This reference will teach English learners about words that start with IN. You will explore simple words and those with up to 17 letters. You will learn the meaning of the prefix “in,” which often means no, not, or without, and see how it is used in many English words. Let’s dive into the world of words that begin with “in.”
Words that Start with In
Simple Words that Start with In
Word | Example |
Insect | The butterfly is a beautiful insect. |
Inside | It’s too cold to play outside, let’s play inside. |
Income | I have a steady income from my job. |
Inherit | She inherited a large sum of money from her grandfather. |
Inquire | I need to inquire about the availability of tickets. |
Injured | The injured player was taken off the field on a stretcher. |
Inspect | The teacher will inspect the students’ homework. |
Invite | We should invite them to our party. |
Invest | He decided to invest his money in stocks. |
Include | The package should include all the necessary parts. |
Here are words that start with IN in English.
2 Letter Words that Start with In
- In
Related: 2 Letter Words
3 Letter Words that Start with In
- Ink
- Inn
Learn more: 3 Letter Words
4 Letter Words that Start with In
- Inby
- Inch
- Info
- Inia
- Inky
- Inly
- Inro
- Inti
- Into
Explore more: 4 Letter Words
5 Letter Words that Start with In
- Inane
- Inapt
- Inarm
- Incog
- Incur
- Incus
- Index
- Indie
- Indol
- Indow
- Indri
- Indue
- Inept
- Inert
- Infer
- Infix
- Infra
- Ingle
- Ingot
- Inion
- Inker
- Inkle
- Inlay
- Inlet
- Inner
- Input
- Inrun
- Inset
- Inter
- Intro
- Inure
- Inurn
- Invar
Study more: 5 Letter Words
6 Letter Words that Start with In
- Inarch
- Inborn
- Inbred
- Incant
- Incent
- Incept
- Incest
- Incher
- Incise
- Incite
- Income
- Incult
- Incuse
- Indaba
- Indeed
- Indene
- Indent
- Indict
- Indign
- Indigo
- Indite
- Indium
- Indole
- Indoor
- Induce
- Induct
- Indult
- Infall
- Infamy
- Infant
- Infect
- Infest
- Infill
- Infirm
- Inflow
- Influx
- Infold
- Inform
- Infuse
- Ingest
- Inhale
- Inhaul
- Inhere
- Inhume
- Inject
- Injure
- Injury
- Inkpot
- Inlace
- Inlaid
- Inland
- Inmate
- Inmesh
- Inmost
- Innage
- Innate
- Inning
- Inpour
- Inroad
- Inrush
- Insane
- Inseam
- Insect
- Insert
- Inside
- Insist
- Insole
- Insoul
- Inspan
- Instal
- Instar
- Instep
- Insult
- Insure
- Intact
- Intake
- Intend
- Intent
- Intern
- Intima
- Intime
- Intine
- Intone
- Intron
- Intuit
- Inulin
- Invade
- Invent
- Invert
- Invest
- Invite
- Invoke
- Inward
Discover more: 6 Letter Words
7 Letter Words that Start with In
- Inanity
- Inboard
- Inbound
- Inbuilt
- Incense
- Incipit
- Incisal
- Incisor
- Incline
- Inclose
- Include
- Incomer
- Inconnu
- Incrust
- Incubus
- Indican
- Indicia
- Indorse
- Indoxyl
- Indraft
- Indrawn
- Inducer
- Indulge
- Indwell
- Inertia
- Inexact
- Infancy
- Infanta
- Infante
- Infarct
- Infauna
- Inferno
- Infidel
- Infield
- Inflame
- Inflate
- Inflect
- Inflict
- Infract
- Ingenue
- Ingesta
- Ingrain
- Ingrate
- Ingrown
- Inhabit
- Inhaler
- Inherit
- Inhibin
- Inhibit
- Inhuman
- Initial
- Inkblot
- Inkhorn
- Inkling
- Inkwell
- Inosine
- Inphase
- Inquest
- Inquire
- Inquiry
- Inscape
- Inshore
- Insider
- Insight
- Insipid
- Insofar
- Inspect
- Inspire
- Install
- Instant
- Instate
- Instead
- Instill
- Insular
- Insulin
- Insurer
- Integer
- Intense
- Interim
- Interne
- Introit
- Intrude
- Intrust
- Inutile
- Invalid
- Inveigh
- Inverse
- Invitee
- Invoice
- Involve
Find out more: 7 Letter Words
8 Letter Words that Start with In
- Inaction
- Inactive
- Inchoate
- Inchworm
- Incident
- Incision
- Incisive
