Do you need words that start with AT in English? This reference provides a comprehensive list of words beginning with “AT.” There are simple words, as well as longer, more complex terms. Whether you are looking for two-letter or nineteen-letter words, this reference covers everything. From common daily words to those that might surprise you, this list is quite broad.
Words that Start with AT
Following is 240+ most common words starting with AT in English.
Simple Words that Start with At
Word | Example |
At | I am at the store. |
Ate | I ate breakfast this morning. |
Atom | The atom is the basic unit of a chemical element. |
Atonal | The music was intentionally atonal. |
Atlas | The atlas is a book of maps. |
Atoll | We saw a beautiful atoll while on vacation. |
Atone | He made a mistake and wanted to atone for it. |
Attack | The lion is about to attack its prey. |
Attend | I need to attend a meeting later today. |
Attic | We found some old photos in the attic. |
Attract | The bright colors attract the birds. |
Attempt | I’m going to attempt to climb this mountain. |
Attain | He worked hard to attain his goals. |
Attribute | I attribute my success to hard work and dedication. |
Attune | She needs to attune herself to the new environment. |
2 Letter Words that Start with At
- At
Discover more: 2 Letter Words
3 Letter Words that Start with At
- Ate
Learn more: 3 Letter Words
4 Letter Words that Start with At
- Atap
- Atom
- Atop
- Atta
Study more: 4 Letter Words
5 Letter Words that Start with At
- Atame
- Ataxy
- Atilt
- Atimy
- Atlas
- Atman
- Atoll
- Atomy
- Atone
- Atony
- Atopy
- Atria
- Atrip
- Attar
- Attic
Explore more: 5 Letter Words
6 Letter Words that Start with At
- Atabal
- Ataman
- Ataxia
- Ataxic
- Atelic
- Atempo
- Athena
- Athens
- Atlatl
- Atocia
- Atomic
- Atonal
- Atoner
- Atonic
- Atopic
- Atrial
- Atrium
- Atrous
- Attach
- Attack
- Attain
- Attend
- Attest
- Attire
- Attorn
- Attrit
- Attune
- Atwain
- Atypic
Discover more: 6 Letter Words
7 Letter Words that Start with At
- Atactic
- Ataghan
- Ataraxy
- Atavism
- Atavist
- Ateknia
- Atelier
- Atemoya
- Athanor
- Atheism
- Atheist
- Athirst
- Athlete
- Athodyd
- Athwart
- Athymia
- Athymic
- Atingle
- Atishoo
- Atokous
- Atomism
- Atomize
- Atresia
- Atresic
- Atrophy
- Attaboy
- Attaché
- Attaint
- Attempt
- Attract
- Attrist
- Attrite
Related: 7 Letter Words
8 Letter Words that Start with At
- Atamasco
- Ataraxia
- Ataraxic
- Athanasy
- Athecate
- Atheling
- Athermic
- Atheroma
- Athetize
- Athletic
- Atlantes
- Atmiatry
- Atmology
- Atmolyze
- Atomizer
- Atonable
- Atrament
- Atrazine
- Atremble
- Atrichia
- Atrocity
- Atrophic
- Atropine
- Attacher
- Attacker
- Attainer
- Attendee
- Attercop
- Attester
- Attestor
- Atticism
- Attiring
- Attitude
- Attorned
- Attorney
- Atwitter
- Atypical
Find out more: 8 Letter Words
9 Letter Words that Start with At
- Atacamite
- Ataractic
- Atavistic
- Ateliosis
- Atemporal
- Athanasia
- Atheistic
- Athematic
- Athenaeum
- Athetesis
- Athetosis
- Atmometer
- Atomicity
- Atomistic
- Atonalism
- Atonality
- Atonement
- Atonicity
- Atpatruus
- Atrocious
- Attackman
- Attainder
- Attempter
- Attendant
- Attending
- Attention
- Attentive
- Attenuate
- Attestant
- Attingent
- Attollent
- Attorning
- Attracter
- Attractor
- Attrahent
- Attribute
- Attrition
- Attuition
Explore more: 9 Letter Words
10 Letter Words that Start with At
- Athermancy
- Atmosphere
- Atomically
- Attachable
- Attachment
- Attainable
- Attainment
- Attendance
- Attenuator
- Attestable
- Attracting
- Attraction
- Attractive
- Attributor
- Attunement
- Atypically
Related: 10 Letter Words
11 Letter Words that Start with At
- Atelectasis
- Atelophobia
- Athleticism
- Athleticize
- Atherogenic
- Athwartship
- Atmatertera
- Atmospheric
- Atomistical
- Atomization
- Atonalistic
- Atrabiliary
- Atrabilious
- Atramentous
- Atrociously
- Attemptable
- Attentional
- Attentively
- Attenuating
- Attenuation
- Attestation
- Attitudinal
- Attornments
- Attractable
- Attractance
- Attractants
- Attribution
- Attributive
- Attritional
- Atypicality
Related: 11 Letter Words
12 Letter Words that Start with At
- Atheological
- Atheoretical
- Atheromatous
- Athletically
- Atomechanics
- Attitudinize
- Attributable
- Atypicalness
Learn more: 12 Letter Words
13 Letter Words that Start with At
- Atavistically
- Atheistically
- Atherogenesis
- Atheromatosis
- Atherogenesis
- Atomistically
- Atriocoelomic
- Atrociousness
- Attainability
- Attentiveness
- Attributional
Discover more: 13 Letter Words
14 Letter Words that Start with At
- Atherogenicity
- Attainableness
- Attitudinarian
- Attitudinizing
- Attractiveness
Related: 14 Letter Words
15 Letter Words that Start with At
- Atherosclerosis
- Atherosclerotic
- Atherosclerosis
- Atherosclerotic
- Atmospherically
- Atrabiliousness
- Attorney-at-law
- Attractableness
- Attributiveness
16 Letter Words that Start with At
- Atrioventricular
19 Letter Words that Start with At
- Atherosclerotically
- Atherosclerotically
Words that Start with AT with Meaning and Examples
Meaning: To achieve or accomplish something after effort.
