Do you know English words with au? This reference is designed to teach English learners about a specific set of words containing the letters “au”. It covers words of various lengths, from 3-letter words to 15-letter words. By exploring this reference, you will improve your knowledge of English words and avoid common spelling and pronunciation mistakes.
List of Words with AU
What are words with AU?
Words with au are words that contain an ‘a’ vowel sound and a ‘u’ consonant sound. They could appear as follows:
- Words with au at the beginning of a word are words that start with the letter ‘A’ and end with the ‘u’ consonant. The ‘u’ is a vowel, but it follows the consonant symbol, which makes the ‘u’ sound a little different than usual. Words that contain this sort of au are auburn, author, Australia, aurora, and August.
- Words with au in the middle of a word are words that contain an ‘a’ vowel sound and a ‘u’ consonant sound in the middle. Words that contain this sort of au are dauphin, augur, traumatization, and draught.
- Words with au at the end of a word are words that contain an ‘a’ vowel sound and a ‘u’ at the ending of a consonant sound. Words that contain this sort of au are: plateau, bureau, bateau and jambeau.
There are so many words that begin, contain, or end with au in the English language. It can be overwhelming to comprehend what’s important about these words for spelling, pronunciation, and meaning purposes. The below list contains the most common words in these categories:
3 Letter Words with Au
- Eau
- Sau
- Tau
Discover more: 3 Letter Words
4 Letter Words with Au
- Auks
- Auld
- Aura
- Baud
- Beau
- Caul
- Daub
- Daut
- Faux
- Gaud
- Gaum
- Gaun
- Gaur
- Haul
- Haut
- Jaup
- Laud
- Luau
- Maud
- Maun
- Saul
- Taut
- Unau
- Vaus
- Wauk
- Waul
- Waur
- Yaud
- Yaup
Learn more: 4 Letter Words
5 Letter Words with Au
- Audio
- Audit
- Auger
- Aught
- Augur
- Aulic
- Aunty
- Aural
- Aurar
- Aurei
- Auric
- Aurum
- Bauds
- Baulk
- Beaus
- Beaut
- Cauld
- Caulk
- Cause
- Daube
- Dauby
- Faugh
- Fauld
- Fauna
- Fauns
- Gauds
- Gaudy
- Gauge
- Gault
- Gaums
- Gaunt
- Gaurs
- Gauss
- Gauze
- Gauzy
- Ghaut
- Haulm
- Hauls
- Haunt
- Haute
- Imaum
- Jauks
- Jaunt
- Jaups
- Knaur
- Kraut
- Lauan
- Lauds
- Laugh
- Laura
- Luaus
- Mauds
- Mauls
- Maund
- Mauts
- Mauve
- Miaul
- Pause
- Pilau
- Praus
- Sauce
- Saucy
- Saugh
- Sauls
- Sault
- Saury
- Saute
- Scaur
- Shaul
- Taunt
- Tauon
- Taupe
- Tauts
- Vault
- Vaunt
- Wauks
- Whaup
- Yauld
- Yaups
Study more: 5 Letter Words
6 Letter Words with Au
- Ablaut
- Auburn
- Audile
- Auding
- Augend
- Augurs
- August
- Auntie
- Auntly
- Aurist
- Aurora
- Ausubo
- Auteur
- Author
- Autoed
- Autumn
- Avaunt
- Baubee
- Bauble
- Beauty
- Bureau
- Caucus
- Caudad
- Caudex
- Caudle
- Caught
- Caules
- Caulis
- Caused
- Causer
- Causes
- Causey
- Chaunt
- Clause
- Coteau
- Daubed
- Daubes
- Dauted
- Dautie
- Faucal
- Faulds
- Faults
- Faulty
- Faunae
- Faunal
- Fauves
- Frauds
- Gateau
- Gauche
- Gaucho
- Gauged
- Gauger
- Gauges