- Increase
- Incubate
- Indebted
- Indecent
- Indenter
- Indicate
- Indicium
- Indigent
- Indirect
- Indolent
- Inductee
- Inductor
- Industry
- Inedible
- Inequity
- Inerrant
- Inexpert
- Infamous
- Infantry
- Inferior
- Infernal
- Infinite
- Infinity
- Inflight
- Influent
- Infobahn
- Informal
- Informer
- Infrared
- Infringe
- Infusion
- Ingrowth
- Inguinal
- Inhalant
- Inherent
- Inhumane
- Inimical
- Iniquity
- Initiate
- Innocent
- Innovate
- Innuendo
- Inoculum
- Inositol
- Insanity
- Inscribe
- Insecure
- Insignia
- Insolent
- Insomnia
- Insomuch
- Instance
- Instinct
- Instruct
- Insulate
- Intaglio
- Intarsia
- Integral
- Interact
- Intercom
- Intercut
- Interest
- Interior
- Intermix
- Internal
- Internee
- Intersex
- Interval
- Interwar
- Intifada
- Intimacy
- Intimate
- Intraday
- Intranet
- Intrepid
- Intrigue
- Intubate
- Inundate
- Invasion
- Invasive
- Inveigle
- Inverter
- Involute
- Inwardly
Related: 8 Letter Words
9 Letter Words that Start with In
- Inability
- Inanimate
- Inaudible
- Inaugural
- Incapable
- Incarnate
- Incentive
- Inception
- Incessant
- Incidence
- Incidents
- Incipient
- Inclement
- Inclusion
- Inclusive
- Incognito
- Incorrect
- Increment
- Incubator
- Inculcate
- Inculpate
- Incumbent
- Incurable
- Incurious
- Incursion
- Indecency
- Indelible
- Indemnify
- Indemnity
- Indenture
- Indicator
- Indignant
- Indignity
- Induction
- Inductive
- Indulgent
- Inebriate
- Ineffable
- Inelegant
- Infantile
- Infection
- Infective
- Inference
- Infertile
- Infielder
- Infirmary
- Infirmity
- Inflation
- Influence
- Influenza
- Informant
- Infuriate
- Ingenious
- Ingenuity
- Ingrained
- Inhibitor
- Injection
- Injurious
- Injustice
- Innermost
- Innervate
- Innkeeper
- Innocence
- Innocuous
- Inoculate
- Inorganic
- Inpatient
- Insensate
- Insertion
- Insidious
- Insincere
- Insinuate
- Insistent
- Insoluble
- Insolvent
- Inspector
- Instantly
- Instigate
- Institute
- Insulator
- Insurance
- Insurgent
- Integrate
- Integrity
- Intellect
- Intensify
- Intensity
- Intensive
- Intention
- Interbank
- Intercede
- Intercept
- Intercity
- Interface
- Interfere
- Interject
- Interlude
- Internist
- Interplay
- Interpose
- Interpret
- Interrupt
- Intersect
- Intervene
- Interview
- Intestate
- Intestine
- Intricate
- Intrinsic
- Introduce
- Introvert
- Intrusion
- Intrusive
- Intuition
- Intuitive
- Invention
- Inventive
- Inventory
- Inverness
- Inversion
- Invisible
Explore more: 9 Letter Words
10 Letter Words that Start with In
- Inaccuracy
- Inaccurate
- Inactivate
- Inadequacy
- Inadequate
- Inaugurate
- Incapacity
- Incautious
- Incendiary
- Incestuous
- Incidental
- Incinerate
- Incivility
- Incoherent
- Incomplete
- Inconstant
- Incredible
- Incubation
- Indecision
- Indecisive
- Indecorous
- Indefinite
- Indelicate
- Indexation
- Indication
- Indicative
- Indictment
- Indigenous
- Indiscrete
- Indisposed
- Indistinct
- Individual
- Inducement
- Inductance
- Indulgence
- Industrial
- Ineligible
- Ineptitude
- Inequality
- Inevitable
- Inexorable
- Infallible
- Infarction
- Infeasible
- Infectious
- Infidelity
- Infighting
- Infiltrate
- Infinitive
- Inflatable
- Inflection
- Inflexible
- Infliction
- Infraction
- Infrequent
- Inglorious
- Ingratiate
- Ingredient
- Inhabitant
- Inhalation
- Inhibition
- Inhumanity
- Inimitable
- Initiation
- Initiative
- Injectable
- Injunction
- Innovation
- Innovative
- Inoperable
- Inordinate
- Inquisitor
- Insatiable
- Insensible
- Insentient
- Insightful
- Insistence
- Insolvable
- Insolvency
- Insouciant
- Inspection
- Instructor
- Instrument
- Insulation
- Insurgency
