When exploring the English language, words that start with Q offer a unique and diverse range of vocabulary. This reference will break down different types of Q words, including positive words, descriptive words, adjectives, nouns, and verbs. Common and unique Q words with meanings will be highlighted to enhance your understanding of their usage.
Words that Start with Q
Positive Words that Start with Q
Word | Meaning |
Quadruple | To increase or become four times |
Quaff | To drink heartily, with enjoyment |
Quaint | Unusual or old-fashioned, charming |
Quaintly | In a charming or old-fashioned way |
Qualified | Having the necessary skills |
Qualify | To meet the requirements |
Qualitative | Relating to quality rather than quantity |
Qualitatively | In a way that relates to quality |
Quality | The standard of something as measured |
Quality-time | Time spent giving full attention |
Quantifiable | Able to be measured or counted |
Quarter | One fourth of something |
Queen | A female ruler of a country |
Queenly | Characteristic of a queen, majestic |
Quell | To stop or reduce |
Quench | To satisfy thirst |
Quest | A search or pursuit for something |
Question | A sentence used to get information |
Questioning | Showing curiosity or doubt |
Quick | Fast in movement or happening |
Quicken | To make something faster |
Quickly | At a fast speed |
Quickness | The quality of being fast |
Quick-witted | Very quick to understand or respond |
Quiet | Making little noise |
Quietly | In a quiet way |
Quintessence | The most perfect example |
Quintessential | Representing the most perfect |
Quintessentially | In a perfect or typical way |
Quip | A witty remark |
Quipped | Made a witty remark |
Quirk | A peculiar trait or behavior |
Quirky | Unusual and odd |
Quite | To a certain or significant degree |
Quiver | To shake slightly |
Quixotic | Unrealistically idealistic |
Quiz | A test of knowledge |
Quotable | Worth quoting |
Quotation | Repeating someone else’s words |
Quote | To repeat the words of someone else |
Explore more: Words that start with Q that are positive
Descriptive Words that Start with Q
Word | Meaning |
Qabalistic | Relating to the mystical Kabbalah |
Quack | The sound a duck makes |
Quadrangular | Shaped like a quadrangle |
Quadrate | Shaped like a square |
Quadratic | Relating to squares |
Quadruped | An animal with four feet |
Quadruple | Four times as much |
Quaint | Unusual and charming |
Quake | To tremble or shake |
Qualified | Having the necessary skills |
Qualitative | Relating to quality not quantity |
Quality | The standard of something |
Quantal | Relating to quantums |
Quantifiable | Able to be measured |
Quantitative | Relating to quantity |
Quarantine | Isolation to prevent spread |
Quarrel | An angry argument |
Quarrelsome | Inclined to argue |
Quarter | A fourth part |
Quarterly | Occurring every three months |
Queasy | Feeling nausea |
Queenlike | Like a queen |
Queenly | Majesty manner |
Queer | Strange or unusual |
Questionable | Doubtful or unclear |
Questioning | Showing curiosity or doubt |
Quick | Fast-moving |
Quicker | More fast |
Quickest | Most fast |
Quilled | Having quills |
Quinquennial | Happening every five years |