- Gaults
- Gaumed
- Gauzes
- Ghauts
- Hamaul
- Haughs
- Hauler
- Haulmy
- Haunch
- Heaume
- Inhaul
- Jauked
- Jaunce
- Jaunts
- Jaunty
- Jauped
- Kauris
- Kiaugh
- Knaurs
- Krauts
- Landau
- Lauded
- Lauder
- Launch
- Laurae
- Lauras
- Laurel
- Mauger
- Maugre
- Mauled
- Maumet
- Maunds
- Maundy
- Mauves
- Miauls
- Naught
- Nautch
- Nilgau
- Paulin
- Paunch
- Pauper
- Paused
- Pauser
- Pauses
- Pilaus
- Raunch
- Reseau
- Sauced
- Saucer
- Sauces
- Sauchs
- Sauger
- Saughs
- Saughy
- Saults
- Saunas
- Saurel
- Sauted
- Scaups
- Shaugh
- Shauls
- Taught
- Taunts
- Taupes
- Tauted
- Tauter
- Tautly
- Tautog
- Umlaut
- Vaults
- Vaunts
- Waucht
- Wauked
- Wauled
- Yauped
- Yauper
- Yaupon
- Yautia
Related: 6 Letter Words
7 Letter Words with Au
- Acaudal
- Applaud
- Aubades
- Auberge
- Auction
- Audient
- Auditor
- Augitic
- Augural
- Augured
- Auldest
- Aurally
- Aureola
- Aureole
- Aurorae
- Auroras
- Ausform
- Auspice
- Austral
- Ausubos
- Autarky
- Auteurs
- Authors
- Autisms
- Autoing
- Automan
- Automen
- Autonym
- Autopen
- Autopsy
- Auxinic
- Bandeau
- Bausond
- Because
- Bedaubs
- Boxhaul
- Bureaus
- Caudate
- Caudles
- Causals
- Causers
- Causeys
- Caustic
- Cautery
- Caution
- Centaur
- Chapeau
- Chateau
- Chaufer
- Chaunts
- Claught
- Clausal
- Clauses
- Coteaus
- Coteaux
- Couteau
- Craunch
- Daubers
- Daubier
- Daubing
- Daunder
- Daunter
- Dauphin
- Dauties
- Dauting
- Debauch
- Defraud
- Draught
- Fabliau
- Faucals
- Faucets
- Faucial
- Faulted
- Fauvism
- Fauvist
- Flaunts
- Flaunty
- Gateaux
- Gauchos
- Gaudier
- Gaudies
- Gauging
- Gauming
- Gaunter
- Gauntly
- Gauntry
- Gausses
- Gauzier
- Graupel
- Hamauls
- Hauberk
- Haughty
- Haulage
- Haulers
- Hauling
- Haunted
- Haunter
- Hausens
- Hautboy
- Hauteur
- Infauna
- Inhauls
- Jambeau
- Jauking
- Jaunced
- Jauping
- Kiaughs
- Landaus
- Lauders
- Lauding
- Laugher
- Launces
- Launder
- Laundry
- Laurels
- Lauwine
- Manteau
- Marauds
- Maudlin
- Maulers
- Mauling
- Maumets
- Maunder
- Miauled
- Morceau
- Naughts
- Naughty
- Nauplii
- Nauseas
- Nautili
- Nilghau
- Nouveau
- Nylghau
- Outhaul
- Padauks
- Paughty
- Paunchy
- Paupers
- Pausing
- Plateau
- Quahaug
- Raucity
- Raucous
- Raunchy
- Regauge
- Romaunt
- Rondeau
- Rouleau
- Saucers
- Saucier
- Saucing
- Saugers
- Saunter
- Saurian
- Sauries
- Sauteed
- Sautoir
- Scauper
- Shaughs
- Staunch
- Tamarau
- Taunted
- Taunter
- Tautaug
- Tautens
- Tauting
- Tautogs
- Tonneau
- Umlauts
- Vaulter
- Vaunted
- Vaunter
- Vauntie
- Wauking
- Wauling
Discover more: 7 Letter Words
8 Letter Words with Au
- Aboideau
- Acauline
- Acaulous
- Aeronaut
- Allosaur
- Aquanaut
- Argonaut
- Aubretia
- Aubrieta
- Audacity
- Audience
- Auditing
- Auguries
- Auguring
- Auguster
- Augustly
- Auntlike
- Auricled
- Auriform
- Aurorean
- Ausforms
- Austerer
- Autacoid
- Autarchy
- Authored
- Autistic
- Autobahn
- Autocade
- Autocoid
- Autodyne
- Autogamy
- Autogeny
- Autolyze
- Automata
- Automate
- Autonomy
- Autosome
- Autotype
- Autotypy
- Autunite
- Avifauna
- Balisaur
- Bandeaus