- Intangible
- Integrator
- Interfaith
- Interferon
- Intergroup
- Interloper
- Intermodal
- Internment
- Interphase
- Interstate
- Intestinal
- Intimidate
- Intolerant
- Intonation
- Intoxicate
- Intramural
- Intranasal
- Intrastate
- Invalidate
- Invaluable
- Invariable
- Investment
- Inveterate
- Invigorate
- Invincible
- Inviolable
- Invitation
- Invocation
Discover more: 10 Letter Words
11 Letter Words that Start with In
- Inadvertent
- Inadvisable
- Inalienable
- Inattention
- Inattentive
- Incantation
- Incarcerate
- Incarnation
- Incertitude
- Incinerator
- Inclination
- Incoherence
- Incompetent
- Incongruity
- Incongruous
- Incontinent
- Incorporate
- Incredulity
- Incredulous
- Incriminate
- Indefinable
- Indentation
- Independent
- Indifferent
- Indigestion
- Indignation
- Indivisible
- Indomitable
- Industrious
- Ineffective
- Ineffectual
- Inefficient
- Inequitable
- Inescapable
- Inestimable
- Inexcusable
- Inexpensive
- Infanticide
- Infantryman
- Infatuation
- Inferential
- Infertility
- Influential
- Infomercial
- Informality
- Information
- Informative
- Ingratitude
- Inheritance
- Injudicious
- Innumerable
- Inoculation
- Inoffensive
- Inoperative
- Inopportune
- Inquisition
- Inquisitive
- Inscription
- Inscrutable
- Insecticide
- Insensitive
- Inseparable
- Insouciance
- Inspiration
- Instability
- Installment
- Instinctive
- Instinctual
- Institution
- Instruction
- Instructive
- Insuperable
- Integration
- Intelligent
- Intemperate
- Intentional
- Interaction
- Interactive
- Interagency
- Interceptor
- Interchange
- Intercourse
- Interleukin
- Internalize
- Internecine
- Interneuron
- Interoffice
- Interpreter
- Interracial
- Interregnum
- Interrogate
- Intolerable
- Intolerance
- Intractable
- Intraocular
- Intravenous
- Investigate
- Investiture
- Involuntary
Learn more: 11 Letter Words
12 Letter Words that Start with In
- Inaccessible
- Inadmissible
- Inadvertence
- Inapplicable
- Inarticulate
- Inauguration
- Inauspicious
- Incalculable
- Incandescent
- Incapacitate
- Inclinometer
- Incomparable
- Incompatible
- Incompetence
- Incompetency
- Inconclusive
- Inconsistent
- Inconsolable
- Incontinence
- Inconvenient
- Incorrigible
- Indebtedness
- Indefeasible
- Indefensible
- Independence
- Independency
- Indifference
- Indigestible
- Indiscipline
- Indiscretion
- Indisputable
- Indissoluble
- Indoctrinate
- Indomethacin
- Inefficiency
- Ineradicable
- Inexperience
- Inexplicable
- Inexpressive
- Inextricable
- Infelicitous
- Infiltration
- Inflammation
- Inflammatory
- Inflationary
- Infotainment
- Infringement
- Infundibulum
- Ingratiating
- Inharmonious
- Inhospitable
- Inspectorate
- Installation
- Instrumental
- Insufferable
- Insufficient
- Insufflation
- Insurrection
- Intellection
- Intellectual
- Intelligence
- Intelligible
- Intemperance
- Interception
- Intercession
- Intercoastal
- Interconnect
- Interference
- Interglacial
- Interjection
- Interlibrary
- Interlocutor
- Intermediary
- Intermediate
- Interminable
- Intermission
- Intermittent
- Interpretive
- Intersection
- Intersession
- Interstellar
- Interstitial
- Intertextual
- Intoxication
- Intracardiac
- Intracompany
- Intracranial
- Intransigent
- Intransitive
- Intrapsychic
- Intrauterine
- Introduction
- Introductory
- Introversion
- Invertebrate
- Investigator
- Invitational
- Invulnerable
Explore more: 12 Letter Words
13 Letter Words that Start with In
- Inappreciable
- Inappropriate
- Incandescence
- Incombustible
- Incommunicado
- Inconceivable
- Inconsecutive
- Inconsiderate
- Inconsistence
- Inconsistency
- Inconspicuous
- Incontestable