Quintessential | The most perfect example |
Quintillionth | The ordinal number for one quintillion |
Quirky | Peculiar and odd |
Quit | To stop doing something |
Quitter | Someone who gives up quickly |
Quixotic | Idealistic and impractical |
Quizzical | Showing puzzlement or curiosity |
Quotable | Worth quoting |
Quote | To repeat the words of someone |
Common Words that Start with Q
Words | Examples |
Quarantine | I had to go into quarantine after traveling to a high-risk area. |
Quell | The police were able to quell the riot before it got out of hand. |
Quench | The cold water helped quench my thirst after a long run. |
Query | She had a query about the new policy and asked her boss for clarification. |
Quintessential | The Eiffel Tower is considered the quintessential symbol of Paris. |
Quip | He always had a quip ready to make his friends laugh. |
Quirky | Her quirky sense of humor made her stand out from the crowd. |
Quota | Each employee had to meet their sales quota by the end of the month. |
Quotidian | The writer’s descriptions of everyday life were filled with quotidian details. |
Quibble | They spent hours quibbling over minor details instead of focusing on the bigger picture. |
Unique Words that Start with Q
Word | Meaning |
Quagmire | A soft, boggy area of land that gives way underfoot |
Quaint | Attractively unusual or old-fashioned |
Quandary | A state of perplexity or uncertainty, especially as to what to do; a dilemma |
Quarantine | A state, period, or place of isolation in which people or animals that have arrived from elsewhere or been exposed to infectious or contagious disease are placed |
Quarry | A place, typically a large, deep pit, from which stone or other materials are or have been extracted |
Quash | Reject or void, especially by legal procedure |
Quaver | (of a person’s voice) shake or tremble in speaking, typically through nervousness or emotion |
Quell | Put an end to (a rebellion or other disorder), typically by the use of force |
Quench | Satisfy (one’s thirst) by drinking |
Query | A question, especially one addressed to an official or organization |
Quibble | A slight objection or criticism |
Quick-witted | Mentally alert and sharp; clever |
Quiescent | In a state or period of inactivity or dormancy |
Quintessence | The most perfect or typical example of a quality or class |
Quixotic | Exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical |
Quizzical | Indicating mild or amused puzzlement |
Adjectives that Start with Q
- Quack
- Quadrangular
- Quadraphonic
- Quadrasonic
- Quadruped
- Quadruple
- Quaggy
- Quaint
- Qualified
- Qualitative
- Quality
- Quantifiable
- Quantitative
- Quarantined
- Quarrelsome
- Quarterly
- Quasi
- Queasy
- Queen-size
- Queer
- Quenched
- Quenchless
- Querulous
- Questionable
- Questioning
- Quick
- Quickest
- Quickset
- Quicksilver
- Quick-tempered
- Quick-witted
- Quiescent
- Quiet
- Quintessential
- Quintuple
- Quirky
- Quits
- Quixotic
- Quotable
- Quotidian
Learn more: Adjectives that start with Q
Q Words that Are Used to Describe Someone
- Quackish
- Quacky
- Quaint
- Qualified
- Qualitative
- Qualmish
- Quantifiable
- Quarantined
- Quarrelsome
- Quavery
- Queasy
- Queenly
- Queer
- Quemeful