- Bandeaux
- Barosaur
- Baudrons
- Bauxitic
- Beauties
- Bedaubed
- Binaural
- Bordeaux
- Carnauba
- Caudally
- Caudices
- Caudillo
- Caulkers
- Caulking
- Causable
- Causally
- Causerie
- Causeway
- Caustics
- Cautious
- Centaurs
- Chapeaus
- Chateaus
- Chaufers
- Chauffer
- Chaunted
- Chaunter
- Chausses
- Chiauses
- Claustra
- Clubhaul
- Couteaux
- Daughter
- Daunders
- Daunters
- Daunting
- Dauphine
- Dauphins
- Defrauds
- Diapause
- Downhaul
- Draughts
- Draughty
- Ecaudate
- Epaulets
- Epifauna
- Exhausts
- Fabliaux
- Faultier
- Faulting
- Faunally
- Fauteuil
- Flambeau
- Flaunted
- Flaunter
- Flautist
- Fraughts
- Fraulein
- Gaudiest
- Gauffers
- Gauntlet
- Gauziest
- Glaucoma
- Glaucous
- Graupels
- Haulages
- Haulmier
- Haulyard
- Haunches
- Haunters
- Hausfrau
- Hautbois
- Infaunae
- Infaunas
- Inhauler
- Jambeaux
- Jauncing
- Jaundice
- Jauntier
- Jaunting
- Keelhaul
- Kilobaud
- Laudable
- Laudanum
- Laudator
- Laughers
- Laughing
- Laughter
- Launched
- Launcher
- Launders
- Laureate
- Laureled
- Lauwines
- Manteaux
- Marauded
- Marauder
- Maunders
- Mausolea
- Miauling
- Misgauge
- Monaural
- Morceaux
- Mosasaur
- Naumachy
- Nauplius
- Nauseant
- Nauseate
- Nauseous
- Nautches
- Nautical
- Nautilus
- Nudicaul
- Oceanaut
- Outhauls
- Outvaunt
- Overhaul
- Pauldron
- Plateaux
- Plaudits
- Preaudit
- Quahaugs
- Raunches
- Regauged
- Regauges
- Relaunch
- Rigaudon
- Romaunts
- Rondeaux
- Rouleaux
- Saucebox
- Saucepot
- Sauciest
- Saunters
- Sauropod
- Sauteing
- Sauterne
- Sautoire
- Sautoirs
- Scuppaug
- Tableaus
- Tableaux
- Taunters
- Taunting
- Taurines
- Tautaugs
- Tautened
- Tautonym
- Timaraus
- Tonneaux
- Trauchle
- Traumata
- Trumeaux
- Umlauted
- Untaught
- Vaultier
- Vauntful
- Wauchted
Find out more: 8 Letter Words
9 Letter Words with Au
- Aeronauts
- Amauroses
- Amaurosis
- Amaurotic
- Antifraud
- Applauded
- Assaulted
- Assaulter
- Astronaut
- Aubergine
- Auctorial
- Audacious
- Audiogram
- Audiology
- Audiotape
- Auditable
- Augmented
- Augmenter
- Augmentor
- Augustest
- Aureoling
- Auriculae
- Ausformed
- Auslander
- Austenite
- Austerely
- Australes
- Autarchic
- Auteurist
- Authoress
- Authoring
- Authorise
- Authorize
- Autistics
- Autobuses
- Autocracy
- Autocrats
- Autocross
- Autodynes
- Autogiros
- Autograft
- Autograph
- Autolysin
- Automaker
- Automated
- Automatic
- Automaton
- Autonomic
- Autopsied
- Autopsies
- Autoroute
- Autosomes
- Autotelic
- Autunites
- Auxiliary
- Avifaunae
- Bedaubing
- Belauding
- Bordereau
- Carnosaur
- Caterwaul
- Caucusing
- Causalgia
- Causalgic
- Causation
- Causeless
- Cauterize
- Cautioned
- Centaurea
- Chalumeau
- Chauffers
- Chaunters
- Chaussure
- Claughted
- Claustral
- Claustrum
- Clubhauls
- Craunches
- Cybernaut
- Dauberies
- Daughters
- Daundered
- Dauntless
- Debaucher
- Defaulter
- Defrauded
- Degaussed
- Degausser
- Diapauses
- Dinosaurs
- Encaustic
- Epaulette
- Exhauster
- Faubourgs
- Faultiest
- Faunistic
- Fauteuils
- Flambeaus
- Flambeaux
- Flauntier
- Flautists
- Footfault