- Inconvenience
- Inconvertible
- Inconvincible
- Incorruptible
- Indefatigable
- Indescribable
- Indeterminacy
- Indeterminate
- Indeterminism
- Indiscernible
- Indispensable
- Indisposition
- Indissociable
- Indistinctive
- Individualism
- Individualist
- Individuality
- Individualize
- Individuation
- Industrialism
- Industrialist
- Industrialize
- Inefficacious
- Inegalitarian
- Inexhaustible
- Inexplainable
- Inexpressible
- Infinitesimal
- Inflorescence
- Infraspecific
- Inhomogeneity
- Inhomogeneous
- Inhospitality
- Inquisitorial
- Insectivorous
- Insignificant
- Inspirational
- Instantaneous
- Institutional
- Insubordinate
- Insubstantial
- Insufficiency
- Insupportable
- Insusceptible
- Intangibility
- Integrability
- Integumentary
- Intelligencer
- Intercalation
- Intercellular
- Intercolonial
- Intercommunal
- Intercultural
- Interdigitate
- Interferogram
- Intergalactic
- Interlocutory
- Intermountain
- International
- Interoperable
- Interpersonal
- Interregional
- Interrogative
- Interrogatory
- Interspecific
- Intertropical
- Intracellular
- Intracerebral
- Intragalactic
- Intramuscular
- Intrapersonal
- Intraspecific
- Intravascular
- Introgression
- Introspection
- Investigation
- Investigative
Discover more: 13 Letter Words
14 Letter Words that Start with In
- Inappreciative
- Inapproachable
- Incommensurate
- Incommunicable
- Incompressible
- Inconsiderable
- Incontrollable
- Incoordination
- Incrementalism
- Indecipherable
- Indecomposable
- Indemonstrable
- Indestructible
- Indeterminable
- Indifferentism
- Indiscriminate
- Infrastructure
- Innovativeness
- Inordinateness
- Insatiableness
- Inscrutability
- Insensibleness
- Inseparability
- Insignificance
- Insignificancy
- Instructorship
- Insuppressible
- Insurmountable
- Insurrectional
- Intangibleness
- Integrationist
- Intelligential
- Intelligentsia
- Intensionality
- Intentionality
- Interanimation
- Intercessional
- Intercommunion
- Intercommunity
- Interdependent
- Interferometer
- Intermediation
- Intermenstrual
- Intermolecular
- Internucleonic
- Interoperative
- Interparochial
- Interpellation
- Interpenetrate
- Interplanetary
- Interpretation
- Interpretative
- Interpupillary
- Interreligious
- Intersegmental
- Intervalometer
- Intervertebral
- Intracutaneous
- Intramolecular
Related: 14 Letter Words
15 Letter Words that Start with In
- Inaccessibility
- Inadmissibility
- Inalterableness
- Inapplicability
- Inattentiveness
- Incalculability
- Incommensurable
- Incommunicative
- Incomparability
- Incompatibility
- Incomprehension
- Incongruousness
- Inconsequential
- Inconsideration
- Incorrigibility
- Indefeasibility
- Indefectibility
- Indefensibility
- Indefinableness
- Indemnification
- Indetermination
- Indeterministic
- Indigestibility
- Indisciplinable
- Indissolubility
- Indomitableness
- Indubitableness
- Industriousness
- Ineffaceability
- Ineffectiveness
- Ineffectualness
- Ineradicability
- Inexcusableness
- Inexpensiveness
- Inexplicability
- Inextricability
- Infantilization
- Informativeness
- Infundibuliform
- Injudiciousness
- Instrumentalism
- Instrumentalist
- Instrumentality
- Instrumentation
- Intellectualism
- Intellectualize
- Interchangeable
- Intercollegiate
- Interconversion
- Intermodulation
- Interprovincial
- Interscholastic
- Interventionism
- Intussusception
16 Letter Words that Start with In
- Incomprehensible
17 Letter Words that Start with In
- Indistinguishable
This is not a complete list of words that start with IN. Proper names are not included here, such as names of places. But this is a very good place to start.
