Words that rhyme with “one” are very popular in songwriting and phonetics. Recipes for rhymes might include single-syllable, two-syllable, or three-syllable words. You can find common rhyming words, letter-based rhymes, and phrases that fit well with “one.”
Words That Rhyme With One
10 Common Words That Perfect Rhyme with One
- Done
- Fun
- Run
- Sun
- Ton
- Bun
- Gun
- Hun
- Nun
- Shun
Single-syllable Words That Rhyme with One
- Awn
- Bawn
- Been
- Begun
- Boine
- Bonne
- Born
- Borne
- Bourn
- Bourne
- Brawn
- Bruhn
- Brun
- Brunn
- Bun
- Bunn
- Burne
- Chon
- Chron
- Cmon
- Con
- Corn
- Cran
- Dawn
- Don
- Done
- Donne
- Dorn
- Drawn
- Dun
- Dunn
- Dunne
- Faun
- Fawn
- Fen
- Flawn
- Fon
- Fun
- Gawn
- Geon
- Gone
- Gruhn
- Grun
- Gun
- Gunn
- Hon
- Horn
- Horne
- Huhn
- Hun
- Hunn
- Hwan
- Jawn
- John
- Jun
- Kan
- Kawn
- Kran
- Kun
- Lawn
- Lorn
- Luhn
- Lun
- Lunn
- Mawn
- Mon
- Morne
- Mourn
- Mourne
- Mun
- Munn
- None
- Norn
- Nuhn
- Nun
- Nunn
- On
- Orn
- Pawn
- Prawn
- Psion
- Pun
- Run
- Saun
- Sawn
- Scorn
- Scorne
- Scran
- Scrawn
- Sean
- Sene
- Shan
- Shorn
- Shun
- Soln
- Son
- Sorn
- Spawn
- Spun
- Strawn
- Stun
- Sun
- Sunn
- Sunne
- Swan
- Swoln
- Sworn
- Sworne
- Tawn
- Than
- Thon
- Thorn
- Thrun
- Thun
- Ton
- Tonne
- Torn
- Torne
- Tourn
- Tun
- Un
- Urne
- Ven
- Vpon
- Wan
- Warn
- Won
- Wonne
- Worn
- Worne
- Xorn
- Yawn
- Youn
- Yun
- Zawn
Two-syllable Words That Rhyme with One
- Begun
- Boston
- Button
- C1
- Cannon
- Carbon
- Clinton
- Common
- Compton
- Cotton
- Crimson
- Curtain
- Demon
- Dragon
- Dungeon
- Eaten
- Fallen
- Felon
- Fortune
- Frozen
- Fusion
- Garden
- German
- Given
- Glisten
- Golden
- Gotten
- Grandson
- Handgun
- Happen
- Haven
- Heaven
- Hidden
- Homerun
- Homespun
- Houston
- Human
- Hyun
- Ion
- Jackson
- Jason
- Johnson
- Jordan
- Kitchen
- Lebron
- Lemon
- Lesson
- Lincoln
- Lion
- Listen
- London
- M1
- Manson
- Martin
- Mcfun
- Mcmunn
- Million
- Mountain
- Often
- Open
- Outdone
- Outgun
- Outrun
- Oven
- Pardon
- Patron
- Person
- Pigeon
- Poison
- Prison
- Proven
- Question
- Raven
- Reason
- Reckon
- Region
- Rerun
- Risen
- Robin
- Roman
- Rotten
- Ruin
- Ryan
- Satan
- Season
- Semen
- Seven
- Shaken
- Sharpen
- Shotgun
- Someone
- Spoken
- Stephen
- Stepson
- Stolen
- Stricken
- Sudden
- Summon
- Surgeon
- Swollen
- Taken
- Thousand
- Threaten
- Titan
- Token
- Treason
- Trillion
- Tyson
- Undone
- Urban
- Version
- Villain
- Vision
- Weapon
- Wesson
- Woken
- Woman
- Women
- Wooden
- Written
Three-syllable Words That Rhyme with One
- Abandon
- African
- Alien
- Anyone
- Assassin
- Awaken
- Benjamin
- Champion
- Cinnamon
- Collision
- Conclusion
- Confusion
- Decision
- Division
- Eleven
- Enlighten
- Envision
- Equation
- Everyone
- Explosion
- Feminine
- Forbidden
- Forgiven
- Forgotten
- Forsaken
- Gentleman
- Genuine
- Heroin
- Horizon
- Illusion
- Imagine
- Indian
- Intention
- Invasion
- Lesbian
- Medicine
- Mexican
- Mistaken
- Occasion
- Opinion
- Overdone
- Overrun
- Oxygen
- Pokemon
- Precision
- Religion
- Simeone
- Skeleton
- Suburban
- Superman
- Terrebonne
- Veteran
Letter Words that Rhyme with One
Two-Letter Words that Rhyme with One
- An
- Un
- M1
- C1
- On
Three-Letter Words that Rhyme with One
- Bun
- Dun
- Fun
- Gun
- Hun
- Kun
- Lun
- Man
- Nun
- Run
- Son
- Sun
- Won
- Fan
- Ton
- Pun
- Can
- Ben
- Jan
- Hon
- Mon
- Bon
- Jun
- Tun
- Ven
- Yun
- Mun
- Nen
- Ben
- Jan
- Ion
- Ran
- Yan
Four-Letter Words that Rhyme with One
- Than
- Done
- None
- Spun
- Dunn
- Shun
- Brun
- Nunn
- Stun
- Chun
- Thun
- Lunn
- Hyun