- Fraudster
- Fraughted
- Frauleins
- Gaucherie
- Gauderies
- Gaudiness
- Gauffered
- Gauntries
- Haughtily
- Haulyards
- Haustoria
- Holocaust
- Hydraulic
- Hypocaust
- Inaudible
- Inaugural
- Inhaulers
- Jaundiced
- Jaundices
- Jauntiest
- Kilobauds
- Landaulet
- Langlaufs
- Laudanums
- Laudation
- Laudative
- Laudatory
- Laughable
- Laughters
- Launchers
- Launching
- Launchpad
- Laundered
- Laundress
- Laundries
- Laureates
- Laureling
- Laurelled
- Marauders
- Maulstick
- Maunderer
- Menopause
- Misgauged
- Mistaught
- Naughtier
- Naughtily
- Nauseants
- Nauseated
- Nautiloid
- Oceanauts
- Outcaught
- Outvaunts
- Overhauls
- Oversauce
- Paucities
- Pauldrons
- Paulownia
- Paunchier
- Paupering
- Pauperize
- Plausible
- Plausibly
- Postfault
- Prelaunch
- Pterosaur
- Raucities
- Raucously
- Raunchier
- Sauciness
- Sauntered
- Schnauzer
- Slaughter
- Stauncher
- Stegosaur
- Tarpaulin
- Tautening
- Tautology
- Tautomers
- Thesaural
- Traumatic
- Trousseau
- Undaunted
- Vaultiest
Related: 9 Letter Words
10 Letter Words with Au
- Antinausea
- Applauding
- Applesauce
- Araucarian
- Assaulting
- Assaultive
- Astronauts
- Auctioneer
- Auctioning
- Audibility
- Audiogenic
- Audiometry
- Audiophile
- Auditorily
- Auditorium
- Augustness
- Auriculate
- Auscultate
- Auspicious
- Austenitic
- Autarkical
- Autecology
- Authorises
- Authorizer
- Authorizes
- Authorship
- Autobusses
- Autochthon
- Autoclaves
- Autocratic
- Autogamies
- Autogamous
- Autogenous
- Autographs
- Autolysate
- Autolysing
- Autolyzing
- Automatics
- Automation
- Automatize
- Autonomies
- Autoroutes
- Autosexing
- Autostrada
- Autostrade
- Autotomies
- Autotomize
- Autotomous
- Autotrophy
- Autoworker
- Backhauled
- Boxhauling
- Bureaucrat
- Causticity
- Cautioning
- Centaureas
- Chauffeurs
- Chaussures
- Chauvinist
- Claughting
- Coauthored
- Cosmonauts
- Daundering
- Debauchees
- Debauchery
- Defaulting
- Defrauders
- Degaussers
- Degaussing
- Distraught
- Draughtier
- Epauletted
- Epaulettes
- Euphausids
- Exhausters
- Exhaustion
- Exhaustive
- Faultiness
- Flauntiest
- Footfaults
- Fraudsters
- Fraughting
- Gaucheness
- Gauffering
- Gauleiters
- Glauconite
- Grandaunts
- Hadrosaurs
- Hauntingly
- Haustorial
- Hydraulics
- Hypocausts
- Illaudable
- Inaugurate
- Incautions
- Incautious
- Jaundicing
- Jauntiness
- Juggernaut
- Langlaufer
- Laughingly
- Launderers
- Laundering
- Laundromat
- Laundrymen
- Laureating
- Lebensraum
- Leprechaun
- Maulsticks
- Maumetries
- Maunderers
- Maundering
- Meerschaum
- Megafaunae
- Megafaunal
- Menopauses
- Mesopauses
- Microfauna
- Misgauging
- Naughtiest
- Naumachiae
- Naumachias
- Nautically
- Nautiluses
- Nonauthors
- Onslaughts
- Outlaughed
- Outvaunted
- Overhauled
- Oversauces
- Overslaugh
- Paulownias
- Paunchiest
- Pauperisms
- Pauperized
- Paupiettes
- Pelycosaur
- Plateauing
- Plesiosaur
- Pterosaurs
- Raunchiest
- Relaunched
- Restaurant
- Roquelaure
- Sauceboxes
- Saucerlike
- Sauerkraut
- Sauntering
- Somersault
- Staunchest
- Staunching
- Staurolite