- Quenched
- Querulous
- Questionable
- Questioner
- Questioning
- Quick
- Quick-acting
- Quickest
- Quick-fire
- Quick-minded
- Quick-paced
- Quick-tempered
- Quick-thinking
- Quick-witted
- Quiescent
- Quiet
- Quiet-spoken
- Quintessential
- Quipsome
- Quirky
- Quitter
- Quivering
- Quixotic
- Quizzical
- Quotable
- Quotidian
Related: Q Words to Describe Someone
Nouns that Start with Q
- Quack
- Quad
- Quadrant
- Quail
- Quake
- Qualification
- Quality
- Qualm
- Quandary
- Quantum
- Quarantine
- Quarrel
- Quarry
- Quart
- Quarter
- Quarterback
- Quartet
- Quartz
- Queasiness
- Queen
- Queer
- Query
- Quest
- Question
- Questionnaire
- Queue
- Quiche
- Quickening
- Quicksand
- Quiet
- Quietness
- Quill
- Quilt
- Quintet
- Quip
- Quirk
- Quitter
- Quiver
- Quiz
- Quota
- Quotation
- Quote
Discover more: Nouns that start with Q
Verbs that start with Q
- Quack
- Quacked
- Quadruple
- Quadrupled
- Quail
- Quake
- Qualify
- Quantify
- Quarantine
- Quarrel
- Quarreled
- Quarreling
- Quarrels
- Quarry
- Quarter
- Quash
- Quat
- Quavered
- Queen
- Quell
- Quelling
- Quench
- Querken
- Querying
- Quest
- Question
- Questioned
- Questioning
- Quicken
- Quickstep
- Quiet
- Quip
- Quipping
- Quit
- Quite
- Quiz
- Quote
- Quoted
- Quoth
- Quoting
Explore more: Verbs that start with Q
List of Words that Start with Q
Words that Start with Qua
- Qabalistic
- Quacked
- Quackery
- Quackish
- Quacks
- Quacky
- Quad
- Quade
- Quadrangle
- Quadrangular
- Quadrant
- Quadraphonic
- Quadrasonic
- Quadrate
- Quadratic
- Quadrille
- Quadrilles
- Quadroon
- Quadruped
- Quadrupeds
- Quadruple
- Quadrupled
- Quaestor
- Quaff
- Quaffed
- Quaffing
- Quaggy
- Quagmire
- Quail
- Quailed
- Quails
- Quaint
- Quaintest
- Quaintly
- Quaintness
- Quake
- Quaked
- Quaker
- Quakers
- Quaking
- Qual
- Quale
- Qualification
- Qualifications
- Qualified
- Qualifies
- Qualify
- Qualifying
- Qualitative
- Qualitatively
- Qualities
- Quality
- Quality-time
- Qualm
- Qualmish
- Qualms
- Quandary
- Quant
- Quanta
- Quantal
- Quantifiable
- Quantitative
- Quantities
- Quantity
- Quantum
- Quarantine
- Quarantined
- Quarles
- Quarrel
- Quarreled
- Quarreling
- Quarrels
- Quarrelsome
- Quarried
- Quarrier
- Quarries
- Quarry
- Quarryman
- Quart
- Quarter
- Quarterback
- Quartered
- Quartering
- Quarterings
- Quarterly
- Quartermaster
- Quarters
- Quartet
- Quartette
- Quartier
- Quartiers
- Quarto
- Quartos
- Quarts
- Quartz
- Quash
- Quasi
- Quat
- Quatorze
- Quavered
- Quavering
- Quavery
- Quay
- Quays
- Quag
- Quai
- Quark
- Quack
- Quags
- Quais
- Quaky
- Quare
- Quads
- Quass
- Quasar
- Quaver
- Quango
- Quaich
- Quahog
- Quagga
- Quaffs
- Quaigh
- Quakes
- Qualmy
- Qualia
- Quants
- Quarks
- Quaere
- Quatre
- Quarte
- Quantic
- Quadrat
- Quartan
- Quartic
- Quadric
- Quassia
- Quamash
- Quayage
- Quavers
- Quassin
- Quatres
- Quasses
- Quartes
- Quashes
- Quashed
- Quasher
- Quasars
- Quakier
- Quakily
- Quaighs
- Quahogs
- Quaichs
- Quahaug
- Quaggas
- Quangos
- Quanted
- Quadded
- Quaffer
- Quartile
- Quayside
- Quatrain
- Quadriga
- Quantile
- Quantize
- Quartern
- Quandong
- Quadplex
- Quadrans
- Quacking
- Quackism
- Quadding
- Quaalude
- Quackier
- Quadrats
- Quadrics
- Quaffers
- Quandang
- Qualmier