Example: “She worked hard to attain her goals of becoming a doctor.”
Meaning: To make an effort to achieve or complete something difficult.
Example: “He made an attempt to climb the highest mountain in the region.”
Meaning: To be present at an event, meeting, or function.
Example: “She will attend the conference next week to present her research.”
Meaning: Notice taken of someone or something; the regarding of someone or something as interesting or important.
Example: “The teacher called for the students’ attention during the lesson.”
Meaning: To provide or serve as clear evidence of something.
Example: “The witnesses will attest to her honesty and character.”
Meaning: Clothing, especially of a particular or formal type.
Example: “Guests are expected to wear formal attire to the wedding.”
Meaning: A quality or feature regarded as a characteristic or inherent part of someone or something.
Example: “Patience is an important attribute for a teacher.”
Meaning: To draw or pull towards oneself; to captivate or charm.
Example: “The flowers in the garden attract many bees and butterflies.”
Meaning: Not representative of a type, group, or class; unusual.
Example: “His reaction to the news was quite atypical; he remained calm while others panicked.”
Meaning: The envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet; the pervading tone or mood of a place or situation.
Example: “The atmosphere in the room was tense after the argument.”
Meaning: A feeling of affection, fondness, or sympathy for someone or something.
Example: “She has a strong attachment to her hometown.”
Meaning: Able to be achieved or reached.
Example: “The goals set by the company are challenging but attainable.”
Meaning: Paying close attention to something.
Example: “The audience was attentive during the entire lecture.”
Meaning: A settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something.
Example: “Her positive attitude helped her overcome many challenges.”
Meaning: To make amends or reparation for a wrongdoing or mistake.
Example: “He tried to atone for his mistakes by apologizing sincerely.”
Meaning: Horrifyingly wicked; of a very poor quality.
Example: “The conditions in the prison were described as atrocious.”
Meaning: To take care of; to deal with something.
Example: “She had several matters to attend to before leaving the office.”
Meaning: A gradual reduction in strength or effectiveness of something due to constant stress or friction.
Example: “The company faced a high rate of employee attrition last year.”
Meaning: A person appointed to act for another in business or legal matters; a lawyer.
Example: “She hired an attorney to represent her in court.”
Meaning: Possible to achieve or accomplish.
Example: “With hard work and dedication, her dreams became attainable.”
Meaning: A way of thinking or feeling about something or someone, typically reflected in a person’s behavior.
Example: “His positive attitude towards challenges made him successful.”
Meaning: To cause to draw near or engage interest or attention.
Example: “The bright lights and music attract many tourists to the city.”
Meaning: To regard something as being caused by someone or something; a quality or characteristic.
Example: “She attributes her success to her mentor’s guidance.”
Meaning: Made aware or responsive; accustomed or adjusted.
Example: “He is highly attuned to the needs of his clients.”
Meaning: A public sale in which goods or property are sold to the highest bidder.
Example: “The rare painting was sold at an auction for a record price.”
Meaning: To prove or show something to be true or genuine.
Example: “Experts were called in to authenticate the ancient manuscript.”
Meaning: Having self-government; independent.
Example: “The new regulations allowed the region to become more autonomous.”
Meaning: Not typical, irregular, or unusual.
Example: “His atypical approach to problem-solving often led to innovative solutions.”
Meaning: A gradual decline or wasting away, especially of a body part or muscle.
Example: “After weeks of being immobilized, his muscles began to atrophy.”
Meaning: To fasten, join, or connect something.
Example: “Please attach the documents to your email before sending.”
Meaning: Possible to reach, achieve, or accomplish.
Example: “Setting attainable goals is key to maintaining motivation.”
Meaning: The action of carefully listening, observing, or giving notice.
Example: “The teacher asked the students to pay attention to the instructions.”
Meaning: The quality of being pleasing or appealing to the senses.
Example: “The attractiveness of the city lies in its blend of modernity and tradition.”
Meaning: A space or room just below the roof of a house, often used for storage.
Example: “They found old family photographs in the attic.”
Meaning: A characteristic or inherent part of someone or something.
Example: “Patience is often considered a valuable attribute in a teacher.”
Meaning: Relating to the atmosphere; creating a distinctive mood or ambiance.
Example: “The café had an atmospheric setting with dim lighting and soft music.”
Compiling this list of words that begin with “AT” has been challenging and informative. It has also been fun and interesting. I hope that readers will find this exhaustive list of “AT” vocabulary words to be engaging and useful. This collection of words might even be helpful for expanding your spoken and written vocabulary. It might especially be handy when speaking or writing for business or professional purposes. Who knows? You might impress the demanding boss who combs over your work excessively or the English professor who is fastidious about critiquing your speeches or reports. You may even want to expand to the other letters of the alphabet and use your thesaurus to find many more impressive vocabulary words. After all, you might even win your next game of Scrabble!
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