- Subaudibly
- Tauntingly
- Tautnesses
- Tautomeric
- Trauchling
- Tropopause
- Trousseaus
Discover more: 10 Letter Words
11 Letter Words with Au
- Acaulescent
- Applaudable
- Audiologies
- Audiometric
- Audiovisual
- Auditioning
- Auspicating
- Austerities
- Autarchical
- Authorities
- Autoclaving
- Autocracies
- Autoerotism
- Autoloading
- Automobiled
- Autonomists
- Autosomally
- Autostradas
- Autotrophic
- Bureaucracy
- Caudillismo
- Cauterizing
- Chauffeured
- Chauvinisms
- Chauvinists
- Clubhauling
- Coauthoring
- Cotylosaurs
- Daunomycins
- Dauntlessly
- Dinosaurian
- Draughtiest
- Draughtsman
- Entomofauna
- Euphausiids
- Exhaustible
- Exhaustions
- Faultlessly
- Flauntingly
- Footfaulted
- Fricandeaus
- Gallimaufry
- Gaudinesses
- Gauntleting
- Gauzinesses
- Glauconitic
- Goddaughter
- Haughtiness
- Heteroauxin
- Ichthyosaur
- Implausible
- Inaugurator
- Keelhauling
- Kilogausses
- Langlaufers
- Launderette
- Laundresses
- Laundrettes
- Laureations
- Lebensraums
- Microfaunae
- Microfaunal
- Minaudieres
- Multiauthor
- Multicausal
- Overcaution
- Overslaughs
- Pauperizing
- Pelycosaurs
- Plesiosaurs
- Portmanteau
- Precautions
- Prosauropod
- Relaunching
- Restaurants
- Sauerbraten
- Saurischian
- Slaughterer
- Staunchness
- Staurolitic
- Subaudition
- Tautologies
- Thesauruses
- Traumatizes
- Tyrannosaur
- Unautomated
- Unbeautiful
- Unlaundered
Explore more: 11 Letter Words
12 Letter Words with Au
- Aeronautical
- Allosauruses
- Ankylosaurus
- Archosaurian
- Assaultively
- Auscultating
- Auscultatory
- Autecologies
- Authenticate
- Autografting
- Autoimmunity
- Automatizing
- Automobiling
- Automorphism
- Autorotating
- Autorotation
- Autotrophies
- Brontosaurus
- Chaulmoogras
- Clairaudient
- Claudication
- Coauthorship
- Debaucheries
- Eisteddfodau
- Exhaustively
- Exhaustivity
- Faultfinders
- Faultfinding
- Faultinesses
- Fraudulences
- Fraudulently
- Gauchenesses
- Goddaughters
- Ichthyosaurs
- Inaudibility
- Incautiously
- Instauration
- Intrauterine
- Laureateship
- Manslaughter
- Nauseatingly
- Nonautomatic
- Overcautions
- Restaurateur
- Slaughtering
- Traumatizing
Related: 12 Letter Words
13 Letter Words with Au
- Antiauthority
- Authentically
- Autoeroticism
- Clairaudience
- Claudications
- Coauthorships
- Daunorubicins
- Dauntlessness
- Exhaustlessly
- Faultfindings
- Faultlessness
- Faunistically
- Gallimaufries
- Ichthyofaunal
- Manslaughters
- Nonchauvinist
- Postholocaust
- Postinaugural
- Posttraumatic
- Precautionary
- Reauthorizing
- Restauranteur
- Stegosauruses
Discover more: 13 Letter Words
14 Letter Words with Au
- Automobilities
- Claustrophobes
- Counterassault
- Exhaustibility
- Exhaustivities
- Fraudulentness
- Implausibility
- Inaudibilities
- Inauspiciously
- Incautiousness
- Plausibilities
- Tautologically
Find out more: 14 Letter Words
15 Letter Words with Au
- Autotransformer
- Autotrophically
- Claustrophobias
- Dauntlessnesses
Words with Au with Meaning and Examples
Meaning: Relating to sound or the reproduction of sound.