Words that Start with In with Meaning and Examples
Meaning: Not sufficient or enough.
Example: “The shelter provided inadequate protection from the rain.”
Meaning: Not able to be reached or approached.
Example: “The mountain cabin is inaccessible during the winter months.”
Meaning: Unintentional or accidental.
Example: “He made an inadvertent error in the report.”
Meaning: A thing that motivates or encourages someone to do something.
Example: “The company offered bonuses as an incentive for meeting targets.”
Meaning: Covering or including everything; open to all.
Example: “The event was designed to be inclusive of all community members.”
Meaning: Not staying the same throughout; varying.
Example: “Her performance has been inconsistent, sometimes excellent and sometimes poor.”
Meaning: Not clearly defined or with no fixed end.
Example: “The project was put on hold for an indefinite period.”
Meaning: Absolutely necessary or essential.
Example: “A good dictionary is indispensable for learning a new language.”
Meaning: Capable of being transmitted through infection; easily spread.
Example: “Laughter can be infectious, spreading joy to everyone.”
Meaning: To live in or occupy a place.
Example: “Many species inhabit the dense forests of the Amazon.”
Meaning: To begin or start something.
Example: “They decided to initiate a new program to improve literacy rates.”
Meaning: Featuring new methods or ideas; creative.
Example: “The company is known for its innovative approach to technology.”
Meaning: To ask for information.
Example: “She decided to inquire about the job vacancy.”
Meaning: Having or showing a deep understanding or perceptive.
Example: “His analysis was insightful and provided a new perspective.”
Meaning: To provoke or stir up; initiate.
Example: “The manager’s decision to cut hours instigated a strike among workers.”
Meaning: To combine one thing with another to form a whole.
Example: “The company plans to integrate new software to improve efficiency.”
Meaning: Of extreme force, degree, or strength.
Example: “The competition was intense, with each team giving their best effort.”
Meaning: To come between or get involved in a situation to alter or prevent an outcome.
Example: “The teacher had to intervene to stop the argument between the students.”
Meaning: Based on instinctive understanding rather than conscious reasoning.
Example: “She has an intuitive sense for knowing when someone is upset.”
Meaning: Unable to be seen; not visible to the eye.
Example: “The bacteria causing the infection are invisible to the naked eye.”
Meaning: Extremely useful or indispensable.
Example: “Her guidance has been invaluable to the success of the project.”
Meaning: Done without conscious control; unintentional.
Example: “She let out an involuntary gasp when she saw the surprise.”
Meaning: To call upon a higher power or authority for help or support.
Example: “The lawyer decided to invoke a rarely-used law to defend his client.”
Meaning: To imprison or confine.
Example: “The suspect was incarcerated after being found guilty of the crime.”
Meaning: To stir up or encourage (often something violent or unlawful).
Example: “The speaker was accused of trying to incite violence with his remarks.”
Meaning: Incapable of making mistakes or being wrong.
Example: “Despite being highly skilled, she never claimed to be infallible.”
Meaning: To restrain, hinder, or prevent an action or process.
Example: “Fear can inhibit a person from taking risks and pursuing their goals.”
Meaning: Existing naturally or inherent from birth.
Example: “She has an innate ability to understand people’s emotions.”
Meaning: The capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of something.
Example: “His book offers valuable insights into human behavior.”
Meaning: Showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect.
Example: “The employee was fired for being insolent to the manager.”
Meaning: An innate, typically fixed pattern of behavior in animals in response to certain stimuli.
Example: “Birds have an instinct to migrate during certain seasons.”
Meaning: Serving as an essential or significant factor in bringing something about.
Example: “She was instrumental in the development of the new policy.”
Meaning: Occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous or steady.
Example: “The weather forecast predicted intermittent rain throughout the day.”
Meaning: Very detailed or complex.
Example: “The artist’s work is known for its intricate designs.”
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