- Quakiest
- Quaggier
- Quahaugs
- Quagmiry
- Quaiches
- Quailing
- Quainter
- Quantics
- Quantong
- Quartans
- Quartics
- Quartets
- Quashers
- Quashing
- Quartzes
- Quassins
- Quassias
- Quaylike
- Quayages
- Quaverer
- Qualifier
- Quartzite
- Quarrymen
- Quarrying
- Quarriers
- Quarterns
- Quarterer
- Quartzose
- Quartzous
- Quartiles
- Quaysides
- Quaverers
- Quatorzes
- Quatrains
- Quadrigae
- Quadrivia
- Quadroons
- Quaestors
- Quadruply
- Quadrated
- Quadrates
- Quadrifid
- Quadricep
- Quadrants
- Quackiest
- Quaaludes
- Quackisms
- Quakiness
- Quakingly
- Qualmiest
- Quamashes
- Quandangs
- Quandongs
- Quagmires
- Quaggiest
- Quantizes
- Quantongs
- Quarreler
- Quantiles
- Quantized
- Quantizer
- Quadriceps
- Quaternary
- Quadrature
- Quadrupole
- Quantitate
- Quantifier
- Quadrivium
- Quaternion
- Quadruplet
- Quatrefoil
- Quadratics
- Quarterage
- Quarterers
- Quarryings
- Quarreller
- Quartettes
- Quartzites
- Quartzitic
- Quaternity
- Quadrating
- Quadrennia
- Quadrantes
- Quadrantal
- Quadplexes
- Quackeries
- Quadruples
- Quadrumvir
- Quadrivial
- Quantified
- Quantifies
- Quantizers
- Quantizing
- Quarrelers
- Qualifiers
- Quandaries
- Qualmishly
- Quadrennial
- Quarterdeck
- Quadrillion
- Quadrennium
- Quacksalver
- Quadrangles
- Quadratures
- Quadrupoles
- Quadrupling
- Quadruplets
- Quadrupedal
- Quadrumvirs
- Qualifiedly
- Qualifiable
- Quagmiriest
- Quantitated
- Quantitates
- Quantifying
- Quantifiers
- Quarantines
- Quarrellers
- Quarterages
- Quarterlies
- Quartersawn
- Quatrefoils
- Quaternions
- Quaveringly
- Quarterfinal
- Quadriplegia
- Quattrocento
- Quadrivalent
- Quasicrystal
- Quarterstaff
- Quadriphonic
- Quadrumanous
- Quadrillions
- Quadriplegic
- Quacksalvers
- Quadrennials
- Quadrenniums
- Quadricepses
- Quantization
- Quantitating
- Quantitation
- Quarantining
- Quaintnesses
- Qualmishness
- Quartersawed
- Quarterdecks
- Quarterbacks
- Quaternities
- Quadrilateral
- Quadripartite
- Quadruplicate
- Quadrillionth
- Quasiparticle
- Quadrumvirate
- Quadruplicity
- Quadriplegics
- Quadriplegias
- Quadriphonics
- Quadrivalents
- Quadraphonics
- Quadratically
- Quadrennially
- Quantizations
- Quantitations
- Quasicrystals
- Quarterfinals
- Quarterbacked
- Quarrelsomely
- Quarterstaves
- Qualmishnesses
- Quantitatively
- Quantification
- Quadrumvirates
- Quadruplicated
- Quadruplicates
- Quadrilaterals
- Quadrillionths
- Quarterbacking
- Quartermasters
- Quasiparticles
Words that Start with Que
- Que
- Queasiness
- Queasy
- Queen
- Queenie
- Queenlike
- Queenly
- Queens
- Queensberry
- Queen-size
- Queensland
- Queenstown
- Queer
- Queerer
- Queerest
- Queerly
- Quell
- Quelle
- Quelled
- Quelling
- Quemeful
- Quench
- Quenched
- Quenching
- Quenchless
- Quentin
- Querida
- Queried
- Queries
- Querken
- Querulous
- Querulously
- Query
- Querying
- Quest
- Questing
- Question
- Questionable
- Questioned
- Questioner
- Questioning
- Questioningly
- Questionnaire
- Questions
- Questo
- Queue
- Queues
- Quern
- Queys
- Quelea
- Quells
- Queers
- Queazy
- Queans
- Querns
- Quezal
- Queued
- Quests
- Quetzal
- Querist
- Quested
- Quester
- Querier
- Queered
- Queleas
- Queller
- Queened
- Questor
- Queuing
- Queuers
- Quezals
- Quenelle