Example: She adjusted the audio settings on her computer to improve the sound quality.
Meaning: An official inspection of an organization’s accounts, typically by an independent body; also means a systematic examination or review.
Example: The company underwent an audit to ensure compliance with financial regulations.
Meaning: A tool with a helical bit for boring holes in wood or in the ground.
Example: The carpenter used an auger to drill holes for the wooden fence.
Meaning: An archaic term for “anything” or “nothing”; also used to refer to the number zero, especially in dates.
Example: He hadn’t achieved aught in his efforts to finish the project.
Meaning: In ancient Rome, a religious official who interpreted omens; also means to predict or foretell a good or bad outcome.
Example: The dark clouds did not augur well for the picnic.
Meaning: Relating to a royal court, especially in historical contexts.
Example: The aulic traditions of the medieval kings were filled with ceremony.
Meaning: An informal or affectionate term for “aunt.”
Example: She loved spending time with her aunty during the summer holidays.
Meaning: Relating to the ear or the sense of hearing.
Example: The aural exam tested the patient’s ability to hear different frequencies.
Meaning: Plural of “aura,” referring to distinctive atmospheres or qualities surrounding people, things, or places; also, an Icelandic monetary unit.
Example: The ancient temple had a mysterious aurar that was almost tangible.
Meaning: Plural of “aureus,” a gold coin of ancient Rome.
Example: The treasure chest was filled with aurei from the Roman Empire.
Meaning: Of or relating to gold; also used in chemistry to describe compounds containing gold.
Example: The auric jewelry sparkled in the display case.
Meaning: The Latin word for gold; also used in chemistry to represent the element gold (Au).
Example: The alchemist sought to turn base metals into aurum.
Meaning: A unit of data transmission speed equal to one signal change or event per second.
Example: The modem’s speed was measured in bauds.
Meaning: To hesitate or be unwilling to accept an idea or undertaking; also a variant spelling of “balk.”
Example: She didn’t baulk at the challenge and decided to go for it.
Meaning: Plural of “beau,” referring to male admirers or boyfriends.
Example: The sisters had many beaus courting them.
Meaning: Informal term for something that is beautiful or excellent; often used to describe a person or thing admired for its appearance or quality.
Example: That vintage car is an absolute beaut!
Meaning: A small coin of low value, historically used in Scotland.
Example: He found an old baubee while digging in the garden.
Meaning: A small, showy trinket or decoration, often of little value; also used to describe cheap jewelry.
Example: The Christmas tree was covered in colorful baubles.
Meaning: A combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially sight.
Example: The sunset over the mountains was a breathtaking beauty.
Meaning: A chest of drawers; an office or agency for the collection or dissemination of information or statistics.
Example: She kept all her important documents in the bureau.
Meaning: A meeting of members of a particular political party or faction to decide policy or select candidates.
Example: The party held a caucus to discuss their strategy for the upcoming election.
Meaning: Toward the tail or posterior part of the body; often used in anatomy.
Example: The nerve runs caudad along the spine.
Meaning: The thickened, woody stem of a plant, especially a palm or tree fern, from which new growth emerges.
Example: The caudex of the plant stored water during the dry season.
Meaning: A warm drink made of ale or wine mixed with eggs, bread, sugar, and spices, formerly given to sick people.
Example: The nurse prepared a caudle to help the patient recover.
Meaning: Past tense of “catch,” meaning to capture or seize someone or something; also to understand or notice something.
Example: He caught the ball with one hand.
Meaning: Plural of “caulis,” a stem or stalk of a plant, particularly in botanical contexts.
Example: The botanist studied the caules of various flowering plants.
Meaning: The stem or main stalk of a plant, especially in botanical terminology.
Example: The caulis supports the leaves and flowers of the plant.
