- Eyesight
- Flashlight
- Alight
- Frostbite
- Finite
- Downright
- Allright
- Gunfight
- Replied
- Birthright
- Contrite
- Foresight
- Starlight
- Abide
- Graphite
- Skylight
- Headlight
- Firefight
- Forthright
- Pyrite
- Termite
- Playwright
- Fortnight
- Indite
- Airtight
- Dogfight
- Campsite
- Snakebite
- Albright
- Stoplight
- Cartwright
- Midflight
- Lignite
- Gaslight
- Onsite
- Soundbite
- Cronkite
- Mcwhite
- Cyanide
- Confide
- Westside
- Applied
- Southside
- Supplied
- Behind
- Surprised
- Remind
- Rewind
- Subside
- Defied
- Alike
- Relied
- Implied
- Backside
- Untied
- Blindside
- Landslide
Three-syllable Words That Rhyme with Night
- Overnight
- Satellite
- Appetite
- Suicide
- Dynamite
- Homicide
- Satisfied
- Kryptonite
- Reunite
- Parasite
- Copyright
- Genocide
- Apartheid
- Transvestite
- Candlelight
- Fahrenheit
- Erudite
- Certified
- Expedite
- Reignite
- Impolite
- Overwrite
- Terrified
- Oversight
- Megabyte
- Dolomite
- Terabyte
- Socialite
- Samsonite
- Recondite
- Stalagmite
- Canaanite
- Gigabyte
- Classified
- Crucified
- Amplified
- Justified
- Horrified
- Petrified
- Nationwide
- Alongside
- Multiplied
- Coincide
- Realized
- Pesticide
- Qualified
- Glorified
- Prototype
- Mortified
- Occupied
- Modified
- Fortified
- Verified
- Unified
Four-syllable Words That Rhyme with Night
- Meteorite
- Hermaphrodite
- Suburbanite
- Overexcite
- Stereotype
Letter Words that Rhyme with Night
Three-Letter Words that Rhyme with Night
- Ite
- Eit
- Cyt
Four-Letter Words that Rhyme with Night
- Bite
- Byte
- Died
- Dyed
- Eyed
- Eyed
- Fide
- Fite
- Hide
- Hite
- Hyde
- Kite
- Lied
- Lite
- Lite
- Mite
- Nite
- Pint
- Reit
- Ride
- Rite
- Seit
- Side
- Site
- Tide
- Tite
- Vide
- Vite
- Weit
- Wide
- Zeit
Five-Letter Words that Rhyme with Night
- Alite
- Aside
- Bight
- Biped
- Bites
- Bytes
- Cites
- Diced
- Fight
- Fight
- Fried
- Geist
- Guide
- Heist
- Hight
- Hyped
- Iced
- Kites
- Light
- Liked
- Lysed
- Might
- Mites
- Piped
- Quite
- Reits
- Reitz
- Right
- Rites
- Seitz
- Shite
- Sight
- Sites
- Smite
- Spite
- Tight
- Tried
- Trite
- Typed
- White
- Whyte
- Wight
- Wiped
- Write
Six-Letter Words that Rhyme with Night
- Height
- Bright
- Flight
- Slight
- Wright
- Knight
- Invite
- Polite
- Plight
- Fright
- Excite
- Dwight
- Recite
- Blight
- Alight
- Ignite
- Incite
- Sprite
- Aright
- Indict
- Tonite
- Albite
- Zweite
- Levite
- Augite
- Streit
- Dunite
- Breite
- Aplite
- Gunite
- Indite
- Endite
- Lafite
- Picrite
- Strite
- Ophite
- Twight
- Incyte
Seven-Letter Words that Rhyme with Night
- Despite
- Tonight
- Delight
- Upright
- Tonight
- Rewrite
- Spright
- In Spite
- In Light
- In Sight
- Sleight
- Enright
- Neurite
- Requite
- Heights
- Knights
- Flights
- Invites
- Striped
- Excites
- Excited
- Enticed
- Recites
- Spliced
- Sprites
- Incites
- Provide
- Applied
- Replied
- Implied
Those are the words that are two, three, four, and five letters or more and rhyme with night. Some rhymes aren’t exact but can still work in your song or poem. Considering which words rhyme with “night” to include in your poem or song, consider the subject and whether you want an exact or slant rhyme. Then you’ll know which word to use.
Rhymes with Night in Poems for Kindergarten
Rhymes with Night with Meanings
When we talk about “night,”
There are words that rhyme that we can recite!
There’s “light,” a brightness that makes things clear,
And “fight,” a struggle to overcome fear.
Then there’s “sight,” the ability to see,
And “might,” the power to be what we want to be.
We have “height,” how tall something can be,
And “bite,” when our teeth sink into something yummy.
Let’s not forget “kite,” a toy that flies high,
And “delight,” a feeling that makes us sigh.
There’s “right,” the correct thing to do,
And “tight,” when something is snug like a shoe.
These are just some of the words that rhyme with “night,”
Now it’s your turn to use them and recite!
What Rhymes with Night?
When the sun goes out of sight,
And everything turns dark as night,
Stars twinkle in the sky so bright,
And the moon glows with all its might.
We put on our pajamas, snug and tight,
And get ready to sleep until daylight,
Dreaming of adventures, big and slight,
Until the morning brings its cheerful light.
So close your eyes, hold on tight,
And let your dreams take flight,
For tomorrow is a brand new sight,
And we’ll wake up feeling happy and alright.
Night, night, it’s time to sleep,
Let’s count some sheep, not a peep!
Tight, sight, might, and light,
Words that rhyme with night, alright!
Flight, fright, and bright,
More words that rhyme with night, that’s right!
Now we’ve learned some rhyming words,
It’s time to dream like little birds.
Night, night, sleep tight,
We’ll have more fun in the morning light!
Goodnight, sleep tight, close your eyes,
Dream of stars up in the skies,
Moon so bright, shining light,
Everything will be all right.
Nighttime animals come out to play,
Owls hoot and hunt, foxes slink away,
But you’re safe and sound, in your bed,
With pillows soft beneath your head.
So let your dreams take flight tonight,
With unicorns and dragons in sight,
And when you wake, with the morning light,
A brand new day will be in sight!
Phrases that Rhyme with Night
- Turn on the light
- Hold on tight
- Out of sight
- Take a bite
- Fly a kite
- See the sight
- Reach new heights
- Sleep tight
- Take flight
- Do what’s right
- Win the fight
- Keep insight
- Feel delight
- Shining bright
- Take a slight
Frequently Asked Questions on Rhymes with Night
What are words that rhyme with night?
There are some words that rhyme with “night”:
- Sight
- Might
- Light
- Fright
- Bite
- Kite
- Right
- Delight
- Flight
- Tight
- White
- Write
What rhymes with night for kids?
There are some simpler and more playful words that rhyme with “night” that kids might enjoy:
- Light
- Sight
- Bright
- Flight
- Fight
- Height
- Might
- Right
- Tight
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