- Quenches
- Quencher
- Queridas
- Quercine
- Questers
- Querists
- Queasily
- Queasier
- Queazier
- Queendom
- Queening
- Quellers
- Queering
- Queerish
- Questors
- Quezales
- Quetzals
- Queueing
- Quercetin
- Queenship
- Quebracho
- Queenside
- Queerness
- Quellable
- Queaziest
- Queasiest
- Queenlier
- Queendoms
- Quenchers
- Quenelles
- Quetzales
- Quesadilla
- Quercitron
- Quercetins
- Quenchable
- Quebrachos
- Queenliest
- Questionary
- Questioners
- Quesadillas
- Quercitrons
- Queenliness
- Queernesses
- Queasinesses
- Questionless
- Questionably
- Querulousness
- Quep
- Queme
- Quena
- Queach
- Queeny
- Queest
- Quelch
- Quemed
- Quemes
- Quenas
- Quetch
- Queachy
- Queechy
- Queests
- Queming
- Quethes
- Quetsch
- Queaches
- Queenier
- Queenies
- Queenite
- Queenlet
- Queerdom
- Quelched
- Quelches
- Questant
- Quetched
- Quetches
- Quething
- Queynies
- Queachier
- Queechier
- Queencake
- Queenhood
- Queeniest
- Queenings
- Queenites
- Queenless
- Queenlets
- Queercore
- Queerdoms
- Quelching
- Quercitin
- Querimony
- Queryings
- Questants
- Questings
- Questrist
- Quetching
- Quetsches
- Queencraft
- Queenhoods
- Quenchings
- Quercetums
- Quercitins
- Quernstone
- Quersprung
- Queryingly
- Questingly
- Questionee
- Questorial
- Questrists
- Queencrafts
- Querimonies
- Quernstones
- Quersprungs
- Questorship
Words that Start with Qui
- Quibble
- Quibbles
- Quiche
- Quick
- Quick-acting
- Quicken
- Quickened
- Quickening
- Quickens
- Quicker
- Quickest
- Quick-fire
- Quickly
- Quick-minded
- Quickness
- Quick-paced
- Quicksand
- Quickset
- Quicksilver
- Quickstep
- Quick-tempered
- Quick-thinking
- Quick-witted
- Quid
- Quiescence
- Quiescent
- Quiet
- Quieted
- Quieter
- Quietest
- Quieting
- Quietly
- Quietness
- Quiet-spoken
- Quietude
- Quill
- Quilled
- Quills
- Quilt
- Quilted
- Quilts
- Quin
- Quince
- Quinces
- Quinine
- Quinquennial
- Quintals
- Quintessence
- Quintessential
- Quintessentially
- Quintet
- Quintillionth
- Quinto
- Quintuple
- Quip
- Quipped
- Quipping
- Quips
- Quipsome
- Quire
- Quirk
- Quirky
- Quit
- Quite
- Quits
- Quittance
- Quitted
- Quitter
- Quitting
- Quiver
- Quivered
- Quivering
- Quivers
- Quixotic
- Quiz
- Quizzical
- Quizzically
- Quizzing
- Quint
- Quiff
- Quipu
- Quirt
- Quins
- Quids
- Quinta
- Quinte
- Quinoa
- Quinsy
- Quinol
- Quitch
- Quirks
- Quirts
- Quinic
- Quinin
- Quints
- Quippu
- Quippy
- Quipus
- Quired
- Quires
- Quiffs
- Quiets
- Quicks
- Quickie
- Quinone
- Quieten
- Quintal
- Quietus
- Quinary
- Quinoid
- Quinate
- Quittor
- Quivery
- Quixote
- Quizzed
- Quizzer
- Quizzes
- Quirted
- Quilter
- Quillet
- Quillai
- Quiches
- Quinoas
- Quinols
- Quinins
- Quinnat
- Quinina
- Quintar
- Quintas
- Quintan
- Quintic
- Quintin
- Quirked
- Quiring
- Quipper
- Quippus
- Quilting
- Quintile
- Quisling
- Quidnunc
- Quietism
- Quinella
- Quiddity
- Quipster
- Quintain
- Quincunx
- Quiniela
- Quitrent
- Quitches
- Quitters
- Quiverer
- Quirting
- Quixotes
- Quittors
- Quixotry
- Quizzers
- Quininas
- Quinines
- Quinnats
- Quinoids
- Quinones
- Quinsied
- Quinsies
- Quintars
- Quintans
- Quintics
- Quintets
- Quirkier
- Quirkily
- Quirking
- Quirkish
- Quippers
- Quippier
- Quippish
- Quibbled
- Quibbler