Meaning: Past tense of “cause,” meaning to make something happen or bring about an event or situation.
Example: The heavy rain caused flooding in the area.
Meaning: One who causes or brings about something.
Example: He was seen as the causer of the trouble.
Meaning: Plural of “cause,” referring to reasons for an action or condition; also a verb meaning to bring about or provoke something.
Example: There were several causes for the recent economic downturn.
Meaning: A causeway, a raised road or path, especially across low or wet ground.
Example: The old causey was still in use by travelers.
Meaning: An archaic spelling of “chant,” meaning to sing or say something in a rhythmic or monotone way.
Example: The monks began to chaunt their evening prayers.
Meaning: Plural of “aubade,” which refers to a song or poem greeting the dawn, often sung by lovers parting at daybreak.
Example: The poet wrote several aubades inspired by his early morning walks.
Meaning: A French word for an inn or a small hotel.
Example: They stayed at a charming auberge during their vacation in the countryside.
Meaning: Lacking a tail or taillike appendage; used especially in zoology.
Example: The acaudal lizard had evolved to adapt to its environment.
Meaning: To show approval or praise by clapping hands, cheering, or expressing approval in another manner.
Example: The audience began to applaud loudly after the performance.Auction
Meaning: A public sale in which goods or property are sold to the highest bidder.
Example: The painting was sold at auction for a record price.
Meaning: One who listens; a listener or member of an audience.
Example: The speaker addressed the audients with enthusiasm.
Meaning: A person who formally examines and verifies financial accounts; also refers to someone who listens carefully.
Example: The company’s auditor reviewed the financial statements thoroughly.
Meaning: Relating to or containing augite, a common rock-forming mineral found in igneous rocks.
Example: The geologist noted the augitic composition of the volcanic rock.
Meaning: Relating to augury, which is the practice of interpreting omens; often means predicting or indicative of future events.
Example: The ceremony had an augural significance for the community.
Meaning: Past tense of “augur,” meaning to predict or foretell a good or bad outcome.
Example: The dark clouds augured an approaching storm
Meaning: The act of holding or participating in a caucus, a meeting of members of a particular political party or faction to discuss strategy or make decisions.
Example: The senators were caucusing late into the night to decide their next move.
Meaning: A severe, persistent burning pain that usually results from damage to a peripheral nerve.
Example: The patient suffered from causalgia after the accident, making it difficult for him to move his arm.
Meaning: Relating to or characterized by causalgia, the severe burning pain due to nerve damage.
Example: The causalgic pain required specialized treatment to manage.
Meaning: The action of causing something; the relationship between cause and effect.
Example: The lawyer had to prove the causation between the defendant’s actions and the injury.
Meaning: Without cause or reason; having no basis or justification.
Example: His anger seemed causeless, as there was no apparent reason for his outburst.
Meaning: Drivers employed to transport people in a vehicle, especially a private or luxury car; also a verb meaning to drive someone.
Example: The chauffers waited outside the hotel to pick up their passengers.
Meaning: Singers or those who chant, especially in religious contexts.
Example: The chaunters led the congregation in a series of hymns.
Meaning: A French term for footwear; any type of shoe or boot.
Example: She bought a stylish new pair of chaussure for the party.
Meaning: A dialectal or archaic term meaning to seize or snatch something suddenly; grabbed.
Example: He claughted the bag from the table and ran out the door.
Meaning: Relating to or resembling a cloister or monastic life; secluded or confined.
Example: The claustral atmosphere of the monastery provided a peaceful retreat.
Meaning: A thin layer of gray matter in the brain, located between the external capsule and the insula, believed to play a role in consciousness.
Example: The neuroscientist was studying the functions of the claustrum in human cognition.
Words with au are some of the most common in the English language, they are fairly short and simple, but they do exist in other languages as well. At first glance, these words can be quite confusing because they carry two different sounds at once which makes it difficult for people to remove their tongue from the roof of the mouth when pronouncing them correctly.
Although, with some practice, it is possible to properly pronounce words with au and get the meaning across to your peers.
It is important to practice the words with au often and be aware of where they appear in sentences so that you can effortlessly say them out loud without hesitation. Words with au are considered less musical than other vowel sounds because they carry two different vowel sounds in a single word.
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