- Once
- Ones
- Sons
- Runs
- Fund
- Hunt
- Nant
- Hund
- Anns
- Attn
- Runt
- Bunt
- Kans
- Duns
- Punt
- Buns
- Cant
- Cunt
- Puns
- Huns
- Mons
- Bund
- Sans
- Sons
- Sunt
- Span
- Flan
- Gran
- Plan
- Scan
- Slam
- Clam
- Ruin
- Ryan
- Chun
Five-Letter (or Longer) Words that Rhyme with One
- Cohen
- Boxen
- Eyren
- Tyran
- Laden
- Recan
- Begun
- Donne
- Tonne
- Dunne
- Injun
- Front
- Month
- Shunt
- Blunt
- Punch
- Bunch
- Urine
- Lunch
- Quent
- Morne
- Mundt
- Kunde
- Bunce
- Dunce
- Vient
- Shuns
- Khans
- Bruns
- Runge
- Grund
- Lunge
- Stunt
- Grant
- Grunt
- Hunch
- Munch
- Women
- Given
- Human
- Humen
- Pecan
- DIvan
- Bruhn
- Chunn
- Listen
- Allen
- Actin
- Asian
- Bacon
- Cabin
- Eaten
- Felon
- Haven
- Jason
- Lemon
- Often
- Raven
- Risen
- Satan
- Satin
- Semen
- Seven
- Taken
- Titan
- Token
- Tyson
- Urban
- Woken
- Woman
- Alien
- Bahan
- Bohon
- Cohan
- Bohan
- Gahan
- Rerun
- Stann
- Sedan
Rhymes with One in Poems for Kindergarten
Rhymes with One with Meanings
When it comes to words that rhyme with “one,”
There are plenty to have some fun!
We have “sun,” that shines so bright and warm,
And “bun,” a yummy bread that’s not the norm.
There’s “run,” meaning to move very fast,
And “fun,” something that makes us laugh and last.
We have “done,” meaning to finish a task,
And “none,” meaning there’s nothing to ask.
Let’s not forget “ton,” meaning a lot of weight,
And “won,” meaning to be the best in a game or debate.
These are just some words that rhyme with “one,”
Now it’s your turn to rhyme them and have some fun!
What Rhymes with One?
One, one, the number one,
Let’s have some rhyming fun!
Bun, sun, run, fun,
Words that rhyme with one, one by one.
Done, none, son, shun,
More words that rhyme with one, so much fun!
Moon, spoon, soon, tune,
Rhyming words, we’ll find them soon.
Now we’ve found so many rhymes,
It’s time to end our rhyming chimes.
One, one, we’re all done,
Hope you had fun, everyone!
One, one, it’s so much fun,
Let’s count together one by one.
We can hop or skip or run,
As we learn to count up to one.
Bun, sun, and fun,
All rhyme with “one,” that’s so much fun!
We can count things one by one,
And see how many we have, one by one.
So come on, let’s have some fun,
As we learn to count up to one.
With a little practice, we’ll be done,
And counting to one will be a breeze, not one by one.
One, two, three,
Let’s rhyme with “one” so easily!
Sun, shining bright for all to see,
Bun, so yummy, a treat for you and me.
Fun, let’s have some, come and run,
Done, our activities, now we’re done,
Run, run, run, oh, what fun!
None, left behind, we include everyone.
So, let’s continue to learn and have fun,
And with rhyming words, we’ll never be done!
One, two, three, let’s rhyme some more,
Learning and growing, that’s what we’re here for!
Phrases that Rhyme with One
- Run for fun
- Bake a scone
- Under the sun
- Use a phone
- Get work done
- Watch the pun
- Have some fun
- Play with a gun
- Become undone
- Buy a ton
- Eat a bun
- See what’s begun
- Strike a home run
- Go on a run
- Admire the dun
- Take a shun
- Ride a shetland pony
- Chew a bone
- Take a loan
- Enjoy the sun
Frequently Asked Questions on Rhymes with One
What are words that rhyme with one?
Here are some words that rhyme with “one”:
- bun
- done
- fun
- gun
- hon
- none
- pun
- run
- shun
- son
- stun
- sun
- ton
- won
What rhymes with one for kids?
There are several words that rhyme with “one” that are easy for kids to remember:
- Sun
- Fun
- Run
- Bun
- Done
- Ton
- Hun
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