- Quickies
- Quietist
- Quieters
- Quietens
- Quillaia
- Quillais
- Quillaja
- Quilters
- Quillets
- Quilling
- Quinidine
- Quicklime
- Quinoline
- Quitclaim
- Quillwork
- Quillback
- Quillwort
- Quinonoid
- Quinolone
- Quinolins
- Quinoidal
- Quinielas
- Quinellas
- Quintiles
- Quintette
- Quintains
- Quintuply
- Quippiest
- Quirkiest
- Quipsters
- Quillings
- Quiltings
- Quillajas
- Quietuses
- Quietened
- Quietener
- Quietisms
- Quietudes
- Quietists
- Quicksets
- Quidnuncs
- Quickener
- Quibblers
- Quibbling
- Quiverers
- Quitrents
- Quislings
- Quixotism
- Quizmaster
- Quinacrine
- Quintuplet
- Quintuples
- Quirkiness
- Quintettes
- Quintupled
- Quinolones
- Quinolines
- Quincunxes
- Quinidines
- Quillworts
- Quillworks
- Quillbacks
- Quietistic
- Quieteners
- Quietening
- Quicksteps
- Quicksands
- Quiddities
- Quicklimes
- Quickeners
- Quixotisms
- Quixotries
- Quixotical
- Quittances
- Quitclaims
- Quintillion
- Quincunxial
- Quincuncial
- Quinquennia
- Quintupling
- Quintuplets
- Quicknesses
- Quinacrines
- Quiescences
- Quiescently
- Quietnesses
- Quitclaimed
- Quislingism
- Quizmasters
- Quiveringly
- Quinquennium
- Quintillions
- Quirkinesses
- Quicksilvers
- Quislingisms
- Quitclaiming
- Quizzicality
- Quixotically
- Quincentenary
- Quintuplicate
- Quindecillion
- Quinquenniums
- Quinquennials
- Quintessences
- Quincentennial
- Quindecillions
- Quinquennially
- Quintillionths
- Quintuplicated
- Quintuplicates
- Quizzicalities
- Quibblingly
- Quickenings
- Quickthorns
- Quietenings
- Quinaquinas
- Quindecagon
- Quinquereme
- Quizzifying
- Quibblings
- Quickbeams
- Quickthorn
- Quiddanies
- Quiescency
- Quinaquina
- Quinquinas
- Quintroons
- Quiristers
- Quittanced
- Quiverfuls
- Quiveriest
- Quiverings
- Quizzified
- Quizzifies
- Quizziness
- Quickbeam
- Quidditch
- Quiddlers
- Quiddling
- Quiescing
- Quietings
- Quietives
- Quietsome
- Quighting
- Quillaias
- Quinquina
- Quintetti
- Quintetto
- Quintroon
- Quirister
- Quiverful
- Quiverier
- Quiverish
- Quizzings
- Quiblins
- Quiching
- Quiddits
- Quiddled
- Quiddler
- Quiddles
- Quiesced
- Quiesces
- Quighted
- Quillman
- Quillmen
- Quillons
- Quinelas
- Quintett
- Quittals
- Quizzify
- Quiblin
- Quidams
- Quiddle
- Quiesce
- Quights
- Quillon
- Quinche
- Quidam
- Quight
- Quinas
- Quines
- Quinie
- Quinze
- Quipos
- Quists
- Quited
- Quims
- Quina
- Quine
- Quipo
- Quist
- Quim
Words that Start with Quo
- Quo
- Quod
- Quoi
- Quoque
- Quorum
- Quos
- Quota
- Quotable
- Quotas
- Quotation
- Quote
- Quoted
- Quotes
- Quoth
- Quotidian
- Quotient
- Quoting
- Quoin
- Quoll
- Quoit
- Quods
- Quokka
- Quotha
- Quoins
- Quoits
- Quolls
- Quohog
- Quondam
- Quorums
- Quohogs
- Quoined
- Quotably
- Quoining
- Quoiting
- Quomodos
- Quodlibet
- Quotients
- Quotations
- Quodlibets
- Quotidians
- Quotability
- Quodlibetic
- Quoteworthy
- Quotatives
- Quotative
- Quodding
- Quodlins
- Quoiters
- Quonking
- Quopping
- Quodlin
- Quoists
- Quoiter
- Quomodo
- Quonked
- Quopped
- Quorate
- Quotums
- Quoifs
- Quoist
- Quonks
- Quooke
- Quotum
- Quoad
- Quonk
- Quops
- Quop
Resources related to words with Q:
- Words that End in Q
- Q Words without U
- QI Words
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